J. Rodriguez, J Dixon, Jose Espinoza,
J. Pontt and
P. Lezana. PWM Regenerative Rectifiers: State of the Art. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 52(1):5-22, February 2005. ![URL](images/url.gif) | WoS
M.A. Perez, Jose Espinoza,
J. Rodriguez and
P. Lezana. Regenerative Medium-Voltage AC Drive based on a Multi-cell Arrangement with Reduced Energy Storage Requirements. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 52(1):171-180, February 2005. ![URL](images/url.gif) | WoS
J. Rodriguez. Special Section on Modern Rectifiers- Part I, Guest Editorial. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 52(1):3-4, February 2005. ![URL](images/url.gif) | WoS
J. Rodriguez. Special Section on Modern Rectifiers- Part II, Guest Editorial. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 52(2), April 2005. ![URL](images/url.gif) | WoS
J. Rodriguez. Special Section on Modern Rectifiers- Part III, Guest Editorial. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 52(3), June 2005. ![URL](images/url.gif) | WoS
L Ahumada,
R Feick, C. Morales and R.A. Valenzuela. Measurements and Characterization of the Temporal Behavior of Fixed Wireless Links. In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 54(6):1913-1922, November 2005. ![URL](images/url.gif) | WoS
J. Rodriguez,
J. Pontt,
C.A. Silva, E. Wiechmann, P. Hammond, F. Santucci, R Alvarez,
R. Musalem,
S. Kouro and
P. Lezana. Large Current Rectifiers: State of the Art and Future Trends. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 52(3):738-746, June 2005. ![URL](images/url.gif) | WoS
J. Rodriguez,
J. Pontt,
P. Newman,
R. Musalem,
H. Miranda, L Moran and G. Alzamora. Technical Evaluation and Practical Experience of High-Power Grinding Mill Drives in Mining Applications. In IEEE Transactions Industry Applications, Vol. 41(3):866-874, May 2005. ![URL](images/url.gif) | WoS
J. Glaria and
T. Wendler. On Gas Dynamics inside a Varying Volume Cylinder. In European Journal of Physics, Vol. 26:361-370, 2005. | WoS
H.D. Hristov, L.P. Kamburov, J.R. Urumov and
R Feick. Focusing Characteristics of Curvilinear Half-Open Fresnel Zone Plate Lenses: Plane Wave Illumination. In IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 53(6):1912-1919, June 2005. ![URL](images/url.gif) | WoS
J. Rodriguez,
J. Pontt, W. Michel,
R. Huerta, C. Lastra and
P. Newman. High-Power regenerative Converter for Ore Transportation under failure conditions. In IEEE Transactions On Industry Applications, 2005. | WoS
T. Arredondo, P. Neelakanta and D. De Groff. Fuzzy attributes of a DNA complex: Development of a fuzzy inference engine for codon-“junk” codon delineation. In Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Vol. 35(1):87-105, 2005. ![PDF](images/pdf.gif) | WoS
J. Glaria,
T. Wendler and G.C. Goodwin. An introductory model of a one-piston engine. In European Journal of Physics, Vol. 26:1115-1125, 2005. | WoS
J Dixon, L Moran,
J. Rodriguez and R. Domke. Reactive Power Compensation Technologies State-of-the-Art Review. In Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 93(12):2144-2164, December 2005. | WoS
L.P. Kamburov,
H.D. Hristov, J.R. Urumov and
R Feick. Corvilinear Fresnel-Zone Plate Lens Antena: Radiation Theory. In International Journal of Infrared and Milimeter Waves, Vol. 26(11):1593-1611, November 2005. | WoS
J.I. Yuz, G.C. Goodwin, A. Feuer and J. De Doná. Control of constrained linear systems using fast sampling rates. In System and Control Letters, Vol. 54(10):981-990, October 2005. ![URL](images/url.gif) | NO USM | WoS
J.I. Yuz and G.C. Goodwin. On Sampled-data models for nonlinear systems. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 50(10):1477-1489, October 2005. ![PDF](images/pdf.gif) | NO USM | WoS
C. Hermosilla and L. Szczecinski. Performance Evaluation of Linear Turbo-Receivers Using Analytical Extrinsic Information Transfer Functions. In Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 2005(6):892-905, 2005. | WoS
C. Hermosilla and L. Szczecinski. Modulation Doping for Iterative Demapping of Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation. In IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 9(12), 2005. | WoS
L Ahumada, M. Barría and
M. Maraboli. Network devices: is more expensive better? In IEEE Potentials, Vol. 24(4):32-34, 2005. | WoS
G. Kirov, L.P. Kamburov and
H.D. Hristov. Feed line losses in microstrip antenna arrays. In Journal of Applied Electromagnetics, Vol. 7(1):1-8, 2005. | WoS
J.L. Hernández and J.F. Orellana. Control de posicionamiento fino de un puente grúa mediante un sistema de visión y procesamiento de imágenes. In Revista Innovación, Universidad de Antofagasta, Vol. 17(1):7-15, June 2005.
