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Publication no #5676   Download bibtex file Type :   Html | Bib | Both
    Created: 2022-08-07 12:24:51
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E. Grendi, S Silva, J.I. Yuz, M. Orchard, Juan Huidobro, Domingo Rojas and J. Allende-Bustamante. Análisis avanzado de datos para el desarrollo de un modelo de degradación para molino SAG. In 9th International Congress of Automation, Robotics and Digitalization in Mining, Minería Digital 2022, 10-12 August 2022.

      AUTHOR = {Grendi, E. and Silva, S and Yuz, J.I. and Orchard, M. and Huidobro, Juan and Rojas, Domingo and Allende-Bustamante, J.},
      TITLE = {An{\~A}¡lisis avanzado de datos para el desarrollo de un modelo de degradaci{\~A}³n para molino SAG},
      YEAR = {2022},
      MONTH = {10-12 August},
      BOOKTITLE = {9th International Congress of Automation, Robotics and Digitalization in Mining, Miner{\~A}­a Digital 2022}
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Last modified: Fri March 12 2021 18:39:37