C.D. Fuentes,
S. Kouro and S. Bernet. Comparison of 1700-V SiC-MOSFET and Si-IGBT Modules Under Identical Test Setup Conditions. In IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 55(6):7765–7775, December 2019. | WoS
@Article{C. D. Fuentes:2019,
AUTHOR = {Fuentes, C.D. and Kouro, S. and Bernet, S.},
TITLE = {Comparison of 1700-V SiC-MOSFET and Si-IGBT Modules Under Identical Test Setup Conditions},
YEAR = {2019},
MONTH = {December},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications},
VOLUME = {55},
NUMBER = {6},
PAGES = {7765{\~A}¢{\^a}‚¬{\^a}€œ7775},
NOTE = {ISI} }