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Showing 2461 - 2490 (2700 total)
2461 Add to my selection
R Feick. A recursive algorithm for image enhancement. In 12th Allerton conference on circuit theory and system theory, Urbana-Champaign, EE.UU., 1974.
2462 Add to my selection
C. Moraga. Lógica de umbral con separación polinomial. In Scientia, Vol. 144: 8-15, 1973.
2463 Add to my selection
C. Moraga and A. Bittner. A ternary positional automatic control system. In 3rd international symposium on multiple-valued logic, Toronto, Canadá, 1973.
2464 Add to my selection
H.D. Hristov, L.P. Kamburov and R Feick. Microwave Antenna with Compound Fresnel Zone-Plate Lens Conformal to Truncated Conical Dome. Pages 113-116, 4th European Workshop on Conformal Antennas (EWCA'05), Stockholm, Sweden, 23-24 May 2005.
2465 Add to my selection
J. Rodriguez, S. Kouro, J. Rebolledo and J. Pontt. A reduced switching frequency modulation algorithm for high power multilevel inverters. In IEEE 36th Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC'05), Pages 867-872, Recife, Brazil, 12-16 June 2005.
2466 Add to my selection
L.P. Kamburov, H.D. Hristov, J.R. Urumov and R Feick. Corvilinear Fresnel-Zone Plate Lens Antena: Radiation Theory. In International Journal of Infrared and Milimeter Waves, Vol. 26(11):1593-1611, November 2005.
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2467 Add to my selection
J Dixon, L Moran, J. Rodriguez and R. Domke. Reactive Power Compensation Technologies State-of-the-Art Review. In Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 93(12):2144-2164, December 2005.
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2468 Add to my selection
J. Glaria, T. Wendler and G.C. Goodwin. An introductory model of a one-piston engine. In European Journal of Physics, Vol. 26:1115-1125, 2005.
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2469 Add to my selection
J. Rodriguez, J. Pontt, C.A. Silva, S. Kouro and H. Miranda. A Novel Direct Torque Control Scheme for Induction Machines With Space Vector Modulation. In IEEE 35th Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC'04), Pages 1392-1397, Aachen, Germany, 20-25 June 2004.
2470 Add to my selection
J. Holtz, J. Quan, J. Pontt, J. Rodriguez, P. Newman and H. Miranda. Design of Fast and Robust Current Regulators for High-Power Drives Based on Complex State Variables. In IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 50(5):1388-1397, September 2004.
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2471 Add to my selection
J. Pontt, J. Rodriguez and R. Huerta. Mitigation of Noneliminated Harmonics of SHEPWM Three-Level Multipulse Three-Phase Active Front End Converters With Low Switching Frequency for Meeting Standard IEEE-519-92. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 19(6):1594-1600, November 2004.
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2472 Add to my selection
J. Rodriguez, J. Pontt, S. Kouro and P. Correa. Direct Torque Control with Imposed Switching Frequency in an 11-Level Cascade Inverter. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 51(4):827-833, August 2004.
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2473 Add to my selection
H Carrasco, H.D. Hristov, R Feick and D. Cofré. Mutual Coupling between Planar Inverted-F Antennas. In Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 42(3):224-227, August 2004.
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2474 Add to my selection
H.D. Hristov, R Feick, W. Grote and P. Fernández. Indoor Signal Focusing by Means of Fresnel Zone Plate Lens Attached to Building Wall. In IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 52(4):933-940, April 2004.
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2475 Add to my selection
L.P. Kamburov, H.D. Hristov and R Feick. Optimum Design of Millimeter-Wave Double-Dielectric Fresnel Zone-Plate Lens and Antenna. In International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Pages 301-316, February 2004.
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2476 Add to my selection
J. Rodriguez, P. Hammond, J. Pontt and R. Musalem. Method to increase reliability in 5-level inverter. In Electronics Letters, Vol. 39(18):1343-1345, September 2003.
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2477 Add to my selection
D. Peña, H.D. Hristov, R Feick and W. Grote. Measurement and Modeling of Propagation Losses in Brick and Concrete Walls for the 900-MHz Band. In IEEE Transactions on Antenas and Propagation, Vol. 51(1):31-39, January 2003.
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2478 Add to my selection
J. Rodriguez, L Moran, J. Pontt, R. Osorio and S. Kouro. Modeling and analysis of common-mode voltages generated in medium voltage PWM-CSI drives. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 18(3):873-879, May 2003.
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2479 Add to my selection
J. Rodriguez, J. Pontt, N. Becker and A. Weinstein. Regenerative Drives in the Megawatt Range for High-Performance Downhill Belt Conveyors. In IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 38(1):203-210, January 2002.
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2480 Add to my selection
J. Rodriguez, J. Pontt, G. Alzamora, N. Becker, O. Einenkel and A. Weinstein. Novel 20 MW Downhill Conveyor System Using Three-Level Converters. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49(5):1093-1100, October 2002.
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2481 Add to my selection
D.A. Erraz and J. Glaria. Dentro del péndulo cicloidal de Huygens. In Gaceta de la sociedad matemática de Chile, Vol. 1997/1998: 75-87, 1998.
2482 Add to my selection
J.L. Hernández. Automática y mecatrónica inteligentes en protección de sistemas eléctricos de potencia. In Cuadernos técnicos sobre sistemas eléctricos de potencia, Vol. 1:71-77, 1998.
2483 Add to my selection
M. Barría, R. Vallejos and L. Soares. Performance analysis of a voice multiplexer with bit dropping. In Revista de investigación operativa, Aso­ciación latino-iberoamericana de investigación operativa, ALIO, Vol. 5(2/3):169-198, 1997.
2484 Add to my selection
L Magne, R. Vallejos, J. Pontt, A Gutierrez and J Menacho. Visión Conceptual y Estado de la Tecnología en Molienda Semiautógena. In Revista Minerales, Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas de Chile, Vol. 52(218.), 1997.
2485 Add to my selection
J. Glaria and L. Molina. A laboratory plant for feedback theories. In Automatica, Vol. 33(11): 2085-2087, 1997.
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2486 Add to my selection
J.L. Hernández. Control robusto polinomial y matricial de sistemas intervalo. Automática e innovación, vol. 6,2, 47-52. In Automática e innovación, Vol. 6(2):47-52, 1994.
2487 Add to my selection
J.L. Hernández and O Zapata. Realización de una neurona autorrestaurativa en hardware analógico para control industrial y robótico. In Gestión tecnológica, Vol. 28-31:45-50., 1994.
2488 Add to my selection
J.L. Hernández and E Garbarino. Control y estimación lineales cuadráticos para un brazo robótico flexible: diseño asistido por computador. In Gestión tecnológica, Vol. 28-31: 3-6., 1994.
2489 Add to my selection
H Palacios. Una aproximación preliminar, vía redes neuronales, al problema de la variación de la línea base del electrocardiograma. In Las jornadas de redes neuronales aplicadas a ingeniería biomédica, 1994.
2490 Add to my selection
A Rojo, J. Pontt and O Godoy. Corrosión por corrientes de fugas en naves de electro-obtención. In Revista de electricidad y telecomunicaciones, Editec, vol. 12, 16-19, Vol. 12:16-19, 1994.
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Last modified: Fri March 12 2021 18:39:37