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G.C. Goodwin, J.I. Yuz, M.E. Salgado and J.C Agüero. Variance or spectral density in sampled data filtering? In Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 52(2):335-351, 2012. URL
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E. Fuentes, C.A. Silva and J.I. Yuz. Predictive Speed Control of a Two-Mass System Driven by a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59(7):2840--2848, July 2012. URL
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P Cortes, J. Rodriguez, C.A. Silva and A. Flores. Delay Compensation in Model Predictive Current Control of a Three-Phase Inverter. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59(2):1323-1325, February 2012. URL
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J. Rodriguez, R. Kennel, Jose Espinoza, M Trincado, C.A. Silva and C.A. Rojas. High Performance Control Strategies for Electrical Drives: An Experimental Assessment. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59(2):812-820, February 2012. URL
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M.A. Perez, J. Rodriguez, E. Fuentes and F. Kammerer. Predictive Control of AC-AC Modular Multilevel Converters. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59(7), July 2012. URL
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C. Acevedo, W. Creixell, D. Cabrera, C. Pavez, E Sánchez and M. Young. Modeling Volatile Organic Compounds Released by Bovine Fresh Meat Using an Integration of Solid Phase Microextraction and Databases. In Food and Bioprocess Technology, Vol. 5(6):2557-2567, August 2012. URL
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M.J. Escobar and P Kornprobst. Action Recognition via Bio-Inspired Features: the Richness of Center-Surround Interactions. In Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 116(5):593–605, 2012. URL
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T. Arredondo, D. Candel, M. Leiva, L. Dombrovskaia, L. Aguiló and M. Seeger. Inference System using Softcomputing and Mixed Data applied in Metabolic Pathway Datamining. In International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Vol. 6(1), 2012. URL
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F Auat Cheein, G. Steiner, G. Perez Paina and R. Carelli. Aplicación de un EIF-SLAM en Entornos Agrícolas basado en detección de troncos de árboles. In Ciencia y Teconología, Vol. 11(2):201-219, 2012.
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F Auat Cheein and R. Carelli. Estrategia de Planificación Conmutada para la Navegación de Robots Móviles en Entornos Agrícolas usando SLAM. In Ciencia y Tecnología, Vol. 11(2):9-30, 2012.
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M Rivera, J. Rodriguez, Bin Wu, Jose Espinoza and C.A. Rojas. Current Control for an Indirect Matrix Converter With Filter Resonance Mitigation. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59(1):71-79, January 2012. URL
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J. Rodriguez, M Rivera, J. W. Kolar and P.W. Wheeler. A Review of Control and Modulation Methods for Matrix Converters. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59(1):58-70, January 2012. URL
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J. Rodriguez, J. W. Kolar and P.W. Wheeler. Guest Editorial: Special Section on Matrix Converters - Part II. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59(1):3-5, January 2012. URL
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H.D. Hristov, J.M. Rodríguez_(alumno) and W. Grote. The grooved-dielectric Fresnel zone plate: An effective terahertz lens and antenna. In Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 54(6):1343-1348, June 2012. URL
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J.C Agüero, W. Tang, J.I. Yuz, R. Delgado and G.C. Goodwin. Dual time-frequency domain system identification. In Automatica, Vol. 48(12):3031-3041, December 2012. URL
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M Rivera, J. Rodriguez, P.W. Wheeler, C.A. Rojas, A Wilson and Jose Espinoza. Control of a Matrix Converter With Imposed Sinusoidal Source Currents. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59(4):1939-1949, April 2012. URL
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A Yafaoui, Bin Wu and S. Kouro. Improved Active Frequency Drift Anti-islanding Detection Method for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 27(5):2367-2375, May 2012. URL
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M Rodriguez, R Feick, H Carrasco, R.A. Valenzuela, M.S. Derpich and L Ahumada. Wireless Access Channels with Near Ground Level Antennas. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 11(6):2204-2211, June 2012.