R. Bettancourt,
H Carrasco and
R Feick. Medición de Ancho de Banda de Coherencia y Dispersión Temporal en la Banda de 2.4 GHz en Ambientes Interiores. In Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad de Tarapacá ISSN 0718-1337 y 0717-1072., Vol. 13(3):30-37, 2005. [Annote]
C.A. Correa, R.S. Godoy,
W. Grote and M.F. Orellana. Evaluación De Enlaces Inalámbricos Sub-Urbanos Usando Protocolo IEEE 802.11b. In Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Tarapacá, Vol. 13(3), 2005.
A Crespo and
W. Grote. Análisis de Planeamiento de Protocolos CAN con Calidad de Servicio. In Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Tarapacá, Vol. 13(3), 2005.
S Delgadillo, D. Guzmán, A.G. Müller and
W. Grote. Análisis Experimental de un Ambiente Wi-Fi Multicelda. In Revista Facultad de Ingeniería,Universidad de Tarapacá, Vol. 13(3), 2005.
P Sánchez, M. Barría and
R. Vallejos. Modelo realista para la función de coordinación distribuidad del estándar IEEE 802.11b. In Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Tarapacá, Vol. 13, 2005. ![URL](images/url.gif)
S.M. Alvarez and
A.J. González V.. Estudio y Configuración de Calidad de Servicio para Protocolos IPv4 e IPv6 en una Red de Fibra Óptica WDM. In Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad de Tarapacá, March 2005.
J. Rodriguez,
E.I. Silva, F. Blaabjerg, P. Wheeler, J. Clare and
J. Pontt. Matrix converter controlled with the direct transfer function approach: analysis, modelling and simulation. In International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 92(2):63--85, February 2005. | WoS
E.I. Silva and
M.E. Salgado. Performance Bounds for Feedback Control of Nonminimum-phase MIMO Systems with Arbitrary Delay Structure. In IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 152(2):211--219, March 2005. ![URL](images/url.gif) | WoS
G.C. Goodwin,
M.E. Salgado and
E.I. Silva. Time-domain performance limitations arising from decentralized architectures and their relationship to the RGA. In International Journal of Control, Vol. 78(13):1045--1062, September 2005. ![URL](images/url.gif) | WoS
C. Cubillos and
R. Olivares. Propagación de Pulsos Solitónicos en Redes Ópticas WDM. In Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Taparacá, Vol. 13(3):89-95, December 2005.
G.C. Goodwin,
J.I. Yuz and H. Garnier. Robustness Issues in Continuous-time System Identification from Sampled Data. In Proc. of 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005.
J.I. Yuz and G.C. Goodwin. Generalised filters and stochastic sampling zeros. In Joint CDC-ECC'05, Seville, Spain, December 2005.
J.C Agüero, G.C. Goodwin and
M.E. Salgado. On the Optimal Estimation of Errors in Variables Models for Robust Control. In 16th IFAC World Congress, Praga, República Checa, July 2005.
M.E. Salgado and
E.I. Silva. A Class of Optimal Decentralized Controllers for Open Loop Stable Processes. In 16th IFAC World Congress, Praga, República Checa, July 2005.
J. Rodriguez,
S. Kouro,
J. Rebolledo and
J. Pontt. A reduced switching frequency modulation algorithm for high power multilevel inverters. In IEEE 36th Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC'05), Pages 867-872, Recife, Brazil, 12-16 June 2005.
S. Kouro,
J. Rodriguez,
J. Pontt and M. Angulo. Multilevel Inverter Modulation Method With DC-Link Disturbance Compensation. In The 31st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2005), Pages 709-714, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, 6-10 November 2005.
J. Rodriguez,
J. Pontt,
P. Lezana and
S. Kouro. Tutorial on Multilevel Converters. In International Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control for Energy Conservation (PELINCEC 2005), Warsaw, Poland, 16-19 October 2005.
J.R. Urumov, L.P. Kamburov and
H.D. Hristov. Panel Conformal Fresnel Lenses. Vol. 1:253-257, 2nd International Scientific Congress on Mechanical, Electrical and Marine Industry, MEEMI 2005, Varna, Bulgaria, 7-9 October 2005.
H.D. Hristov, L.P. Kamburov and
R Feick. Microwave Antenna with Compound Fresnel Zone-Plate Lens Conformal to Truncated Conical Dome. Pages 113-116, 4th European Workshop on Conformal Antennas (EWCA'05), Stockholm, Sweden, 23-24 May 2005.
A. Beghelli and P. Bayvel. Optimality of resource allocation algorithms in dynamic WDM networks. In 10th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications, London, July 2005.
A. Beghelli and P. Bayvel. Dynamic vs. static lightpath allocation in WDM networks. In 31st European Conference on Optical Communications, Glasgow, Scotland, September 2005.
