Publications of M.J. Escobar
Order by: Type | Year |
R. Herzog,
Arturo Morales, S Mora, J. Araya,
M.J. Escobar, A.G. Palacios, R Cofré and J.D Touboul. Scalable and accurate method for neuronal ensemble detection in spiking neural networks. In PLOS ONE, Vol. 16(7):e0251647-, July 2021. | WoS
J Araya-Arriagada, F. Bello, G Shivashankar, D Neira, C Durán-Aniotz, M.L. Acosta,
M.J. Escobar, C. Hetz, M Chacón, A.G. Palacios, K.S..J Rao, G.B. Britton, L.L Rocha Arrieta, N Garcia-Cairasco, A Lazarowski, A. Palacios, A.C Espuny and R.B. Maccioni. Retinal Ganglion Cells Functional Changes in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease Are Linked with Neurotransmitter Alterations. In Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Vol. 82(s1):S5-S18, June 2021. | WoS
F.A. Torres, P Orio,
M.J. Escobar and D Marinazzo. Selection of stimulus parameters for enhancing slow wave sleep events with a neural-field theory thalamocortical model. In PLOS Computational Biology, Vol. 17(7):e1008758-, July 2021. | WoS
J. Mucarquer, P. Prado,
M.J. Escobar, W. El-Deredy and
M Zanartu. Improving EEG Muscle Artifact Removal With an EMG Array. In IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 69(3):815-824, March 2020. | WoS
M. Otero, P Prado-Gutierrez,
A. Weinstein,
M.J. Escobar and W. El-Deredy. Persistence of EEG Alpha Entrainment Depends on Stimulus Phase at Offset. In Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Vol. 14:-, April 2020. | WoS
H Lehnert,
M.J. Escobar and
M. Araya. Retina-inspired Visual Module for Robot Navigation in Complex Environments. In 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Budapest, Hungary, 14-19 July 2019.
P. Prieto,
F Auat Cheein,
M.J. Escobar,
R. Vallejos, P. Maldonado, C. Larrain and M. Serey. Entrainment of brain oscillations persists after the entrainer removal. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED19), Delft, The Netherlands, 5-8 August 2019.
H Lehnert,
M. Araya, R Carrasco-Davis and
M.J. Escobar. Bio-Inspired Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Navigation of Artificial Agents. In IEEE Latin America Transactions, Vol. 17(12):2037-2044, December 2019. | WoS
C.R. Ravello, L.U. Perrinet,
M.J. Escobar and A.G. Palacios. Speed-Selectivity in Retinal Ganglion Cells is Sharpened by Broad Spatial Frequency, Naturalistic Stimuli. In Scientific Reports, Vol. 9(1):-, December 2019. | WoS
P Reyes and
M.J. Escobar. Neuroevolutive Algorithms for Learning Gaits in Legged Robots. In IEEE Access, Vol. 7:142406-142420, 2019. | WoS
M Benzi,
M.J. Escobar and P Kornprobst. A bio-inspired synergistic virtual retina model for tone mapping. In COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING, Vol. 168:21-36, March 2018. | WoS
C. Nettle,
F. V. Rubilar and
M.J. Escobar. Coupling Robots Behavior by Introducing Reactive Motivational Orientations. In 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE, Río de Janeiro, Brasil, 8-13 July 2018.
M.J. Escobar, C. Reyes, R. Herzog, J. Araya,
M. Otero, C. Ibaceta and A.G. Palacios. Characterization of Retinal Functionality at Different Eccentricities in a Diurnal Rodent. In Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, Vol. 12:444, December 2018. | WoS
A.G. Palacios,
M.J. Escobar and E. Céspedes. Missing colors: an enactivist approach to perception. In A. Riegler and S. Vörös editors, Constructivist Foundations, Vol. 13(1), -17 November 2017. | WoS
A.G. Palacios,
M.J. Escobar and E. Céspedes. Authors' Response: Is a Weak Notion of Representation not Compatible with a Contextualist and Enactivist Account of Perception? In Constructivist Foundations, Vol. 13(1), -17 November 2017. | WoS
O. Silva,
P. Siegel and
M.J. Escobar. Time delays in a HyperNEAT network to improve gait learning for legged robots. In 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE, Anchorage, AK, USA, 14-19 May 2017.