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S. Kouro, J. Rodriguez, Bin Wu, S. Bernet and M.A. Perez. Powering the Future of Industry: High-Power Adjustable Speed Drive Topologies. In IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, Vol. 18(4):26-39, July 2012. URL
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D.E. Quevedo, R. Aguilera, M.A. Perez, P Cortes and R. Lizana. Model Predictive Control of an AFE Rectifier With Dynamic References. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 27(7):3128-3136, July 2012. URL
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C. Blázquez, A. Beghelli and V. Meneses. A novel methodology for determining low cost PM10 street sweeping routes. In Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, Vol. 62(2):245-251, 2012. URL
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M Rivera, J. Rodriguez, Jose Espinoza, T. Friedli, J. Kolar, A Wilson and C.A. Rojas. Imposed Sinusoidal Source and Load Currents for an Indirect Matrix Converter. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59(9):3427-3435, September 2012. URL
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T. Friedli, J. W. Kolar, J. Rodriguez and P. Wheeler. Comparative Evaluation of Three-Phase AC–AC Matrix Converter and Voltage DC-Link Back-to-Back Converter Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59(12):4487-4510, December 2012. URL
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M Rivera, J. Rodriguez, Jose Espinoza and H. Abu-Rub. Instantaneous Reactive Power Minimization and Current Control for an Indirect Matrix Converter Under a Distorted AC Supply. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 8(3):482-490, August 2012. URL
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P. Melin, Jose Espinoza, L Moran, J. Rodriguez, V.M. Cardenas, C. Baier and J. Munoz. Analysis, Design and Control of a Unified Power-Quality Conditioner Based on a Current-Source Topology. In IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 27(4):1727-1736, October 2012. URL
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D.E. Sommer, B.D. Erath, M Zanartu and S.D. Peterson. Corrected contact dynamics for the Steinecke and Herzel asymmetric two-mass model of the vocal folds. In J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 132(4):EL271-EL276, 2012. URL
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D.D. Mehta, M Zanartu, S.W. Feng, H.A. Cheyne II and R.E. Hillman. Mobile Voice Health Monitoring Using a Wearable Accelerometer Sensor and a Smartphone Platform. In IEEE Trans. on Biomed. Eng., Vol. 59(11):3090-3096, November 2012. URL
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W. Creixell, J.C. Losada, T. Arredondo, P. Olivares and R.M. Benito. Serendipity in Social Networks. In Networks and Heterogeneous Media, special issue “Mesoscales and Evolution in Complex Networks: Applications and related topics”, Vol. 7(3):363-371, 2012. URL
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F Auat Cheein and G Scaglia. Laser-Based Trespassing Prediction in Restrictive Environments: A Linear Approach. In Sensors, Vol. 12(9):11870-11887, September 2012. URL
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E. Hauk, R Alvarez, J. Weber, S. Bernet, D Andler and J. Rodriguez. New Junction Temperature Balancing Method for a Three Level Active NPC Converter. In European Power Electronics and Drives, EPE Journal, Vol. 22(2):6-12, June 2012.
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C.C. Ribeiro, I Rosseti and R. Vallejos. Exploiting run time distributions to compare sequential and parallel stochastic local search algorithms. In Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 54(2):405-429, October 2012. URL
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R Carvajal, J.C Agüero and K. Mahata. Low complexity Wiener filtering in CDMA systems using a class of pseudo-noise spreading codes. In IEEE Commun. Letters., Vol. 16(9):1357–1360 , 2012. URL
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H.D. Hristov and J.M. Rodríguez_(alumno). Design Equation for Multidielectric Fresnel Zone Plate Lens. In IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 22(11):574-576, November 2012. URL
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M.S. Derpich and J. Ostergaard. Improved Upper Bounds to the Causal Quadratic Rate-Distortion Function for Gaussian Stationary Sources. In IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 58(5):3131-3152, May 2012. URL
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A. Leiva and A. Beghelli. Migrating from static to dynamic survivable WDM networks: the capacity-availability trade-off. In Revista Facultad de Ingenieria - Universidad de Antioquia, Vol. -(63):105-116, June 2012.
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J. Rodriguez, M.P. Kazmierkowski, Jose Espinoza and P. Zanchetta. Guest Editorial Special Section on Digital Control Systems in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives—I. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 8(3):435-436, August 2012. URL
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P. Prieto, F..D. Soto, M.D. Zuniga, S.F. Qin and D.K. Wright. Three-dimensional immersive mixed-reality interface for structural design. In Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 226(5):955-958, May 2012. URL
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B. Dumas and R. Olivares. Transient Link Control Technique Applied to Optical Hybrid Amplifier (EDFA + DFRA) Cascades. In Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 4(11):858-, 2012. URL
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C.A. Acevedo, D. Lopez, M.J. Tapia, J Enrione, O Skurtys, F Pedreschi, D.I. Brown, W. Creixell and F Osorio. Using RGB Image Processing for Designing an Alginate Edible Film. In Food and Bioprocess Technology, Vol. 5(5):1511-1520, July 2012. URL
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D Andler, R Alvarez, S. Bernet and J. Rodriguez. Experimental Investigation of the Commutations of a 3L-ANPC Phase Leg using 4.5 kV-5.5 kA IGCTs. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. (online), November 2012. URL
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C.R. Rojas, J.C Agüero, J.S. Welsh, G.C. Goodwin and A. Feuer. Robustness in Experiment Design. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 57(4):860-874, April 2012.
