Publications of M Zanartu
Order by: Type | Year |
D. Deliyski, M. Shisskov, D.D. Mehta, H. Ghasemzadeh, B. Bouma,
M Zanartu, A. De Alarcon and R.E. Hillman. Laser-Calibrated System for Transnasal Fiberoptic Laryngeal High-Speed Videoendoscopy. In Jounal of Voice, Vol. 35(1):122-128, January 2021.  | WoS
L Mora,
H. Ramirez,
J.I. Yuz, Y. Le Gorrec and
M Zanartu. Energy-based fluid-structure model of the vocal folds. In IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, Vol. 38(2):466-492, June 2021.  | WoS
M. Motie-Shirazi,
M Zanartu, S.D. Peterson and B.D. Erath. Vocal fold dynamics in a synthetic self-oscillating model: Contact pressure and dissipated-energy dose. In The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 150(1):478-489, July 2021.  | WoS
J.G. Fontanet,
J.I. Yuz and
M Zanartu. Parametric Identification of a Linear Time Invariant Model for a Subglottal System. In 19th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2021, 2021. 
E Martinez-Montes, Y Garcia-Puente,
M Zanartu and P Prado-Gutierrez. Chirp Analyzer for Estimating Amplitude and Latency of Steady-State Auditory Envelope Following Responses. In IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol. 28(12):2744-2753, December 2020.  | WoS
J. Mucarquer, P. Prado,
M.J. Escobar, W. El-Deredy and
M Zanartu. Improving EEG Muscle Artifact Removal With an EMG Array. In IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 69(3):815-824, March 2020.  | WoS
R.E. Hillman, C. Stepp, J.H. Van Stan,
M Zanartu and D.D. Mehta. An Updated Theoretical Framework for Vocal Hyperfunction. In American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Vol. 29(4):2254-2260, November 2020.  | WoS
V. Espinoza, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan, R.E. Hillman and
M Zanartu. Glottal Aerodynamics Estimated From Neck-Surface Vibration in Women With Phonotraumatic and Nonphonotraumatic Vocal Hyperfunction. In Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, Vol. 63(9):2861-2869, September 2020.  | WoS
G. Alzamendi,
R. Manriquez, P.J. Hadwin, J.J. Deng, S.D. Peterson, B.D. Erath, D.D. Mehta, R.E. Hillman and
M Zanartu. Bayesian estimation of vocal function measures using laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy and glottal airflow estimates: An
case study. In The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 147(5):EL434-EL439, May 2020.  | WoS
J.Z. Lin,
V. Espinoza, K.L. Marks,
M Zanartu and D.D. Mehta. Improved Subglottal Pressure Estimation From Neck-Surface Vibration in Healthy Speakers Producing Non-Modal Phonation. In IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Vol. 14(2):449-460, February 2020.  | WoS
J.P. Cortés,
G. Alzamendi,
A. Weinstein,
J.I. Yuz,
V. Espinoza, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan, R.E. Hillman and
M Zanartu. Uncertainty of ambulatory airflow estimates and its effect on the classification
of phonotraumatic vocal hyperfunction. In 13th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research (AQL 2019), montreal, canada, 2-4 June 2019.