C. Nettle,
M.J. Escobar and A. Leblois. Improving Surviving: Tonic Dopamine Control Improves Bio-Inspired Robot Controller Behaviour in a Simple Survival Tasl. In The Neuroscience of Decision-Making, Montreal, Canadá, 2-3 May 2016.
C. Nettle,
M.J. Escobar and A. Leblois. Tonic Dopamine Effects in a Bio-inspired Robot Controller Enhance Expected Lifetime. In IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2016 - The Sixt Joint IEEE International Conference Developmental Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, Cergy-Pontoise, Francia, 19-22 September 2016.
C. Ibaceta, J. Araya, R. Herzog, F. Olivares, C. Hetz, C. Duran,
M.J. Escobar and A.G. Palacios. The Retinal Physiology: a Biomarker for Aging and Neurodegenerative Diseases. In Federation of Latin-American and Caribbean Societies for Neuroscience (FALAN) 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 17-20 October 2016.
M. Otero, C. Reyes, R. Herzog, F. Olivares, A.G. Palacios and
M.J. Escobar. Motion direction selectivity in central and peripheral retinal ganglion cells in a diurnal rodent. In Federation of Latin-American and Caribbean Societies for Neuroscience (FALAN) 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 17-20 October 2016.
R. Herzog,
M.J. Escobar, A.G. Palacios and B. Cessac. Dimensionality Reduction in spatio-temporal MaxEnt models and analysis of Retinal Ganglion Cell Spiking Activity in experiments. In Bernstein Conference 2016, Berlin, Germany, 13-15 September 2016.
C. Ravello,
M.J. Escobar, A.G. Palacios and L. Perrinet. Differential response of the retinal neural code with respect to the sparseness of natural images. Technical report In arXiv, 2016.
R. Herzog,
M.J. Escobar, A. Palacios and B. Cessac. Dimensionality Reduction in spatio-temporal MaxEnt models and analysis of Retinal Ganglion Cell Spiking Activity in experiments. In Bernstein Conference 2016 , Berlin, Germany, Bernstein Conference 2016 , Berlin, Germany, 20-23 September 2016.
M. Otero, C. Sepúlveda, A.G. Palacios and
M.J. Escobar. Motion Direction Selectivity in the O. Degu Retina. In Bernstein Conference 2015, Sydney, Australia, 21-23 September 2015.
C. Ravello, R. Herzog, B. Cessac,
M.J. Escobar and A.G. Palacios. Spectral dimension reduction on parametric models for spike train statistics. In 12 Colloque Societé Francaise de Neurosciences, Montpellier, France, 19-22 May 2015.
C. Ravello, F. Olivares, R. Herzog, L. Perrinet,
M.J. Escobar and A.G. Palacios. Spatiotemporal tuning of retinal ganglion cells dependent on the context of signal presentation. In European Retina Meeting 2015, Bringhton, UK, October 2015.
S. Salgado, S. Castro,
M.J. Escobar and P Orio. Direction Selectivity in a network of non-homogeneous Starburst Amacrine Cells (SACs) In XI Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia, Coquimbo, Chile, September 2015.
R. Herzog,
M.J. Escobar and A.G. Palacios. On the spatial extension of the correlations on a retinal ganglion cell population: dependence on the stimuli. In XI Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia, Coquimbo, Chile, September 2015.
F. V. Rubilar,
M.J. Escobar and
T. Arredondo. Bio-Inspired Architecture for a Reactive-Reflective Robot Controller. In World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2014), Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China, 6-11 July 2014.
A. Palacios-Muñoz,
M.J. Escobar, A. Vielma, J. Araya, A. Astudillo, G. Valdivia, I.E. García, J. Hurtado, O. Schmachtenberg, A.D. Martínez and A.G. Palacios. Role of connexin channels in the retinal light response of a diurnal rodent. In Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, Vol. 8:249, August 2014. | WoS
R. Herzog, J. Araya, M. Pizarro, B. Cessac,
M.J. Escobar and A.G. Palacios. From habitat to retina: Neural population coding using natural movies. In Bernstein Conference 2014. Workshop. Characterizing Natural Scenes: Retinal Coding and Statistical Theory, Gottingen, Germany, 2-5 September 2014.