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J.C Agüero, C.R. Rojas, H. Hjalmarsson and G.C. Goodwin. Accuracy of linear multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) models obtained by maximum likelihood estimation. In Automatica, Vol. 48(4):632-637, April 2012. URL
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I. Vourkas and G. Sirakoulis. A Novel Design and Modeling Paradigm for Memristor-based Crossbar Circuits. In IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol. 11(6):1151-1159, 2012. URL
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N. Jara and A. Beghelli. Blocking probability evaluation of end-to-end dynamic WDM networks. In Photonic Network Communications, Vol. 24(1):29-38, August 2012. URL
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M.A Soto, M Taki, G Bolognini and F. Di Pasquale. Optimization of a DPP-BOTDA sensor with 25 cm spatial resolution over 60 km standard single-mode fiber using Simplex codes and optical pre-amplification. In Optics Express, Vol. 20(7):6860-, 2012. URL
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M.A Soto, A Signorini, T Nannipieri, S Faralli, G Bolognini and F. Di Pasquale. Impact of Loss Variations on Double-Ended Distributed Temperature Sensors Based on Raman Anti-Stokes Signal Only. In Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 30(8):1215-1222, April 2012. URL
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M.A Soto, M Taki, G Bolognini and F.D Pasquale. Simplex-Coded BOTDA Sensor Over 120-km SMF With 1-m Spatial Resolution Assisted by Optimized Bidirectional Raman Amplification. In IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 24(20):1823-1826, October 2012. URL
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F Zaidi, T Nannipieri, M.A Soto, A Signorini, G Bolognini and F. Di Pasquale. Integrated hybrid Raman/fiber Bragg grating interrogation scheme for distributed temperature and point dynamic strain measurements. In Applied Optics, Vol. 51(30):7268-, 2012. URL
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J.I. Yuz, J.C Agüero, G.C. Goodwin and J. Alfaro. Connections between incremental and continuous-time EM algorithm for state space identification. In 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Brussels, Belgium, 11-13 July 2012. URL
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R Carvajal, J.C Agüero, B.I. Godoy, G.C. Goodwin and J.I. Yuz. EM-based identification of sparse FIR systems having quantized data. In 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Brussels, Belgium, 11-13 July 2012. URL
51 Add to my selection
V Yaramasu, Bin Wu, M Rivera, J. Rodriguez and A Wilson. Cost-function based predictive voltage control of two-level four-leg inverters using two step prediction horizon for standalone power systems. In 2012 Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), IEEE, Orlando, FL, USA, 5-9 February 2012. URL
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R. Lopez A., J.I. Yuz, W. Creixell and J. Ramirez. Recursive Parameter and State Estimation for a Mining Industry Process. In 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, 3-6 July 2012. URL
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J.I. Yuz, J.C Agüero and G.C. Goodwin. State Space Maximum Likelihood Identification in Time and Frequency Domain. In III Latin American Workshop on Optimization and Control, LAWOC 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, 10-13 January 2012.
54 Add to my selection
R Perez-Ibacache, C.A. Silva, J.I. Yuz and G Carrasco. Experimental Sensorless Vector Control Performance of a DFIG Based on a Extended Kalman Filter. In 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2012), Montreal, Canada, 25-28 October 2012.
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L Ahumada, R Feick, R.A. Valenzuela, M.S. Derpich and H Carrasco. Empirical gains achievable with low altitude remote radio heads in wireless urban links. In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC SmallNets), Ottawa, Canadá, 10-15 June 2012.
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M.A. Perez, C.A. Rojas, J. Rodriguez and H. Abu-Rub. A simple modulation scheme for a three-phase direct matrix converter. In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE2012, IEEE, Hangzhou, China, 28-31 May 2012. URL
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R. Lizana, M.A. Perez and J. Rodriguez. DC voltage balance control in a modular multilevel cascaded converter. In 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, IEEE, Hangzhou, China, 28-31 May 2012. URL
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M.A. Perez, R. Lizana and J. Rodriguez. Decoupled current control of modular multilevel converter for HVDC applications. In 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, IEEE, Hangzhou, China, 28-31 May 2012. URL
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P Dominguez, C.A. Silva and J.I. Yuz. State and Resistance Estimation in Sensorless FOC Induction Motor Drive using a Reduced Order Unscented Kalman Filter. In ANDESCON 2012, Cuenca, Ecuador, 7-9 November 2012.