M. Motie-Shirazi,
M Zanartu, S.D. Peterson, J. Kobler, R.E. Hillman and B.D. Erath. Toward Development of a Vocal Fold Contact Pressure Probe: Sensor Characterization and Validation Using Synthetic Vocal Fold Models. In Applied Sciences-Basel, Vol. 9(15):3002, 2019. | WoS
B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson, K.S. Weiland, M. W. Plesniak and
M Zanartu. An acoustic source model for asymmetric intraglottalflow with application to reduced-order models of the vocal folds. In PLoS ONE, Vol. 14(7):e0219914, 2019.  | WoS
M. Diaz-Cadiz, S.D. Peterson,
G.E. Galindo,
V. Espinoza, M. Motie-Shirazi, B.D. Erath and
M Zanartu. Estimating Vocal Fold Contact Pressure from Raw Laryngeal High-Speed Videoendoscopy Using a Hertz Contact Model. In Applied Sciences-Basel, Vol. 9(11):2384, 2019. | WoS
D.D. Mehta,
V. Espinoza, J.H. Van Stan,
M Zanartu and R.E. Hillman. The difference between first and second harmonic amplitudes correlates between glottal airflow and neck-surface accelerometer signals during phonation. In The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 145(5):EL386-EL392, May 2019. | WoS
R. Manriquez, S.D. Peterson, P. Prado, P Orio,
G.E. Galindo and
M Zanartu. Neurophysiological Muscle Activation Scheme for Controlling Vocal Fold Models. In IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol. 27(5):1043 - 1052, May 2019.  | WoS
D.D. Mehta, J.B. Kobler, S.M. Zeitels,
M Zanartu, B.D. Erath, M. Motie-Shirazi, S.D. Peterson, R.H. Petrillo and R.E. Hillman. Toward Development of a Vocal Fold Contact Pressure Probe: Bench-Top Validation of a Dual-Sensor Probe Using Excised Human Larynx Models. In Applied Sciences, Vol. 9(20):4360-, October 2019.  | WoS
J.P. Cortés,
V. Espinoza, M. Ghassemi, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan, R.E. Hillman, J.V. Guttag and
M Zanartu. Assessment of Phonotraumatic Vocal Hyperfunction Using Ambulatory Glottal Airflow Measures. In Plos one, 2018.  | WoS
B.D. Erath,
M Zanartu and S.D. Peterson. Modeling viscous dissipation during vocal fold contact: the influence of tissue viscosity and thickness with implications for hydration. In Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Vol. 16(3):947-960, 2017.  | WoS
V. Espinoza,
M Zanartu, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan and R.E. Hillman. Uncertainty of glottal airflow estimation during continuous speech using impedance-based inverse filtering of the neck-surface acceleration signal. In 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Boston, USA, 25-29 June 2017.
Yu-Ren Chien, D.D. Mehta, Jón Guðnason,
M Zanartu and T.F. Quatieri. Evaluation of Glottal Inverse Filtering Algorithms Using a Physiologically Based Articulatory Speech Synthesizer. In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Vol. 25(8): 1718 - 1730, 2017.  | WoS
G.E. Galindo, S.D. Peterson, B.D. Erath, C Castro, R.E. Hillman and
M Zanartu. Modeling the Pathophysiology of Phonotraumatic Vocal Hyperfunction With a Triangular Glottal Model of the Vocal Folds. In Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, Vol. 60(9):2452-2471, September 2017.  | WoS
V. Espinoza,
M Zanartu, J.H. Van Stan, D.D. Mehta and R.E. Hillman. Glottal Aerodynamic Measures in Women With Phonotraumatic and Nonphonotraumatic Vocal Hyperfunction. In Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, Vol. 60(8):2159-2169, August 2017.  | WoS
M Zanartu and M. Diaz. Método de estimación de fuerza y presión de contacto en cuerdas vocales a partir de videos laringoscópicos de alta velocidad. Chilean Patent submission PCT/CL2016/050037, 2017.
R. Manriquez, S.D. Peterson, P. Prado, P Orio and
M Zanartu. R. Manrıquez, S. D Peterson, P. Prado, P. Orio, M. Zañartu, “Modeling Laryngeal Muscle Activation Noise for Low-Order Physiological Based Speech Synthesis. In Proc. Interspeech 2017, Pages 1378-1382, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017.
A. Testart,
G.E. Galindo, C Castro and
M Zanartu. A new visual probabilistic assessment of vocal fold vibration. In The 12th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research, Hong Kong, , 2017.
J.P. Cortés and
M Zanartu. Ambulatory classification of patients with muscle tension dysphonia vs. control group. In The 12th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research, Hong Kong, 2017.
