W. Creixell and K. Sezaki. Routing protocol for ad hoc mobile networks using mobility prediction. In International Journal of Ad-hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 2(3):149-156, 2007.  | NO USM | WoS
C. Acevedo,
W. Creixell, D. Cabrera, C. Pavez, E Sánchez and M. Young. Modeling Volatile Organic Compounds Released by Bovine Fresh Meat Using an Integration of Solid Phase Microextraction and Databases. In Food and Bioprocess Technology, Vol. 5(6):2557-2567, August 2012.  | WoS
T. Arredondo, W. Ormazabal, D. Candel and
W. Creixell. Meta-learning Based Optimization on Metabolic Pathway Data-Mining Inference System. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6704:183-192, 2011. 
R Santander,
W. Creixell, E Sánchez, G Tomic, J. Silva and C. Acevedo. Recognizing Age at Slaughter of Cattle from Beef Samples Using GC/MS–SPME Chromatographic Method. In Food Bioprocess Technology, Vol. 6(12):3345-3352, December 2013.  | WoS
W. Creixell, J.C. Losada,
T. Arredondo,
P. Olivares and R.M. Benito. Serendipity in Social Networks. In Networks and Heterogeneous Media, special issue “Mesoscales and Evolution in Complex Networks: Applications and related topics”, Vol. 7(3):363-371, 2012.  | WoS
D Lazcano, N. Fredes and
W. Creixell. HGAN: Hyperbolic Generative Adversarial Network. In IEEE Access, Vol. 9:96309-96320, 2021.  | WoS
C.A. Acevedo,
D. Lopez, M.J. Tapia, J Enrione, O Skurtys, F Pedreschi, D.I. Brown,
W. Creixell and F Osorio. Using RGB Image Processing for Designing an Alginate Edible Film. In Food and Bioprocess Technology, Vol. 5(5):1511-1520, July 2012.  | WoS
A. Morales,
W. Creixell, J. Borondo, J.C. Losada and R.M. Benito. Characterizing Ethnic Interactions from Human Communication Patterns in Ivory Coast. In Networks and Heterogeneous Media. Special Issue New Trends, Models and Applications in Complex and Multiplex Networks, Vol. 10(1):87-99, March 2015.  | WoS
C.A. Acevedo, G Tomic, R Santander,
W. Creixell, F Osorio and E Sánchez. A chemometrics approach to analyze volatile molecules released by post-mortem bovine fast-twitch muscles. In CyTA - Journal of Food, Vol. 14(3):399-404, 2016.  | WoS
C. Nikulin, A. Ulloa, C. Carmona and
W. Creixell. A Computer-Aided Application for Modeling and Monitoring Operaional and Maintenance. In Archives of Mining Science, Vol. 61(3):695-708, October 2016.  | WoS
P. Olivares,
W. Creixell and F. Naoya. Dynamical impacts of the coupling in a model of interactive infectious diseases. In Chaos, Vol. 30(093144), September 2020.  | WoS
R. Fonseca, O Guarnizo, D Suntaxi, A Cadiz and
W. Creixell. Convolutional Neural Network Feature Extraction Using Covariance Tensor Decomposition. In IEEE Access, Vol. 9:66646-66660, 2021.  | WoS
J.A Ardila-Rey,
J.E Ortiz,
W. Creixell, F Muhammad-Sukki and N.A Bani. Artificial Generation of Partial Discharge Sources Through an Algorithm Based on Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks. In IEEE Access, Vol. 8:24561-24575, 2020.  | WoS
M. Mery, N. Orellana, C. Acevedo, S. Oyarzún, F. Araneda, G. Herrera, D. Aliaga,
W. Creixell, T. Corrales and C. Romero. Fabrication of Silver Nanoparticles Using a Gas Phase Nanocluster Device and Preliminary Biological Uses. In Materials, Vol. 11(12):2574-, December 2018.  | WoS
R. Vallejos,
W. Creixell and A. Beghelli. A Multicast Routing Algorithm based on Link Contribution. In 9th IFIP Conference on Performance Modeling and Evaluation of ATM & IP Networks 2001, Budapest, Hungría, 2001.
R. Vallejos and
W. Creixell. Herramienta de simulación de algoritmos de enrutamiento multipunto en redes de computadores. In Congreso Int. de Telemática CITEL'02, La Habana, Cuba, 25-29 November 2002.
W. Creixell,
T. Arredondo and S. Contreras. Meaningful Locations from CellTower Information Data. ALIO – INFORMS Joint International Meeting , Buenos Aires, Argentina, 6-9 June 2010.