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A. Leiva, A. Beghelli and C. Mas. Impact of Energy Consumption on the OpEx of WDM Networks. In Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition, Los Angeles, California, USA, March 2012.
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A. Leiva, C. Mas and A. Beghelli. Upgrading cost modelling of a capacity-exhausted static WDM networks. In 16th Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling, Colchester, UK , April 2012.
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D. Skovajsa and A. Beghelli. Improved algorithm for low cost lightpath assignment in mixed line rates WDM Networks. Pages 1-6, 17th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC), 2012, , Vilanova i la Geltru, Spain, 20-22 June 2012. URL
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R. Viveros and J.I. Yuz. Estimación simultánea de estado y parámetros para un sistema variante en el tiempo. In XX Congreso de la Asociación Chilena de Control Automático, ACCA 2012, Santiago, Chile, 12-16 November 2012.
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T-C. Shen, R. Soto, J. Reveco, L. Vanzi, J.M. Fernandez, P Escarate and V. Suc. Development of telescope control system for the 50cm telescope of UC Observatory Santa Martina. In Proc. SPIE 8451, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy II, 84511T , 2012. URL
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S. Lara, R. Olivares and B. Dumas. Flat-Gain DFRA Design Considering Pump-to-Pump FWM. 3rd. Fiber Optics in Access Network - FOAN 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia, 3-5 October 2012.
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B. Dumas, S. Lara and R. Olivares. Link Control Protection in Cascades of Optical Hybrid Amplifiers (EDFA + DFRA) 3rd Filter Optics in Access Networks - FOAN 2012, 3-5 October 2012.
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J.C. Losada, F. Borondo, W. Creixell and T. Arredondo. Analysis of human behaviors from telephone interactions; serendipity measures. In 9th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Orlando FL, USA, 1-5 July 2012.
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P Cortes, D. O. Boillat, T. Friedli, M. Schweizer, J. W. Kolar, J. Rodriguez and W. Hribernik. Comparative evaluation of control schemes for a high bandwidth three-phase AC source. In Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC), 2012 7th International, Vol. 1:321-329, June 2012. URL
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E.I. Silva and S.A. Pulgar. Performance limitations for SISO LTI plants controlled over SNR constrained channels. In Proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, USA, 2012.
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F.J. Vargas, J. Chen and E.I. Silva. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Mean Square Stabilization over MIMO SNR-Constrained Channels. In Proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, USA, 2012.
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P.E. Valenzuela, M.E. Salgado and E.I. Silva. Optimal tracking performance for unstable tall plant models. In Proceedings of the 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, Barcelona, Spain, 2012.
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F.J. Vargas, E.I. Silva and J. Chen. Stabilization of TITO Systems over Parallel SNR-Constrained AWN channels. In Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Aalborg, Denmark, 2012.
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M Rivera, J. Rodriguez, Jose Espinoza and Bin Wu. Reduction of common-mode voltage in an indirect matrix converter with imposed sinusoidal input/output waveforms. In IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Montreal, QC, Canada, 25-28 October 2012. URL
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P Acuna, L Moran, M Rivera, J. Rodriguez and J Dixon. Improved active power filter performance for distribution systems with renewable generation. In IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Montreal, QC, Canada, 25-28 October 2012. URL
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S. Kouro, C. Fuentes, M.A. Perez and J. Rodriguez. Single DC-link cascaded H-bridge multilevel multistring photovoltaic energy conversion system with inherent balanced operation. In IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Montreal, QC, Canada, 25-28 October 2012. URL
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M Rivera, S. Kouro, J. Rodriguez, Bin Wu and Jose Espinoza. Predictive control of a current source converter operating with low switching frequency. In IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Montreal, QC, Canada, 25-28 October 2012. URL
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A. Llor, M. Fadel, A. Ziani, M Rivera and J. Rodriguez. Geometrical approach for a predictive current controller applied to a three-phase two-level four-leg inverter. In IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Montreal, QC, Canada, 25-28 October 2012. URL
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C..F. Calvillo, A. Olloqui, F. Martell, J..L. Elizondo, A. Avila, M. Macias, M Rivera and J. Rodriguez. Comparison of Model Based Predictive Control and Fuzzy Logic Control of a DFIG with an Indirect Matrix Converter. In IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Montreal, QC, Canada, 25-28 October 2012. URL
