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A.L. Cedeño, R Albornoz, R Carvajal, B.I. Godoy and J.C Agüero. On Filtering Methods for State-Space Systems having Binary Output Measurements. In 19th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2021, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 54(7):815-820, 2021. URL
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R Orellana, M Coronel, R Carvajal, R.A. Delgado, P Escarate and J.C Agüero. On the Uncertainty Modelling for Linear Continuous-Time Systems Utilising Sampled Data and Gaussian Mixture Models. In 19th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2021, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 54(7):589-594, 2021. URL
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R Orellana, R Carvajal, J.C Agüero and G.C. Goodwin. Model Error Modelling using a Stochastic Embedding approach with Gaussian Mixture Models for FIR systems. In 21st IFAC World Congress Berlin, Germany, 11–17 July 2020, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 53(2):845-850, 2020. URL
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M Coronel, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. Identification of continuous-time systems utilising Kautz basis functions from sampled-data. In 21st IFAC World Congress Berlin, Germany, 11–17 July 2020, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 53(2):536-541, 2020. URL
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A.L. Cedeño, R Orellana, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. EM-based identification of static errors-in-variables systems utilizing Gaussian Mixture models. In 21st IFAC World Congress Berlin, Germany, 11–17 July 2020, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 53(2):863-868, 2020. URL
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R.L Ahuar, A.L. Cedeño, R Perez-Ibacache, J.C. Aguero and C.A. Silva. Comments on the Numerical Efficiency of Constrained MPC of an Inverter with LC Output Filter. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), IEEE, Valparaíso, Chile, 22-26 March 2021. URL
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A.L. Cedeño, R Carvajal and J.C. Aguero. A Novel Filtering Method for Hammerstein-Wiener State-Space Systems. In 2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), IEEE, Valparaíso, Chile, 6-9 December 2021. URL
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A.L. Cedeño, R Orellana, R Carvajal, B.I. Godoy and J.C Agüero. Finite Impulse Response Errors-in-Variables System Identification Utilizing Approximated Likelihood and Gaussian Mixture Models. In IEEE Access, Vol. 11:24615-24630, 2023. URL
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A.L. Cedeño, R.A. Gonzalez, B.I. Godoy, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. On Filtering and Smoothing Algorithms for Linear State-Space Models Having Quantized Output Data. In Mathematics, Vol. 11(6):1327-, March 2023. URL
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A.L. Cedeño, R López Ahuar, J. Rojas, G. Carvajal, C.A. Silva and J.C Agüero. Model Predictive Control for Photovoltaic Plants with Non-Ideal Energy Storage Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming. In Energies, Vol. 15(17):6427-, September 2022. URL
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Arturo Morales, J.I. Yuz, J.P. Cortés, J.G. Fontanet and M Zanartu. Glottal Airflow Estimation using Neck Surface Acceleration and Low-Order Kalman Smoothing. In IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 31:2055 - 2066, 2023. URL
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F Auat Cheein, P. Prieto and G. Fantoni editors. Rapid Roboting: Recent Advances on 3D Printers and Robotics. Springer, 2022. URL
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M.S. Derpich and S Yuksel. Dual Effect, Certainty Equivalence, and Separation Revisited: A Counterexample and a Relaxed Characterization for Optimality. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 68(2):1259 - 1266, February 2023. URL
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M.S. Derpich and J. Ostergaard. Correction to A Framework for Control System Design Subject to Average Data-Rate Constraints. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 67(10):5677 - 5679, October 2022. URL
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L Mora, Y. Le Gorrec, H. Ramirez, J.I. Yuz and B. Maschke. Dissipative port-Hamiltonian Formulation of Maxwell Viscoelastic Fluids. In Third IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems MICNON, Tokyo, Japan, 15-17 September 2021. URL
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P. Albertos, G Scaglia, C. Wei and J.I. Yuz. Some issues about FL and LAB servo control. In 22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, 8-14 July 2023.
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Eduardo Elgueta and J.I. Yuz. Robust Control of Continuous-time Systems with Pole Uncertainties. In IEEE ICA-ACCA, Curico, Chile, 24-28 October 2022. URL
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P. Albertos and J.I. Yuz. Time Delay Compensation in the Frequency Domain. In 17th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA, Chengdu, China, 16-19 December 2022. URL
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E. Grendi, S Silva, J.I. Yuz, M. Orchard, Juan Huidobro, Domingo Rojas and J. Allende-Bustamante. Análisis avanzado de datos para el desarrollo de un modelo de degradación para molino SAG. In 9th International Congress of Automation, Robotics and Digitalization in Mining, Minería Digital 2022, 10-12 August 2022.
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M.S. Derpich, M Müller and J Østergaard. The Entropy Gain of Linear Systems and Some of Its Implications. In Entropy, Vol. 23(8):947-, August 2021. URL
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V Silva, R Feick, L Ahumada, R.A. Valenzuela, M.S. Derpich and M Rodriguez. Empirical Comparison of Propagation Models for Relay-Based Networks in Urban Environments. In IEEE Access, Vol. 10:7313-7325, 2022. URL
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M.A. Almendra and M.S. Derpich. Joint source-channel coding via model predictive control. In European Journal of Control, Vol. 61:142-150, September 2021. URL
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Rodrigo Garcia Triat editor. Si Yo Fuese Presidente: La Protesta de un Ciudadano. (ed. propia), 2017.
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C.A. Silva and J.I. Yuz. On sampled-data models for model predictive control. In 36th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IECON 2010, Phoenix, USA, 7-10 November 2010. URL
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L Mora, Y. Le Gorrec, D. Matignon, H. Ramirez and J.I. Yuz. On port-Hamiltonian formulations of 3-dimensional compressible Newtonian fluids. In Physics of Fluids, Vol. 33(11):117117, 2021. URL
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G Vidal, J.I. Yuz, Ronny Vallejos A. and Felipe Osorio S.. Point-process modeling and divergence measures applied to the characterization of passenger flow patterns of a metro system. In IEEE Access, Vol. 10:26529-26540, 2022. URL
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J.P. Cortés, V. Espinoza, M. Ghassemi, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan, R.E. Hillman, J.V. Guttag and M Zanartu. Assessment of Phonotraumatic Vocal Hyperfunction Using Ambulatory Glottal Airflow Measures. In Plos one, 2018. URL
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W Zhou, Pan Liu, Y Wu, H. Ramirez and Y. Le Gorrec. Energy-Based Modeling and Hamiltonian LQG Control of a Flexible Beam Actuated by IPMC Actuators. In IEEE Access, Vol. 10:12153-12163, 2022. URL
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H. Ramirez, Y.L Gorrec and B. Maschke. Boundary controlled irreversible port-Hamiltonian systems. In Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 248:117107-, February 2022. URL
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O Husev, O Matiushkin, D. Vinnikov, C Roncero-Clemente and S. Kouro. Novel Concept of Solar Converter with Universal Applicability for DC and AC Microgrids. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 69(5), May 2022. URL
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Last modified: Fri March 12 2021 18:39:37