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J. Rodriguez, J. Pontt, G. Alzamora, N. Becker, O. Einenkel and A. Weinstein. Novel 20 MW Downhill Conveyor System Using Three-Level Converters. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49(5):1093-1100, October 2002.
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J. Rodriguez. Guest Editorial, Special Issue on Multilevel Inverters. Part 2. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49(5):946-947, October 2002.
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J. Rodriguez, L Moran, C.A. Silva, L. Silva, J.L. Hernández, J. Pontt and P. Lezana. High Voltage Multilevel Converter with Regeneration Capability. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49(4):839-846, August 2002. URL PDF
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J. Rodriguez, J.S. Lai and F.Z. Peng. Multilevel Inverters: A Survey of Topologies, controls and Applications. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49(4):724-738, August 2002.
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J. Rodriguez, P. Correa, L Moran and C.A. Silva. A Vector control Technique for Medium Voltage Multilevel Inverters. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49(4):882-888, August 2002.
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J. Rodriguez. Guest Editorial, Special Issue on Multilevel Inverters. Part 1. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49(4):722-723, August 2002.
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J. Rodriguez, P. Wheeler, J. Clare, L. Empringham and A. Weinstein. Matrix Converters: A Technology Review. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49(2):276-288, April 2002.
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J. Rodriguez. Guest Editorial, Special Issue on Matrix Converters. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49(2):274-275, April 2002.
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J. Rodriguez, J. Pontt, N. Becker and A. Weinstein. Regenerative Drives in the Megawatt Range for High-Performance Downhill Belt Conveyors. In IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 38(1):203-210, January 2002.
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M. Olmos, H.D. Hristov and R Feick. Inverted-F antennas with wideband match performance. In Electronics Letters, Vol. 38(16):845-847, 2002.
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R. Burgos, E. Wiechmann and J. Rodriguez. Continuously motor-synchronized ride-through capability for matrix converter adjustable speed drives. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49(2):390-400, April 2002.
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J.L. Hernández. Análisis de la megacefalia demográfica urbana mediante leyes de Zipf y de potencia. In Theoria, Vol. 11:21-26., 2002.
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J.L. Hernández and R. Aguilera. Sistema de adquisición, transmisión y procesamiento de datos en una empresa de gas natural. In Innovación, Universidad de Antofagasta (Aceptado), 2002.
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J.L. Hernández, J. Busqués and H. Reyes. Desarrollo y simulación de una estación base GSM/CDMA utilizando software radio. In Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Tarapacá, Vol. 10:3-10, December 2002.
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R. Olivares and J Souza. Analysis of Power Transients in Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers, with Applications to Wavelength Routed Optical Networks. In Journal of Microwaves and Optoelectronics, Vol. 2(6):21-31, December 2002.
<< InProceedings >> TOP
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Jose Espinoza, P. Lezana, M.A. Perez, J. Pontt and J. Rodriguez. Input current harmonics in a regenerative multi-cell inverter with single-phase active rectifiers. In IEEE-IECON 2002, Sevilla, Spain., 5-8 November 2002.
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E. Perelli, J. Pontt and J. Rodriguez. Assessment of Current Harmonic Limits at 220 kV - PCC for meeting Std. IEEE-519-92 in power delivery contracts: Audit for an actual industrial installation with high-power rectifiers. In Power Quality 2002 Conference, Rosemont, Chicago, USA,, 27-31 October 2002.
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J. Pontt and J. Rodriguez. Operating Experience of shovel drives for mining Applications. In IEEE/IAS2002 Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA, 15-18 October 2002.
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G. Asher, K.J. Bradley, C.A. Silva and M Sumner. Sensorless Rotor Position Control in a Surface Mounted PM Machine Using HF Voltage Injection. In In Conf. Rec. EPE-PEMC 2002, Vol. CD-Rom, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2002.
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R Benavides, M Müller, J. Pontt, J. Rodriguez and R De Solminihac. Low Switching Frequency PWM with Selective Harmonic Elimination for Three-Phase Three-Level Inverters. In 10th International POWER ELECTRONICS and MOTION CONTROL Conference EPE-PEMC 2002), Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2002.
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P. Correa, J. Pontt and J. Rodriguez. A new modulation method to reduce common-mode Voltages in Multilevel Inverters. In 10th International POWER ELECTRONICS and MOTION CONTROL Conference EPE-PEMC 2002., Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2002.
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G. Asher, C.A. Silva and M Sumner. Influence of Dead-Time Compensation on Rotor Position Estimation in Surface Mounted PM Machines Using HF Voltage Injection. In Power Conversion Conference, Vol. 3:1279-1284, Osaka, Japón, April 2002.
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G Perivancich and Ricardo Rojas R.. Expert Tutor in Phenomenological Modeling. In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, AIA-2002, Pages 262-267, Malaga, Spain, 9-12 September 2002.