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R.O. Ramirez, Jose Espinoza, P. Melin, F.A. Villarroel, E.E. Espinosa and M Rivera. Multi-cell topology based on voltage-source converters with a reduced DC Capacitor by means of a predictive control scheme. In IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Montreal, QC, Canada, 25-28 October 2012. URL
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M.A. Perez, R. Lizana, C Azocar, J. Rodriguez and Bin Wu. Modular multilevel cascaded converter based on current source H-bridges cells. In IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Montreal, QC, Canada, 25-28 October 2012. URL
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R. Lizana, C Castillo, M.A. Perez and J. Rodriguez. Capacitor voltage balance of MMC converters in bidirectional power flow operation. In IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Montreal, QC, Canada, 25-28 October 2012. URL
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M Rivera, J. Rodriguez, M. Lopez and Jose Espinoza. Control of an induction machine fed by an indirect matrix converter with unity displacement power factor operating with an unbalanced AC-supply. In 2012 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE/PEMC), IEEE, Novi Sad, Serbia, 4-6 September 2012. URL
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M Rivera, J. Rodriguez, C. Garcia, R. Pena and Jose Espinoza. A simple predictive voltage control method with unity displacement power factor for four-leg indirect matrix converters. In 2012 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE/PEMC), IEEE, Novi Sad, Serbia, 4-6 September 2012. URL
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V Yaramasu, Bin Wu, M Rivera and J. Rodriguez. Enhanced model predictive voltage control of four-leg inverters with switching frequency reduction for standalone power systems. In 2012 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE/PEMC), IEEE, Novi Sad, Serbia, 4-6 September 2012. URL
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M Rivera, J. Rodriguez, V Yaramasu and Bin Wu. Predictive load voltage and capacitor balancing control for a four-leg NPC inverter. In 2012 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE/PEMC), IEEE, Novi Sad, Serbia, 4-6 September 2012. URL
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P Cortes, J. W. Kolar and J. Rodriguez. Comparative Evaluation of Predictive Control Schemes for Three-Phase Buck-Type PFC Rectifiers. In Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC), 2012 7th International, Vol. 1:666-672, June 2012. URL
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P Cortes, S. Kouro, F. Barrios and J. Rodriguez. Predictive Control of a Single-phase Cascaded H-Bridge Photovoltaic Energy Conversion System. In Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC), 2012 7th International, Vol. 2:1423-1428, June 2012. URL
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R Carvajal, B.I. Godoy, J.C Agüero and G.C. Goodwin. EM-based sparse channel estimation in OFDM systems. In 13th IEEE Workshop on Signal Process. Adv. in Wireless Commun. SPAWC, Cesme, Turkey, 2012. URL
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R Carvajal, R. Delgado, J.C Agüero and G.C. Goodwin. An identification method for Errors-in -Variables systems using incomplete data. In the 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID, Brussels, Belgium , 2012. URL
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R.A. Delgado, G.C. Goodwin, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. A novel approach to model error modelling using the expectation-maximization algorithm. In 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, USA, 10-13 December 2012. URL
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M Zanartu. Filtro inverso basado en la impedancia y su aplicación en la producción de la voz. In Primer Congreso Iberoamericano de Voz Profesional y Clínica Vocal, Santiago, Chile, 2012.
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M. Diaz and M Zanartu. Modelamiento numérico de las cuerdas vocales bajo variaciones temporales del tracto vocal. In Terceras Jornadas Chilenas de Ingeniería Biomédica JCIB 2012, Viña del mar, Chile, 2012.
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A.F. Llico, M Zanartu and A.J. González V.. Sistema de seguimiento para el monitoreo ambulatorio de la voz en pacientes con hiperfuncion voca. In Terceras Jornadas Chilenas de Ingeniería Biomédica JCIB 2012, Viña del mar, Chile, 2012.
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D.D. Mehta, R. Woodbury Listfield, H.A. Cheyne II, J. T. Heaton, S.W. Feng, M Zanartu and R.E. Hillman. Duration of ambulatory monitoring needed to accurately estimate voice use. In 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), Portland, OR, 2012.
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M Zanartu, D.D. Mehta, G.R. Wodicka and R.E. Hillman. Subglottal impedance-based inverse filtering for the ambulatory monitoring of vocal function: Initial results. In The 8th International Conference on. Voice Physiology and Biomechanics (ICVPB), Erlangen, Germany, 2012.
