I. Vourkas, D. Stathis and G. Sirakoulis. Memristor-based parallel sorting approach using one-dimensional cellular automata. In IET Electron. Lett., Vol. 50(24):1819-1821, 2014.  | NO USM | WoS
AUTHOR = {Vourkas, I. and Stathis, D. and Sirakoulis, G.},
TITLE = {Memristor-based parallel sorting approach using one-dimensional cellular automata},
YEAR = {2014},
JOURNAL = {IET Electron. Lett.},
VOLUME = {50},
NUMBER = {24},
PAGES = {1819-1821},
URL = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=6969280},
NOTE = {ISI, no USM} }