R. Manriquez, S.D. Peterson, P. Prado, P Orio and
M Zanartu. Laryngeal muscle activation noise for physiologically-based models of phonation. In The 12th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research, Hong Kong, 2017.
D Robertson,
M Zanartu and D Cook. Comprehensive, Population-Based Sensitivity Analysis of a Two-Mass Vocal Fold Model. In PLOS ONE, Vol. 11(2):1-19, February 2016.  | WoS
F. Acevedo,
A.J. González V. and
M Zanartu. Vocal fold activity detection in a neck surface acceleration signal. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-17 March 2016.
P.J. Hadwin,
G.E. Galindo, K.J. Daun,
M Zanartu, B.D. Erath, E Cataldo and S.D. Peterson. Non-stationary Bayesian estimation of parameters from a body cover model of the vocal folds. In The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 139(5):2683-2696, May 2016.  | WoS
R.E. Hillman, D.D. Mehta, C. Stepp, J.H. Van Stan and
M Zanartu. Objective assessment of vocal hyperfunction. In Spring 2016 Acoustical Society of America Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 23-27 May 2016. 
R.E. Hillman, D.D. Mehta, C. Stepp, J.H. Van Stan and
M Zanartu. Objective assessment of vocal hyperfunction. In Spring 2016 Acoustical Society of America meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 23-27 May 2016. 
M Zanartu,
G.E. Galindo and S.D. Peterson. Modeling the pathophysiology of vocal hyperfunction. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, ICVPB 2016, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-17 March 2016. 
V. Espinoza,
M Zanartu, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan and R.E. Hillman. Differentiating between females with vocal hyperfunction and matched-controls using inverse filtered aerodynamic measures. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, ICVPB 2016, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-17 March 2016. 
C Castro, A. Testart,
G.E. Galindo and
M Zanartu. Ffects of resonance tube phonation in water in the asymmetric oscillatory entrainment of unilateral vocal fold paralysis. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, ICVPB 2016, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-17 March 2016. 
M. Diaz,
G.E. Galindo,
V. Espinoza and
M Zanartu. Vocal fold contact pressure estimation over laryngeal high speed videoendoscopy based on a vocal edge tracking method using Kalman Filter and Hertzian Impact model. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, ICVPB 2016, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-17 March 2016. 
B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson and
M Zanartu. Rethinking vocal fold contact: The role of viscous dissipation. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, ICVPB 2016, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-17 March 2016. 
J.P. Cortés,
V. Espinoza,
M Zanartu, M. Ghassemi, J.V. Guttag, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan and R.E. Hillman. Discriminating patients with vocal fold nodules from matched controls using acoustic and aerodynamic features from ambulatory voice monitoring data. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, ICVPB 2016, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-17 March 2016. 
G.E. Galindo,
M Zanartu, S.D. Peterson and B.D. Erath. Constructing a subject-specific lumped-mass model from clinical data using Bayesian estimation. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, ICVPB 2016, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-17 March 2016. 
M Zanartu. Clinical Applications of Numerical Models of Voice Production (Keynote presentation) In The 11th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research (AQL 2015) , London, UK, 8-10 April 2015.
D Cook, D Robertson and
M Zanartu. Population-Based Sensitivity Analysis of a Two-Mass Model of the Vocal Folds. In The 11th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research (AQL 2015), London, UK, 8-10 April 2015.
D.D. Mehta, D. Deliyski, S.M. Zeitels,
M Zanartu and R.E. Hillman. Integration of transnasal fiberoptic high-speed videoendoscopy with time-synchronized recordings of vocal function. In Normal & Abnormal Vocal Folds Kinematics: HSDP, OCT & NBI, Vol. I, San Francisco: Pacific Voice & Speech Foundation edition, 2015.
A.F. Llico,
M Zanartu,
A.J. González V., G.R. Wodicka, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan and R.E. Hillman. Real-time estimation of aerodynamic features for ambulatory voice biofeedback. In The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 138(1):EL14-EL19, July 2015.  | WoS
M. Encina,
J.I. Yuz,
M Zanartu and
G.E. Galindo. Vocal Fold Modeling through the port-Hamiltonian Systems Approach. In IEEE Multiconference on Systems and Control - MSC 2015, Sydney, Australia, 21-23 September 2015. 