A. Beghelli and P. Bayvel. Improving the scalability of lightpath assignment algorithms in dynamic networks. In 31st European Conference on Optical Communications, Glasgow, Scotland, September 2005.
M. Pacas,
P. Correa and
J. Rodriguez. A Predictive Torque Control for Inverter-fed Induction Machines. In IEEE 36th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC'05), Recife, Brazil, 12-16 June 2005.
M.A. Perez, C Baier, Jose Espinoza and
J. Rodriguez. Analysis of a Multi-Cell Converter under Unbalanced AC Source. In IEEE 36th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC'05), Recife, Brazil, 12-16 June 2005.
J. Pontt,
J. Rodriguez,
J. San Martín, A García Huidobro and E Chinchon. Improving Operational Performance of Industrial Systems with High-Power Rectifiers. In IEEE 36th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC'05), Recife, Brazil, 12-16 June 2005.
J. Rodriguez,
J. Pontt, P Cortes and
R. Vargas. Predictive Control of a Three-Phase Neutral Point Clamped Inverter. In IEEE 36th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC'05), Recife, Brazil, 12-16 June 2005.
Ricardo Rojas R.. Identificación y control por computador. In Conferencia invitada a las II Jornadas de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Latacunga , Ecuador, 11-15 July 2005.
R. Olivares and J Souza. A Comparative Study of Techniques to Control Power Transients in Optical WDM Networks. In 10th European Conference on Networks & Optical Communications, Londres, Inglaterra., 5-7 July 2005.
J. Pontt,
J. Rodriguez,
P. Newman,
A. Liendo and J. Holtz. Network Friendly Low-Switching Frequency High-Power Three-Level PWM Rectifier. In European Power Electroncis Conference, Dresden, Germany, 12-15 September 2005.
G Blanchot, L Hervas, J Kierstead, F Lanni, S Rescia, M Verdugo and
J. Pontt. Electromagnetic Compatibility of a DC Power Distribution System for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter. In 11th Workshop on Electronics for LHC and future Experiments, Heidelberg, Germany., 12-16 September 2005.
J. Pontt,
J. Rodriguez,
J. Rebolledo,
J. San Martín, E Cid and G. Figueroa. High-power LCI grinding mill drive under faulty conditions. In Record of the Fourtieth IAS Annual Meeting of IEEE Industry Applications Conference, Vol. 1:670 – 673, Hong Kong, 2-6 October 2005.
J. Rodriguez,
J. Pontt,
P. Correa,
P. Lezana and P Cortes. Predictive power control of an AC/DC/AC converter. In Record of the Fourtieth IAS Annual Meeting of IEEE Industry Applications Conference, Vol. 1:934-939, Hong Kong, 2-6 October 2005.
J. Pontt,
J. Rodriguez,
E Cáceres,
I. Illanes and
J. Rebolledo. Cycloconverter behavior for a grinding mill drive under firing pulses fault conditions. In Record of the Fourtieth IAS Annual Meeting of IEEE Industry Applications Conference, Vol. 1:645-649, Hong Kong, 2-6 October 2005.
M. Barría and
R. Vallejos. Efficient Loss Recovery Algorithm for Multicast Communications in Active Networks. In NetCon 2005, Francia, November 2005.
R. Vallejos, A. Beghelli and V Gacitúa. Best Link Contribution: A Multicast Routing Algorithm Class. In CLEI 2005, Bogotá, Colombia., 2005.
P. Roncagliolo and
A.J. González V.. Transmisión Progresiva de Imágenes Basada en Wavwlets, para Reducir Uso de Ancho de Banda en Aplicaciones Compartidas. In CD Jornadas Chilenas de Computación 2005, Artículo X IX Workshop en Sistemas Distribuidos y Paralelismo 2005 (WSDP05), Valdivia, Chile, November 2005. | Conferencia Nacional
M. Olivares. Modelado Difuso de un Levitador Magnético. Dpto. Ing. Eléctrica, Pontificfia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, June 2005.
C. Baier,
M.A. Perez, Jose Espinoza and
J. Rodriguez. Analysis of a multi-cell topology implemented with single-phase non-regenerative cells under an unbalanced AC mains. In 31st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2005, November 2005. ![URL](images/url.gif)
G.C. Goodwin and
J.C Agüero. Approximate EM algorithms for parameter and state estimation in nonlinear stochastic models. In 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Sevilla, España, 12-15 December 2005. | NO USM
W. Creixell and K. Sezaki. Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Mobile Networks using Mobility Prediction. In IEEE Mobility Conference 2005, Guanzhoy, China, November 2005.
W. Creixell, K. Sezaki and S. Takeuchi. Group Mobility Modeling in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using Pedestrian Tracked Data. In 2nd International Workshop on Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications, Montreal, Canadá, October 2005.
G. Carvajal and D. Sbarbaro. Supervision of control valves in flotation circuits based on artificial neural networks,”. In Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, September 2005. | NO USM