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M. Olivares, P. Albertos and A. Sala. Iterative learning controller design for multivariable systems. In XV Congreso Mundial IFAC'02, Barcelona, España., 21-26 July 2002.
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M.E. Salgado. Hankel-norm based interaction measure for input-output pairing. In Congreso Mundial IFAC, Barcelona, España, 17-19 October 2002.
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R. Vallejos and M. Barría. Evaluación de medidas de desempeño de valor medio de algoritmo multicat confiable. In Congreso Int. de Telemática CITEL'02, La Habana, Cuba., 25-29 November 2002.
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R. Vallejos and W. Creixell. Herramienta de simulación de algoritmos de enrutamiento multipunto en redes de computadores. In Congreso Int. de Telemática CITEL'02, La Habana, Cuba, 25-29 November 2002.
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R Feick, H.D. Hristov and W. Grote. Attenuation Measurements for Double-Mesh Reinforced Concrete Walls at the 900-MHz Cellular Band. In Int. Wireless Design Conference (WDC), Pages 165-168, London, U.K, May 2002.
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R Feick, D Torres, H.D. Hristov and W. Grote. Passive Repeater for Mobile Signal Coverage of Lossy Wall Building Rooms. In Int. Wireless Design Conference (WDC), Pages 173-176, London, U.K, May 2002.
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R Feick, S Villanueva, H.D. Hristov and W. Grote. 3-D Source Position Determination Using Vector Correlation in a Ring Array. In IASTED Wireless and Optical Communications Conference, Vol. 1: 21-26, Banff, Canadá, July 2002.
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M. Olmos, H.D. Hristov, R Feick and W. Grote. Development of Planar Inverted-F antennas with Increased Input Bandwidth. In XII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI), Pages 627-628, Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), September 2002.
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H.D. Hristov, L.P. Kamburov and J.R. Urumov. Comparison on Focusing Characteristics of Curvilinear Fresnel Zone Plates. In XII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI), Pages 469-470, Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), September 2002.
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W. Grote, C Henry, R. Olivares and F Saavedra. Desarrollo de una red experimental IP/WDM. In X Congreso Internacional de Telecomunicaciones, Vol. ID 030, Valdivia, Chile, November 2002.
| Conferencia Nacional
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H Araya and W. Grote. Modelo de Simulación para Interfaz de Radiofrecuencias del protocolo IEEE802.11b. In X Congreso Internacional de Telecomunicaciones, Vol. ID 029, Valdivia, Chile, November 2002.
| Conferencia Nacional
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E. Perelli, J. Pontt and J. Rodriguez. Tecnologías modernas de convertidores estáticos y accionamientos de alta potencia y compatibilidad con el sistema eléctrico: Aplicaciones y problemas. In Seminario Calidad de Energía, Santiago, Chile, 28 November 2002.
| Conferencia Nacional
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J. Rodriguez, L Moran, J. Pontt, Jose Espinoza, R. Diaz and E.I. Silva. Operating experience of shovel drives for mining applications. In Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2002.
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E. Kozlovski, M. Dueser, A. Beghelli and P. Bayvel. Service differentiation in wavelength-routed optical burst-switched networks. Pages 774-776, Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit, 2002. OFC 2002 , Anahein Convention Center, Anahein, California, USA., 17-22 March 2002.
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M Zanartu, D.M. Fox and E Fuentes. Noise control system for a specific urban transport bus model. In InterNoise Conference Proceedings, Dearborn MI, USA, 2002.
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M.A. Perez, Jose Espinoza, J. Rodriguez and P. Lezana. Regenerative medium-voltage AC drive based on a multi-cell arrangement with minimum energy storage requirements. In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2002 , Vol. 3:857 - 862 vol.3, 2002. URL
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D. Aravena, J. Glaria, F. Retamal and Ricardo Rojas R.. Diagnóstico y propuesta para el control de inyección de concentrado de cobre a un convertidor Teniente. In XV Congreso de la Asociación Chilena de Control Automático, 2002.
| Conferencia Nacional
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A. Poblete and R. Olivares. Estrategias de control transiente en cascada de EDFAs empleando estabilización de la ganancia mediante efecto láser. In X Congreso Internacional de Telecomunicaciones, SENACITEL, Valdivia, Chile, November 2002.
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G.C. Goodwin, J.C Agüero and A. Feuer. State estimation for systems having random measurement delays using errors in variables. In 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 21-27 July 2002.
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G.C. Goodwin and J.C Agüero. State and parameter estimation for linear and nonlinear systems. In 7th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Singapore, 2-5 December 2002.
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M.E. Salgado and J.I. Yuz. State-space analysis and system properties. In R. Bishop editor, Handbook on Mechatronics, Chapter 24, CRC Press, 2002.
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Last modified: Fri March 12 2021 18:39:37