D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan,
M Zanartu, M. Ghassemi, J.V. Guttag,
V. Espinoza, A. Coccia, H.A. Cheyne and R.E. Hillman. Using Ambulatory Voice Monitoring to Investigate Common Voice Disorders: Research Update. In Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Vol. 3:-, October 2015. 
M Zanartu,
G.E. Galindo, B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson and R.E. Hillman. Mimicking Vocal Hyperfunction using a Numerical Model of Speech Production with a Posterior Glottal Opening. The 9th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 10-12 April 2014.
A Tsanas,
M Zanartu, M.A. Little, C Fox, L.O. Ramig and G.D. Clifford. Robust fundamental frequency estimation in sustained vowels: Detailed algorithmic comparisons and information fusion with adaptive Kalman filtering. In The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 135(5):2885-2901, May 2014.  | WoS
M. Ghassemi, J.H. Van Stan, D.D. Mehta,
M Zanartu, H.A. Cheyne, R.E. Hillman and J.V. Guttag. Learning to Detect Vocal Hyperfunction From Ambulatory Neck-Surface Acceleration Features: Initial Results for Vocal Fold Nodules. In IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 61(6):1668-1675, June 2014.  | WoS
M Zanartu,
G.E. Galindo, B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson, G.R. Wodicka and R.E. Hillman. Modeling the effects of a posterior glottal opening on vocal fold dynamics with implications for vocal hyperfunction. In The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 136(6):3262-3271, December 2014.  | WoS
G.E. Galindo,
M Zanartu and
J.I. Yuz. A discrete-time model for the vocal folds. In IEEE EMBS International Student Conference Chile 2014, Concepción, Chile, 3-4 November 2014.
V. Espinoza and
M Zanartu. Estudio Dinámico de Parámetros de Filtrado Inverso para el Seguimiento Ambulatorio de la Función Vocal. In IX Congreso Iberoamericano de Acústica, FIA2014, Valdivia, Chile, 1-2 December 2014.
R.E. Hillman, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan,
M Zanartu, M. Ghassemi and J.V. Guttag. Subglottal ambulatory monitoring of vocal function to improve voice disorder assessment. In Fall 2014 Acoustical Society of America meeting, Indianapolis, USA, 27-31 October 2014.
B.D. Erath,
M Zanartu, K.C. Stewart, M. W. Plesniak, D.E. Sommer and S.D. Peterson. A review of lumped-element models of voiced speech. In Speech Communication, Vol. 55(5):667–690, June 2013.  | WoS
D.E. Sommer, B.D. Erath,
M Zanartu and S.D. Peterson. The impact of glottal area discontinuities on block-type vocal fold models with asymmetric tissue properties. In J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 133(3):EL214-EL220, March 2013.  | WoS
M Zanartu, J. C. Ho, D.D. Mehta, R.E. Hillman and G.R. Wodicka. Subglottal Impedance-Based Inverse Filtering of Voiced Sounds Using Neck Surface Acceleration. In IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Vol. 21(9):1929-1939, September 2013.  | WoS
B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson,
M Zanartu, G.R. Wodicka, K.C. Stewart and M. W. Plesniak. Response to “Comments on ‘A theoretical model of the pressure distributions arising from asymmetric intraglottal flows applied to a two-mass model of the vocal folds’ [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130, 389-403 (2011)]“. In J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 134(2):913-6, August 2013.  | WoS
M Zanartu, J. C. Ho, D.D. Mehta, R.E. Hillman and G.R. Wodicka. Acoustic coupling during incomplete glottal closure and its effect on the inverse filtering of oral airflow. In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Montreal, Canada, 2013. 