T. Arredondo, W. Ormazabal, D. Candel and
W. Creixell. Meta-learning Based Optimization of Metabolic Pathway Data-Mining Inference System. In The Twenty-fourth International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2011), Syracuse, N.Y., USA, 28 June - 1 July 2011.
F. Calderon,
W. Creixell and A. Beghelli. Buffering-Prediction Lightpath Allocation in PCE-based WDM Optical Networks. In 16Th European Conference on Network and Optical Communications NOC'2011, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. , 20-22 July 2011.
W. Ormazabal,
T. Arredondo,
W. Creixell, S. Contreras and
P. Olivares. Meta-learning based Optimization of Social Feature Extraction Inference System. In ICAI'11 - The 2011 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 18-21 July 2011.
W. Creixell,
T. Arredondo, S. Contreras,
P. Olivares and W. Ormazabal. Social Features Discovery from Cellphone Contextual Data by Semantic Location Classification. In ICAI'11 - The 2011 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 18-21 July 2011.
R. Lopez A.,
J.I. Yuz,
W. Creixell and J. Ramirez. Recursive Parameter and State Estimation for a Mining Industry Process. In 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, 3-6 July 2012. 
A. Anguita, A. Beghelli and
W. Creixell. Automatic cross-language plagiarism detection; Detecting English-translated copy in Spanish written documents. In 7th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLPKE 2011), Pages 173-176, Tokushima, Japón , 27-29 November 2011. 
J.C. Losada, F. Borondo,
W. Creixell and
T. Arredondo. Analysis of human behaviors from telephone interactions; serendipity measures. In 9th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Orlando FL, USA, 1-5 July 2012.
Alfredo J. Morales,
W. Creixell, F. Borondo, J.C. Losada and R.M. Benito. Understanding Ethnical Interactions on Ivory Coast. In NetMob 2013, Cambridge, USA, 1-3 May 2013.
R Carvajal,
B.I. Godoy,
J.C Agüero,
J.I. Yuz and
W. Creixell. EM-based ML Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems with Phase Distortion Using RB-EKF. In 17th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC'2014), Sydney, Australia, 7-10 September 2014. 
C. Ganter and
W. Creixell. Web Framework for Developing Real Time Applications for Education. In The 5th International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud LTEC 2016, Hagen, Germany, 25-28 July 2016. 
D. Matekenya, M. Ito,
W. Creixell, R. Shibasaki and K. Sezaki. Communal Parameters: A Study into Using Community-wide Learned Prediction Models in Individual Users. In 2nd EAI International Conference on IoT in Urban Space, Tokyo, Japan, 24-25 May 2016.
R. Fonseca,
W. Creixell, V. Rueda and J. Cashcar. Prediction of Nutritional Deficiencies in Maize Plants from Optical Properties using Spectral Signature. In Machine Learning Summer School MLSS 2015, Kyoto, Japan, August 2015.
W. Creixell,
S. Yaksic, J.C. Losada and R.M. Benito. Time Evolution in Ego Networks. In The 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Madrid, España, 7-11 July 2014.
W. Creixell, J. Leyton, C. Acevedo, J.C. Losada and R.M. Benito. Metabolic Networks Modeling and Community Detection. In Net-Works 2013, Escorial, Spain, 11-13 December 2013.
W. Creixell and K. Sezaki. Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Mobile Networks using Mobility Prediction. In IEEE Mobility Conference 2005, Guanzhoy, China, November 2005.
W. Creixell, K. Sezaki and S. Takeuchi. Group Mobility Modeling in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using Pedestrian Tracked Data. In 2nd International Workshop on Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications, Montreal, Canadá, October 2005.
W. Creixell and K. Sezaki. Mobility Prediction Algorithm for Ad Hoc Networks using Pedestrian Trajectory Data. In IEEE TENCON 2004, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 21-24 November 2004.
W. Creixell and K. Sezaki. Mobility Model for Ad Hoc Networks Based on Experimental Data. In IEEE APSITT, Noumea, New Caledonia, 25-26 November 2003.
R. Fonseca and
W. Creixell. General purpose object counting algorithm using cascades classifier and learning. In 2016 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR2016), Washington, D.C., USA, 18-20 October 2016.
W. Creixell and C. Ganter. Web Framework for Developing Real Time Applications for Education. In 5th International Workshop, LTEC 2016, Hagen, Germany, 25-28 July 2016.
W. Creixell, R Pedersen and S Ritchey. A Project-based Learning Alternative for First-year Engineering Students. In 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access Proceedings, ASEE Conferences, Virtual On line, 22-26 June 2020. 