A. Palacios-Muñoz, A. Vielma, J. Araya, A. Astudillo, G. Valdivia, J. Hurtado, O. Schmachtenberg, A.D. Martínez,
M.J. Escobar and A.G. Palacios. Role of conexión channels in retinal synaptic transmission in a diurnal rodent. In Annual Meeting of SFN, Washington, USA, November 2014.
R. Herzog, J. Araya, M. Pizarro, B. Cessac, C. Ravello,
M. Otero, C. Sepúlveda,
M.J. Escobar and A.G. Palacios. On the Influence of Natural Images Second Order Statistics in the Retinal Population Coding. In X Reunión Anual Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia, Valdivia, Chile, 1-4 October 2014. | Conferencia Nacional
M. Pizarro, J. Araya, C. Miguel, R. Herzog, C. Ravello,
M.J. Escobar and A.G. Palacios. Gap Junctions Involved in Spiking Activity: Ganglion Cells and their Retinal Networks Affected by a Connexin Blocker. In X Reunión Anual Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia, Valdivia, Chile, 1-4 October 2014. | Conferencia Nacional
S. Casto, S. Salgado,
M.J. Escobar and P Orio. Building a Mathematical Model of the Direction Selectivity in a Starburst Amacrine Cells Network. In X Reunión Anual Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia, Valdivia, Chile, -4 October 2014. | Conferencia Nacional
M.J. Escobar, D Pezo and P Orio. Mathematical analysis and modeling of motion direction selectivity in the retina. In Journal of Physiology-Paris, Vol. 107(5):349-359, November 2013. | WoS
M.J. Escobar and A.G. Palacios. Beyond the retina neural coding: On models and neural rehabilitation. In Journal of Physiology-Paris, Vol. 107(5):335-337, November 2013. | WoS
M.J. Escobar, P..F. Toledo, G..S. Masson and P Kornprobst. MT Motion integration can be explained by the spatiotemporal frequency content of V1 surround suppression. In Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, 8 May 2013.
Elaa Teftef,
M.J. Escobar, A. Astudillo, C. Carvajal, B. Cessac, A.G. Palacios, T. Vieville and F. Alexandre. Modeling non-standard retinal in/out function using computer vision variational methods. Technical report, RR-8217, INRIA, 2013.
M.J. Escobar, P..F. Toledo, G..S. Masson and P Kornprobst. MT Motion integration can be explained by the spatiotemporal frequency content of V1 surround suppression. In Journal of Vision, Vol. 13(9):362-362, July 2013.
M.J. Escobar and P Kornprobst. Action Recognition via Bio-Inspired Features: the Richness of Center-Surround Interactions. In Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 116(5):593–605, 2012. | WoS
M.J. Escobar, P..F. Toledo, G..S. Masson and P Kornprobst. Can V1 surround suppresion mechanism explain MT motion integration? In 15th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems (ICCNS), Boston, USA, 11-14 May 2011.
M.J. Escobar, G..S. Masson and P Kornprobst. How MT neurons get influenced by V1 surround suppression? In Perception 40 ECPV Abstract Supplement, Pages 76, September 2011. | WoS
M.J. Escobar. Modèles bio-inspirés pour l'estimation et l'analyse de mouvement. Editions universitaires europeennes, 2010. [Annote]
M.J. Escobar, G..S. Masson, T. Vieville and P Kornprobst. Action Recognition Using a Bio-Inspired Feedforward Spiking Network. In International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 82(3):284, 2009. | NO USM | WoS
M.J. Escobar and P Kornprobst. Action Recognition with a Bio--inspired Feedforward Motion Processing Model: The Richness of Center-Surround Interactions. In D. Forsyth, P. Torr and A. Zisserman editors, Computer Vision -- ECCV 2008, Vol. 5305:186-199 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008.
M.J. Escobar and P Kornprobst. Spiking MT model: Dynamics and motion patterns. In Perception, Vol. 36:89-89, 2007. | NO USM | WoS
M.J. Escobar and P Kornprobst. Can we recognise motion from spike train analysis? In Perception, Vol. 35:55-55, 2006. | NO USM | WoS