M Zanartu, B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson, R.E. Hillman and G.R. Wodicka. Modeling incomplete glottal closure due to a posterior glottal opening and its effects on the dynamics of the vocal folds. In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Montreal, Canada, 2013. 
B.D. Erath, D.E. Sommer, S.D. Peterson and
M Zanartu. Nonlinearities in block-type reduced-order vocal fold models with asymmetric tissue properties. In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Montreal, Canada, 2013. 
R.E. Hillman, J.H. Van Stan, D.D. Mehta,
M Zanartu, M. Ghassemi, H.A. Cheyne II and J.V. Guttag. Future directions in the development of ambulatory monitoring for clinical voice assessment. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 2013.
D.D. Mehta,
M Zanartu, J.H. Van Stan, S.W. Feng, H.A. Cheyne II and R.E. Hillman. Smartphone-based detection of voice disorders by long-term monitoring of neck acceleration features. In IEEE 10th Annual Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks Conference, Cambridge, MA, 2013.
G.E. Galindo,
M Zanartu, B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson, G.R. Wodicka and R.E. Hillman. Modeling Incomplete Glottal Closure due to a Posterior Glottal Opening and its Effects on the Dynamics of the Vocal Folds. Buenos Aires Voice Meeting 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19-20 November 2013.
G.E. Galindo,
M Zanartu, B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson, G.R. Wodicka and R.E. Hillman. Modeling Incomplete Glottal Closure due to a Posterior Glottal Opening and its Effects on the Dynamics of the Vocal Folds. Buenos Aires Voice Meeting 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19-20 November 2013.
V. Espinoza,
M Zanartu, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan, H.A. Cheyne II, M. Ghassemi, J.V. Guttag and R.E. Hillman. Toward an Objective Aerodynamic Assessment of Vocal Hyperfunction Using a Voice Health Monitor. BUENOS AIRES VOICE MEETING 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentna, 19-20 November 2013.
M Zanartu, D.D. Mehta, D. Deliyski, S.M. Zeitels and R.E. Hillman. Integration of Transnasal Fiberoptic High-Speed Videoendoscopy with Time-Synchronized Recordings of Vocal Function and its Applications to Voice Modeling. In Buenos Aires Voice Meeting 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19-20 November 2013.
D.D. Mehta,
M Zanartu, S.W. Feng, H.A. Cheyne II and R.E. Hillman. Mobile Voice Health Monitoring Using a Wearable Accelerometer Sensor and a Smartphone Platform. In IEEE Trans. on Biomed. Eng., Vol. 59(11):3090-3096, November 2012.  | WoS
D.E. Sommer, B.D. Erath,
M Zanartu and S.D. Peterson. Corrected contact dynamics for the Steinecke and Herzel asymmetric two-mass model of the vocal folds. In J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 132(4):EL271-EL276, 2012.  | WoS
M Zanartu. Filtro inverso basado en la impedancia y su aplicación en la producción de la voz. In Primer Congreso Iberoamericano de Voz Profesional y Clínica Vocal, Santiago, Chile, 2012.
M. Diaz and
M Zanartu. Modelamiento numérico de las cuerdas vocales bajo variaciones temporales del tracto vocal. In Terceras Jornadas Chilenas de Ingeniería Biomédica JCIB 2012, Viña del mar, Chile, 2012.
A.F. Llico,
M Zanartu and
A.J. González V.. Sistema de seguimiento para el monitoreo ambulatorio de la voz en pacientes con hiperfuncion voca. In Terceras Jornadas Chilenas de Ingeniería Biomédica JCIB 2012, Viña del mar, Chile, 2012.
D.D. Mehta, R. Woodbury Listfield, H.A. Cheyne II, J. T. Heaton, S.W. Feng,
M Zanartu and R.E. Hillman. Duration of ambulatory monitoring needed to accurately estimate voice use. In 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), Portland, OR, 2012.
M Zanartu, D.D. Mehta, G.R. Wodicka and R.E. Hillman. Subglottal impedance-based inverse filtering for the ambulatory monitoring of vocal function: Initial results. In The 8th International Conference on. Voice Physiology and Biomechanics (ICVPB), Erlangen, Germany, 2012.
