H. Ramirez, H. Zwart and Y. Le Gorrec. Stabilization of infinite dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems by nonlinear dynamic boundary control. In Automatica, Vol. 85:61-69, November 2017.  | NO USM | WoS
A. Macchelli, Y. Le Gorrec,
H. Ramirez and H. Zwart. On the synthesis of boundary control laws for distributed port-hamiltonian systems. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 62(4):1700 - 1713, April 2017.  | NO USM | WoS
H. Ramirez, B. Maschke and D. Sbarbaro. Partial Stabilization of Input-Output Contact Systems on a Legendre Submanifold. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 62(3): 1431 - 1437, March 2017.  | NO USM | WoS
A. Macchelli, Y. Le Gorrec and
H. Ramirez. Boundary energy-shaping control of an isothermal tubular reactor. In Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems , Vol. 23(1):77-88, July 2017.  | NO USM | WoS
H. Ramirez, Y. Le Gorrec, B. Maschke and F. Couenne. On the passivity based control of irreversible processes: A port-Hamiltonian approach. In Automatica, Vol. 64:105-111, February 2016.  | NO USM | WoS
H. Ramirez, Y. Le Gorrec, A. Macchelli and H. Zwart. Exponential Stabilization of Boundary Controlled Port-Hamiltonian Systems With Dynamic Feedback. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 59(10):2849 - 2855, October 2014.  | NO USM | WoS
L Mora, Y. Le Gorrec,
H. Ramirez and
J.I. Yuz. Fluid-Structure Port-Hamiltonian Model for Incompressible Flows in Tubes with Time Varying Geometries. In Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, Vol. 26(5):409-433, 2020.  | WoS
L Mora,
H. Ramirez,
J.I. Yuz, Y. Le Gorrec and
M Zanartu. Energy-based fluid-structure model of the vocal folds. In IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, Vol. 38(2):466-492, June 2021.  | WoS
H. Ramirez, Y.L Gorrec and B. Maschke. Boundary controlled irreversible port-Hamiltonian systems. In Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 248:117107-, February 2022.  | WoS
J Toledo, Y Wu,
H. Ramirez and Y. Le Gorrec. Observer-based boundary control of distributed port-Hamiltonian systems. In Automatica, Vol. 120:109130-, October 2020.  | WoS
N Cisneros,
Alejandro Rojas and
H. Ramirez. Port-Hamiltonian Modeling and Control of a Micro-Channel Experimental Plant. In IEEE Access, Vol. 8:176935-176946, 2020.  | WoS
A Mattioni, Y Wu,
H. Ramirez, Y. Le Gorrec and A. Macchelli. Modelling and control of an IPMC actuated flexible structure: A lumped port Hamiltonian approach. In Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 101:104498-, August 2020.  | WoS
H. Ramirez, B. Maschke and D. Sbarbaro. Modelling and control of multi-energy systems: An irreversible port-Hamiltonian approach. In European Journal of Control, Vol. 19(6):513-520, December 2013.  | NO USM | WoS
H. Ramirez, B. Maschke and D. Sbarbaro. Feedback equivalence of input–output contact systems. In Systems & Control Letters, Vol. 62(6):475-481, June 2013.  | NO USM | WoS
V Trenchant,
H. Ramirez, Y. Le Gorrec and P Kotyczka. Finite differences on staggered grids preserving the port-Hamiltonian structure with application to an acoustic duct. In Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 373:673-697, November 2018.  | NO USM | WoS
A. Macchelli, Y. Le Gorrec and
H. Ramirez. Exponential Stabilization of Port-Hamiltonian Boundary Control Systems via Energy Shaping. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 65(10):4440-4447, October 2020.  | WoS
H. Ramirez, B. Maschke and D. Sbarbaro. Irreversible port-Hamiltonian systems: A general formulation of irreversible processes with application to the CSTR. In Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 89:223-234, February 2013.  | NO USM | WoS
H. Ramirez, D. Sbarbaro and R. Ortega. On the control of non-linear processes: An IDA–PBC approach. In Journal of Process Control, Vol. 19(3):405-414, March 2009.  | NO USM | WoS
C Batlle, R. Ortega, D. Sbarbaro and
H. Ramirez. Corrigendum to “On the control of non-linear processes: An IDA-PBC approach” (H. Ramírez et al., Journal of Process Control 19 (1) (2009) 405–414) In Journal of Process Control, Vol. 20(1):121-122, January 2010.  | NO USM | WoS
L Paunonen, Y. Le Gorrec and
H. Ramirez. A Lyapunov Approach to Robust Regulation of Distributed Port-Hamiltonian Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Pages 1-1, 2021.  | WoS
L Mora, Y. Le Gorrec, D. Matignon,
H. Ramirez and
J.I. Yuz. On port-Hamiltonian formulations of 3-dimensional compressible Newtonian fluids. In Physics of Fluids, Vol. 33(11):117117, 2021.  | WoS
Pan Liu, Y Wu, Y. Le Gorrec,
H. Ramirez and L Lefèvre. Structure-preserving discretization and control of a two-dimensional vibro-acoustic tube. In IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, Vol. 38(2):417-439, June 2021.  | WoS
W Zhou, Pan Liu, Y Wu,
H. Ramirez and Y. Le Gorrec. Energy-Based Modeling and Hamiltonian LQG Control of a Flexible Beam Actuated by IPMC Actuators. In IEEE Access, Vol. 10:12153-12163, 2022.  | WoS
L Mora,
J.I. Yuz,
H. Ramirez and Y. Le Gorrec. A port-Hamiltonian Fluid-Structure Interaction Model for
the Vocal folds. In 6th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control - LHMNC 2018, Valparaiso, Chile, 1-4 May 2018. 
L Mora,
H. Ramirez,
J.I. Yuz and Y. Le Gorrec. A Scalable port-Hamiltonian Model for Incompressible Fluids in Irregular Geometries. In 3rd IFAC Workshop on Control of Systems Modeled by Partial Differential Equations (CPDE 2019), 20-24 May 2019. 
L Mora, Y. Le Gorrec, D. Matignon,
H. Ramirez and
J.I. Yuz. About Dissipative and Pseudo Port-Hamiltonian Formulations of Irreversible Newtonian Compressible Flows. In 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, 11-17 July 2020.
L Mora, Y. Le Gorrec,
H. Ramirez,
J.I. Yuz and B. Maschke. Dissipative port-Hamiltonian Formulation of Maxwell Viscoelastic Fluids. In Third IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems MICNON, Tokyo, Japan, 15-17 September 2021. 