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B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson, M Zanartu and M. W. Plesniak. An Updated Wave Reflection Analog Acoustic Solver for Implementation into Reduced-Order Vocal Fold Models. In The 8th International Conference on. Voice Physiology and Biomechanics (ICVPB), Erlangen, Germany, 2012.
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B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson, M Zanartu and M. W. Plesniak. A Wave Reflection Analog Extension for Reduced Order Vocal Fold Investigations with Asymmetric Intraglottal Flows. In Summer Bioengineering Conference of the the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Fajardo, Puerto Rico, 2012.
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D.D. Mehta, D. Deliyski, S.M. Zeitels, M Zanartu and R.E. Hillman. Integration of flexible fiberoptic high-speed videoendoscopy with time-synchronized measures of vocal function. In Annual Pacific Voice Conference: Optical Imaging, Therapeutics, and Advanced Technology in Head and Neck Surgery and Otolaryngology, San Francisco, CA, 2012.
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G. Estay, L. Vattuone, S. Kouro, Mario Duran and Bin Wu. Dual-boost-NPC converter for a dual three-phase PMSG wind energy conversion system. In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), IEEE, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 16-19 December 2012. URL
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M. F. Araya, C.A. Silva and P Cortes. Predictive Current Control of a Doubly Fed Inductor Generator (DFIG) for Fast Power Reference Tracking. In 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, EPE-PEMC 2012 ECCE Europe, Novi Sad, Serbia, 4-6 September 2012.
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G. Champagne and M. Akhloufi. Introduction to GPGPU parallel programming for image processing applications (Tutorial) In 2012 Applied Vision and Robotics Workshop, Montreal, QC, 8-9 May 2012.
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N.J. Arqueros, P. Prieto and M.D. Zuniga. A new tool for immersive 3d free-form surface modelling and refining. In 12 International Design Conference (DESIGN 2012), Pages 365-371, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 21-23 May 2012.
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G. Carvajal, J. Moreno, R. Redlich and Miguel Figueroa. Hardware-based computation of the roughness index for infrared imagers. In VIII Southern Conference on Programmable Logic (SPL), March 2012.
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H.D. Hristov, H Carrasco, M..B. Perotoni, G. Kirov and L.P. Kamburov. Double-band backfire antenna for low-terahertz frequencies. In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE, Chicago, IL, USA, 8-14 July 2012. URL
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A.M. Elmisery and D. Botvich. Agent based middleware for maintaining user privacy in IPTV recommender services. In R. Prasad, K. Farkas, A.Y. Schmidt, A. Lioy, G. Russello and F. Luccio editors, Security and Privacy in Mobile Information and Communication Systems, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Alemania, Berlin, 2012. URL
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A.M. Elmisery, K. Doolin, I. Roussaki and D. Botvich. Enhanced Middleware for Collaborative Privacy in Community Based Recommendations Services. In Computer Science and its Applications, Vol. 203(313-328) of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Netherlands, Holanda, Dorcrecht, 2012. URL
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A.M. Elmisery, K. Doolin and D. Botvich. Privacy aware community based recommender service for conferences attendees. In Advances in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Vol. 243 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2012. URL
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S.A. Pulgar and E.I. Silva. An equivalence between data loss and SNR constraints. Technical report, Departamento de Electr'onica, Universidad T'ecnica Federico Santa Mar'ia, Valpara'iso, Chile, 2012. PDF
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B.I. Godoy. EM-based channel estimation in OFDM systems with phase noise. Presentación, 4 January 2012. PDF
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T. Söderström. System identification for the errors-in-variables problem. Presentación, November 2012. PDF
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T. Söderström. Introduction to recursive identification algorithms. Presentación, November 2012. PDF
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F. Arrate. Images, Geometric Hydrodynamics, and Shape Evolution. Presentación, 19 December 2012. PDF
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J. Rodriguez and P Cortes. Predictive Control of Power Converters and Electrical Drives. Wiley - IEEE press, May 2012.
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J. Glaria. Una visita a las aproximaciones para las integrales y derivadas temporales. Editorial USM, June 2012.
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L. Andrades, D. Aravena, J. Glaria, Y. Milla and M. Olivares. Incursión por algunas máquinas y los controles anexos. Editorial USM, June 2012.
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R. Musso and G. Echecopar. El Valle de la Muerte. Como superar la partida al emprender. -, 2012. URL
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