R Carvajal,
J.C Agüero,
B.I. Godoy and G.C. Goodwin. EM-Based Maximum-Likelihood channel estimation in Muticarrier systems with phase distorsion. In IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., Vol. 62(1):152-160 , 2013. | NO USM | WoS
B.I. Godoy,
J.C Agüero,
R Carvajal, G.C. Goodwin and
J.I. Yuz. Identification of sparse FIR systems using a general quantization scheme. In International Journal of Control, Vol. 84(4):874-886, April 2014. | WoS
A. Esparza,
J.C Agüero,
C.R. Rojas and
B.I. Godoy. Asymptotic Statistical Analysis of Some Controller Design Strategies. In Automatica, Vol. 47(5):1041-1046, May 2011. | NO USM | WoS
B.I. Godoy, G.C. Goodwin,
J.C Agüero, D. Marelli and T. Wigren. On Identification of FIR systems having quantized output data. In Automatica, Vol. 47(9):1905-1915, September 2011. | NO USM | WoS
R. Aguilera,
B.I. Godoy,
J.C Agüero, G.C. Goodwin and
J.I. Yuz. An EM-based identification algorithm for a class of hybrid systems with application to power electronics. In International Journal of Control, Vol. 87(7):1339-1351, May 2014. | WoS
A.L. Cedeño,
R Orellana,
R Carvajal,
B.I. Godoy and
J.C Agüero. Finite Impulse Response Errors-in-Variables System Identification Utilizing Approximated Likelihood and Gaussian Mixture Models. In IEEE Access, Vol. 11:24615-24630, 2023. | WoS
R Carvajal,
J.C Agüero,
B.I. Godoy, G.C. Goodwin and
J.I. Yuz. EM-based identification of sparse FIR systems having quantized data. In 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Brussels, Belgium, 11-13 July 2012.
R Carvajal,
J.C Agüero,
B.I. Godoy and G.C. Goodwin. On the accuracy of phase noise bandwidth estimation in OFDM systems. In 12th IEEE Workshop on Signal Process. Adv. in Wireless Commun., San Francisco, USA, 2011. | NO USM
R Carvajal,
B.I. Godoy,
J.C Agüero and G.C. Goodwin. EM based channel estimation in OFDM systems with phase noise. In IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM, Houston, USA , 2011. | NO USM
R Carvajal,
B.I. Godoy,
J.C Agüero and G.C. Goodwin. EM-based sparse channel estimation in OFDM systems. In 13th IEEE Workshop on Signal Process. Adv. in Wireless Commun. SPAWC, Cesme, Turkey, 2012. | NO USM
B.I. Godoy,
R Carvajal and
J.C Agüero. An EM-based estimation algorithm for a class of systems promoting sparsity. In 12th European Control Conference, ECC, Zurich, Switzerland, 17-19 July 2013.
R Carvajal,
B.I. Godoy,
J.C Agüero,
J.I. Yuz and
W. Creixell. EM-based ML Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems with Phase Distortion Using RB-EKF. In 17th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC'2014), Sydney, Australia, 7-10 September 2014.
D. Katselis,
C.R. Rojas,
B.I. Godoy and
J.C Agüero. On Experimental Design for Single Carrier and Multicarrier Systems. In 13th European Control Conference ECC, Linz, Austria, 15-17 July 2015. | NO USM
B.I. Godoy, P.E. Valenzuela,
C.R. Rojas,
J.C Agüero and B Ninness. A novel input design approach for systems with quantized output data. In 13th European Control Conference (ECC), Strasbourg, France, 2014. | NO USM
F. Chen, H. Garnier, M. Gilson,
J.C Agüero and
B.I. Godoy. Identification of Continuous-time
Transfer Function Models from Non-uniformly Sampled Data in Presence of Colored Noise. In 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 2014. | NO USM
J.C Agüero,
B.I. Godoy, G.C. Goodwin and T. Wigren. Scenario-based EM identification for FIR systems having quantized output data. In 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Saint-Malo, France, 6-8 July 2009. | NO USM
R Carvajal,
J.C Agüero,
B.I. Godoy and D. Katselis. A MAP approach for lq-norm regularized sparse parameter estimation using the EM algorithm. In IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2015), Boston, USA, 17-20 September 2015.
B.I. Godoy, G.C. Goodwin,
J.C Agüero and
Alejandro Rojas. An algorithm for time-varying commodity price models. In 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shangai, China, 16-18 December 2009. | NO USM
B.I. Godoy, J.H. Braslavsky and
J.C Agüero. A simulation study on model predictive control and extremum seeking control for heap bioleaching processes. In 17th IFAC World Congress 2008, Seoul, Korea, 6-11 July 2008. | NO USM
B.I. Godoy, J.H. Braslavsky and
J.C Agüero. A model based feedback control strategy for heap bioleaching processes. In 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, USA, 12-14 December 2007. | NO USM
R Carvajal,
J.C Agüero,
B.I. Godoy and D. Katselis. EM-based sparse channel estimation in OFDM systems with lq-norm regularization in the presence of phase noise and frequency offset. In The 7th Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM 2015), Arequipa, Perú, 4-6 November 2015.
B.I. Godoy, Y Lin,
J.C Agüero and S Andersson. A 2-step algorithm for the estimation of time-varying single particle tracking models using Maximum Likelihood. In 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Kitakyushu-shi, Japan, 2019.
A.L. Cedeño,
R Albornoz,
R Carvajal,
B.I. Godoy and
J.C Agüero. On Filtering Methods for State-Space Systems having Binary Output Measurements. In 19th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2021, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 54(7):815-820, 2021.