Publications of A Wilson (past Departamento de Electronica UTFSM member)
Order by: Type | Year |
M Rivera,
C.A. Rojas,
A Wilson,
J. Rodriguez, Jose Espinoza, C. Baier and J. Munoz. Review of predictive control methods to improve the input current of an indirect matrix converter. In IET Power Electronics, Vol. 7(4):886-894, April 2014.  | WoS
M Rivera,
A Wilson,
C.A. Rojas,
J. Rodriguez, Jose Espinoza, P. Wheeler and L. Empringham. A Comparative Assessment of Model Predictive Current Control and Space Vector Modulation in a Direct Matrix Converter. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 60(2):578-588, February 2013.  | WoS
C.A. Rojas,
M.A. Perez,
A Wilson and
J. Rodriguez. Reactive power control using a carrier-based modulation for Cascaded Matrix Converter. In IECON 2013 - 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Vienna, Austria, 10-13 November 2013. 
V Yaramasu, Bin Wu,
M Rivera,
J. Rodriguez and
A Wilson. Cost-function based predictive voltage control of two-level four-leg inverters using two step prediction horizon for standalone power systems. In 2012 Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), IEEE, Orlando, FL, USA, 5-9 February 2012. 
M Rivera,
J. Rodriguez, P.W. Wheeler,
C.A. Rojas,
A Wilson and Jose Espinoza. Control of a Matrix Converter With Imposed Sinusoidal Source Currents. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59(4):1939-1949, April 2012.  | WoS
M Rivera,
J. Rodriguez, Jose Espinoza, T. Friedli, J. Kolar,
A Wilson and
C.A. Rojas. Imposed Sinusoidal Source and Load Currents for an Indirect Matrix Converter. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59(9):3427-3435, September 2012.  | WoS
C.A. Rojas,
J. Rodriguez, A Iqbal, H. Abu-Rub,
A Wilson and S. Moin Ahmed. A simple modulation scheme for a regenerative Cascaded Matrix Converter. In IECON 2011 - 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Melbourne, Vic, Australia, 7-10 November 2011. 
A Wilson, P Cortes,
S. Kouro,
J. Rodriguez and H. Abu-Rub. Model predictive control for Cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverters with even power distribution. In Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, Pages 1271 -1276, 2010.
P Cortes,
A Wilson,
S. Kouro,
J. Rodriguez and H. Abu-Rub. Model Predictive Control of Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters. In Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 57(8):2691 -2699, August 2010. | WoS
V Yaramasu,
J. Rodriguez, Bin Wu,
M Rivera,
A Wilson and
C.A. Rojas. A simple and effective solution for superior performance in two-level four-leg voltage source inverters: Predictive voltage control. In 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, IEEE, Bari, Italy, 4-7 July 2010. 
C.A. Rojas,
M Rivera,
J. Rodriguez,
A Wilson, Jose Espinoza, F Villarroel and P. Wheeler. Predictive control of a direct matrix converter operating under an unbalanced AC source. In 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, IEEE, Bari, Italy, 4-7 July 2010. 
J. Rodriguez, Bin Wu,
M Rivera,
A Wilson, V Yaramasu and
C.A. Rojas. Model predictive control of three-phase four-leg neutral-point-clamped inverters. In The 2010 International Power Electronics Conference - ECCE ASIA -, IEEE, Sapporo, Japan, 21-24 June 2010. 
J. Rodriguez, Bin Wu,
M Rivera,
C.A. Rojas, V Yaramasu and
A Wilson. Predictive current control of three-phase two-level four-leg inverter. In Proceedings of 14th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference EPE-PEMC 2010, IEEE, Ohrid, Macedonia, 6-8 September 2010. 
M Rivera,
J..L. Elizondo, M..E. Macias, O..M. Probst, O..M. Micheloud,
J. Rodriguez,
C.A. Rojas and
A Wilson. Model predictive control of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator with an Indirect Matrix Converter. In IECON 2010 - 36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Glendale, AZ, USA, 7-10 November 2010. 
P Cortes,
A Wilson,
S. Kouro,
J. Rodriguez and H. Abu-Rub. Model Predictive Control of Cascaded H-Bridge multilevel inverters. In Power Electronics and Applications, 2009. EPE '09. 13th European Conference on, Pages 1-9 , 2009.