B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson,
M Zanartu and M. W. Plesniak. An Updated Wave Reflection Analog Acoustic Solver for Implementation into Reduced-Order Vocal Fold Models. In The 8th International Conference on. Voice Physiology and Biomechanics (ICVPB), Erlangen, Germany, 2012.
B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson,
M Zanartu and M. W. Plesniak. A Wave Reflection Analog Extension for Reduced Order Vocal Fold Investigations with Asymmetric Intraglottal Flows. In Summer Bioengineering Conference of the the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Fajardo, Puerto Rico, 2012.
D.D. Mehta, D. Deliyski, S.M. Zeitels,
M Zanartu and R.E. Hillman. Integration of flexible fiberoptic high-speed videoendoscopy with time-synchronized measures of vocal function. In Annual Pacific Voice Conference: Optical Imaging, Therapeutics, and Advanced Technology in Head and Neck Surgery and Otolaryngology, San Francisco, CA, 2012.
B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson,
M Zanartu, G.R. Wodicka and M. W. Plesniak. A theoretical model of the pressure distributions arising from asymmetric intraglottal flows applied to a two-mass model of the vocal folds. In J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 130(1):389-403, 2011.  | NO USM | WoS
M Zanartu, D.D. Mehta, J. C. Ho, G.R. Wodicka and R.E. Hillman. Observation and analysis of in vivo vocal fold tissue instabilities produced by nonlinear source-filter coupling: A case study. In J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129(1):326-339, 2011.  | NO USM | WoS
J. C. Ho,
M Zanartu and G.R. Wodicka. An anatomically-based, time-domain acoustic model of the subglottal system for speech production. In J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129(3):1531-1547, 2011.  | NO USM | WoS
B.D. Erath,
M Zanartu, S.D. Peterson and M. W. Plesniak. Multi-physics modeling of the impact of asymmetric intraglottal flows on normal and pathological speech. In 11th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2011.
M Zanartu, G.R. Wodicka, J. C. Ho, D.D. Mehta and R.E. Hillman. Estimation of glottal aerodynamics using an impedance-based inverse filtering of neck surface acceleration. Provisional Patent US 61444199, February 2011.
B.D. Erath,
M Zanartu, S.D. Peterson and M. W. Plesniak. Nonlinear Vocal Fold Dynamics in a Two-Mass Model of Speech Arising From Asymmetric Intraglottal Flow. In ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Farmington, PA, USA, 2011.
D. D. Cook and
M Zanartu. Physical Relations Between Continuum and Lumped Mass Models of Vocal Fold Vibration. In 40th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2011.
B.D. Erath,
M Zanartu, S.D. Peterson and M. W. Plesniak. The impact of a refined theoretical flow solver on nonlinear vocal fold dynamics in an asymmetric two-mass model of speech. In Chaos, Vol. 21(033113):1-8, 2011.  | WoS
D.D. Mehta,
M Zanartu, T.F. Quatieri, D. Deliyski and R.E. Hillman. Investigating acoustic correlates of human vocal fold vibratory phase asymmetry through modeling and laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy. In J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 130(6):3999-4009, 2011.  | WoS
M. W. Beltman,
M Zanartu, A. Raychowdhury, A. P. Rangarajan and M. E. Deisher. Speech audio processing: Low power preprocessing algorithms and circuits to enhance speech recognition for handheld, mobile and embedded devices in noisy environment. Provisional Patent US 12/828195, June 2010.
D.D. Mehta,
M Zanartu, T.F. Quatieri, D. Deliyski and R.E. Hillman. Acoustic correlates of human vocal fold vibratory phase asymmetry through modeling and laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy. In 9th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research, Erlangen, Germany, 2010.
M Zanartu, B.D. Erath, D. D. Cook, G.R. Wodicka and M. W. Plesniak. Application of asymmetric flows, acoustic coupling, and enhanced parameter estimation to a two-mass model of the vocal folds. In International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, Madison WI, USA, 2010.
