Publications of L Ahumada (past Departamento de Electronica UTFSM member)
Order by: Type | Year |
R.A. Valenzuela,
R Feick, P Alegre,
M Rodriguez,
L Ahumada and D. Chizhik. Long Term Fade Margin for 90% Availability in Fixed Wireless Links With Diversity. In IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol. 9(10):1648-1652, October 2020. | WoS
F. Silva,
R Feick, R.A. Valenzuela,
M.S. Derpich and
L Ahumada. Measurement-Based Evaluation of Spectral Efficiencies in Outdoor-Indoor Multiuser MISO Systems in Femto-Cells. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 15(9):5889 - 5903, September 2016. | WoS
R Feick,
M Rodriguez,
L Ahumada, R.A. Valenzuela,
M.S. Derpich and O Bahamonde. Achievable Gains of Directional Antennas in Outdoor-Indoor Propagation Environments. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 14(3):1447-1456, March 2015. | WoS
L Ahumada,
R Feick, R.A. Valenzuela,
M. Gallardo,
M.S. Derpich and
H Carrasco. Empirical Evaluation of the Received Power Gain when Remote Radio Heads are Used to enhance the Coverage Area in Urban Environments. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 12(6):2830-2839, June 2013. | WoS
L Ahumada,
R Feick, R.A. Valenzuela,
M.S. Derpich and
H Carrasco. Empirical gains achievable with low altitude remote radio heads in wireless urban links. In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC SmallNets), Ottawa, Canadá, 10-15 June 2012.
R Feick,
M.S. Derpich, R.A. Valenzuela,
H Carrasco,
L Ahumada, H Huang and C.T.K. Ng. An Empirical Study of the Achievable Rates of Several Indoor Network-MIMO Techniques. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 10(2):581-591, 2011. | WoS
L Ahumada,
R Feick and
H Carrasco. Accuracy of Temporal Fade Margin Prediction for Fixed Wireless Links Exposed to Urban Traffic. In IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 5(2):237-244, 2011. | WoS
R Feick,
L Ahumada and
H Carrasco. Effect of pedestrian traffic on fade statistics of fixed wireless links in public spaces. In IET Communications, Vol. 5(6):2285-2290, 2011. | WoS
C. Hermosilla, R.A. Valenzuela,
L Ahumada and
R Feick. Empirical Comparison of MIMO and Beamforming Schemes for Outdoor-Indoor Scenarios. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 8(3):1139-1143, March 2009. | WoS
R.A. Valenzuela,
L Ahumada and
R Feick. Multi-Antenna Techniques in Fixed Wireless Links. IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2009, Barcelona, España, 26-29 April 2009.
A. Alvarado, L. Szczecinski,
R Feick and
L Ahumada. Distribution of L-values in gray-mapped M2-QAM: Closed-form approximations and applications. In IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 57(7):2071-2079, July 2009. | WoS
C. Hermosilla, R.A. Valenzuela,
L Ahumada and
R Feick. Empirical Comparison of MIMO and Beamforming Schmes. In The 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008), Pages 4226-4229, Beijing, China, 19-23 May 2008.
C. Hermosilla,
R Feick, R.A. Valenzuela and
L Ahumada. Improving MIMO Capacity with Directive Antennas for Outdoor-Indoor Scenarios. In IEEE 64th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC2008-Spring, Pages 414-418, Marina Bay, Singapore, 11-14 May 2008.
L Ahumada,
R Feick, R.A. Valenzuela and
C. Hermosilla. Measured Improvement of Indoor Coverage for Fixed Wireless Loops With Multiple Antenna Receivers. In IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 7:485-488, 2008. | WoS
R.A. Valenzuela,
L Ahumada,
R Feick and S. Gysling. Temporal Fade Reduction for Fixed Wireless Diversity Receivers with Unbalanced and Correlated Branches. In IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 11(2):129-131, February 2007. | WoS
R Feick, R.A. Valenzuela and
L Ahumada. Experimental results on the level crossing rate and average fade duration for urban fixed wireless channels. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 6(1):175-179, January 2007. | WoS
R Feick, R.A. Valenzuela,
L Ahumada and N. Aldunate. A Statistical Model for the Dynamics of the Received Signal Envelope in Narrowband Urban Fixed Wireless Links with Application to MRC Diversity Receivers. In IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 6:300-304, 2007. | WoS
R.A. Valenzuela,
L Ahumada and
R Feick. The effect of unbalanced branches on the performance of diversity receivers for urban fixed wireless links. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 6(9):3324-3332, September 2007. | WoS
L. Szczecinski,
A. Alvarado,
R Feick and
L Ahumada. On the Distribution of L-values in Gray-mapped $M^2$-QAM Signals: Exact Expressions and Simple Approximations. In IEEE GLOBECOM 2007 Communication Theory Symposium, Washington D.C., 26-30 November 2007.
L Ahumada,
R Feick, R.A. Valenzuela and
C. Hermosilla. Measured Improvement of Indoor Coverage for Fixed Wireless Loops with Multiple Antenna Receivers. In 7th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2007), Sydney, Australia, 16-19 October 2007.
L Ahumada,
R Feick and R.A. Valenzuela. Characterization of Temporal Fading in Urban Fixed Wireless Links. In IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 10(4):242-244, April 2006. | WoS
R Feick, R.A. Valenzuela,
L Ahumada and N. Aldunate. A Statistical Model for the Dynamics of the Received Signal Envelope in Narrowband Urban Fixed Wireless Links with Applications to Diversity Receivers. In IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2006 Fall (VTC2006-Fall), Montreal, Canada, 25-28 September 2006.
L Ahumada,
R Feick, C. Morales and R.A. Valenzuela. Measurements and Characterization of the Temporal Behavior of Fixed Wireless Links. In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 54(6):1913-1922, November 2005. | WoS
L Ahumada, M. Barría and
M. Maraboli. Network devices: is more expensive better? In IEEE Potentials, Vol. 24(4):32-34, 2005. | WoS