Publications of J. Rebolledo (past Departamento de Electronica UTFSM member)
Order by: Type | Year |
V. Guerrero,
J. Pontt, J Dixon and
J. Rebolledo. A Novel Noninvasive Failure-Detection System for High-Power Converters Based on SCRs. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 60(2):450-458, February 2013.  | WoS
V. Guerrero,
J. Pontt, J Dixon and
J. Rebolledo. A novel non invasive failure detection system for power converters based on SCR rectifiers. In Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, Pages 147 -152, March 2011. 
J. Pontt,
J. Rodriguez,
J. Rebolledo, K. Tischler and N. Becker. Operation of High Power Cycloconverter-Fed Gearless Drives under Abnormal Conditions. In IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 43(3):814-820, May 2007.  | WoS
S. Kouro,
J. Rebolledo and
J. Rodriguez. Reduced Switching-Frequency-Modulation Algorithm for High-Power Multilevel Inverters. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 54(5):2894-2901, October 2007. | WoS
J. Pontt, F. Rojas,
J. Rodriguez,
J. Rebolledo,
J. San Martín,
I. Illanes,
E Cáceres,
R. Aguilera,
P. Newman and
R. Vallejos. Issues on Reliability of Cycloconverter-Fed High-Power Gearless Mill Drives. In Proceedings of COMMINUTION’06, Perth, Australia, March 2006.
J. Pontt,
J. Rodriguez,
J. Rebolledo,
J. San Martín,
I. Illanes,
E Cáceres,
R. Aguilera, G. Figueroa and
P. Newman. Improving Reliability of a Load Commutated Inverter (LCI) - fed SAG Mill. In COMMINUTION'06, Perth, Australia, 15-17 March 2006.
J. Rodriguez,
S. Kouro,
J. Rebolledo and
J. Pontt. A reduced switching frequency modulation algorithm for high power multilevel inverters. In IEEE 36th Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC'05), Pages 867-872, Recife, Brazil, 12-16 June 2005.
J. Pontt,
J. Rodriguez,
J. Rebolledo,
J. San Martín, E Cid and G. Figueroa. High-power LCI grinding mill drive under faulty conditions. In Record of the Fourtieth IAS Annual Meeting of IEEE Industry Applications Conference, Vol. 1:670 – 673, Hong Kong, 2-6 October 2005.
J. Pontt,
J. Rodriguez,
E Cáceres,
I. Illanes and
J. Rebolledo. Cycloconverter behavior for a grinding mill drive under firing pulses fault conditions. In Record of the Fourtieth IAS Annual Meeting of IEEE Industry Applications Conference, Vol. 1:645-649, Hong Kong, 2-6 October 2005.