R Carvajal,
J.C Agüero and K. Mahata. Low complexity Wiener filtering in CDMA systems using a class of pseudo-noise spreading codes. In IEEE Commun. Letters., Vol. 16(9):1357–1360 , 2012. | NO USM | WoS
AUTHOR = {Carvajal, R and Ag{\~A}¼ero, J.C and Mahata, K.},
TITLE = {Low complexity Wiener filtering in CDMA systems using a class of pseudo-noise spreading codes},
YEAR = {2012},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Commun. Letters.},
VOLUME = {16},
NUMBER = {9},
PAGES = {1357{\^a}€“1360 },
URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LCOMM.2012.070512.121051},
NOTE = {ISI, no USM} }