G. Baez, P. Prieto and
F Auat Cheein. 3D vision-based handheld system for visually impaired people: Preliminary results on echo-localization using structured light sensors. In Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, Vol. 4(4), June 2018. | Scopus
@Article{2018:Baez,G.-Prieto, P.-Auat, F.,
AUTHOR = {Baez, G. and Prieto, P. and Auat Cheein, F},
TITLE = {3D vision-based handheld system for visually impaired people: Preliminary results on echo-localization using structured light sensors},
YEAR = {2018},
MONTH = {June},
JOURNAL = {Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express},
VOLUME = {4},
NUMBER = {4},
URL = {DOI: 1DOI: 10.1088/2057-1976/aac9ad0.1088/2057-1976/aac9ad},
NOTE = {ISI} }