A.G. Palacios,
M.J. Escobar and E. Céspedes. Authors' Response: Is a Weak Notion of Representation not Compatible with a Contextualist and Enactivist Account of Perception? In Constructivist Foundations, Vol. 13(1), -17 November 2017. | WoS
@InBook{2017/2: M.J.Escobar/A.G.Palacios,
AUTHOR = {Palacios, A.G. and Escobar, M.J. and C{\~A}©spedes, E.},
TITLE = {Authors' Response: Is a Weak Notion of Representation not Compatible with a Contextualist and Enactivist Account of Perception?},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = {-17 November},
BOOKTITLE = {Constructivist Foundations},
VOLUME = {13},
NUMBER = {1},
NOTE = {ISI} }