D. D. Cook and
M Zanartu. Toward patient-specific vocal fold models: Objective determination of lumped vocal fold model parameters from continuum vocal fold models. In International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, Madison WI, USA, 2010.
M Zanartu, J. C. Ho, S. Kraman, H. Pasterkamp, J. E. Huber and G.R. Wodicka. Air-borne and tissue-borne sensitivities of acoustic sensors used on the skin surface. In IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., Vol. 56(2), 2009.  | NO USM | WoS
S. M. Lulich,
M Zanartu, D.D. Mehta and R.E. Hillman. Source-Filter Interaction in the Opposite Direction: Subglottal Coupling and the Influence of Vocal Fold Mechanics on Vowel Spectra during the Closed Phase. In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Vol. 6:1-14, 2009. 
D.D. Mehta, D. Deliyski, S.M. Zeitels,
M Zanartu and R.E. Hillman. Integration of ultra high-speed color videoendoscopy with time-synchronized measures of vocal function. In Laryngoscope, Vol. 119, Supplement 1:S34, 2009.  | NO USM | WoS
J. C. Ho,
M Zanartu and G.R. Wodicka. An anatomically-based, time-domain acoustic model of the subglottal system for speech production. In 2009 BMES Annual Fall Meeting, Pittsburgh PA, USA, 2009.
M Zanartu, D.D. Mehta, J. C. Ho, R.E. Hillman and G.R. Wodicka. An impedance-based inverse filtering scheme with glottal coupling. In Proceedings of the 157th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Portland OR, USA, 2009.
D. D. Cook and
M Zanartu. Synthetic model of speech production. In The Voice Foundation's 38th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, Philadelphia PA, USA, 2009.
D.D. Mehta, D. Deliyski, S.M. Zeitels,
M Zanartu and R.E. Hillman. Integration of ultra high-speed color videoendoscopy with time-synchronized measures of vocal function. In Eastern Section Meeting of the Triological Society, Boston MA, USA, 2009.
D. D. Cook,
M Zanartu, E. Nauman and L. Mongeau. Deriving Optimal Low-Order Vocal Fold Models from High-Order Finite Element Models. In 2008 BMES Annual Fall Meeting, Saint Louis MO, USA, 2008.
M Zanartu, R.E. Hillman and G.R. Wodicka. Using skin acceleration overlying the suprasternal notch to monitor phonation. In First International Symposium on Audible Acoustics in Medicine and Physiology, West Lafayette IN, USA, 2008.
M Zanartu, J. C. Ho, S. Kraman, H. Pasterkamp, J. E. Huber and G.R. Wodicka. Air-borne and tissue-borne sensitivity of skin radiation acoustic sensors. In Proceedings of the 155th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Paris, France, 2008.
L.J. Chen,
M Zanartu, D Cook and L. Mongeau. Effects of acoustic loading on the self-oscillations of a synthetic model of the vocal folds. In 9th International Conference on Flow-Induced Vibrations: FIV2008, Prague, Czech Republic, 2008.
M Zanartu, L. Mongeau and G.R. Wodicka. Influence of acoustic loading on an effective single mass model of the vocal folds. In J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121(2):1119-1129, 2007.  | NO USM | WoS
M Zanartu, L. Mongeau and G.R. Wodicka. Exploring the Role of Fluid-Sound Interactions During Phonation Using an Effective Single Mass Model of the Vocal Folds. In The Voice Foundation's 36th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, Philadelphia PA, USA, 2007.
M Zanartu, L. Mongeau and G.R. Wodicka. Modeling the influence of acoustic loading on laryngeal self-sustained oscillations. In Proceedings of the 151th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Providence RI, USA, 2006.
M Zanartu, D.M. Fox and E Fuentes. Noise control system for a specific urban transport bus model. In InterNoise Conference Proceedings, Dearborn MI, USA, 2002.