R.E. Hillman, D.D. Mehta, C. Stepp, J.H. Van Stan and
M Zanartu. Objective assessment of vocal hyperfunction. In Spring 2016 Acoustical Society of America Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 23-27 May 2016. 
AUTHOR = {Hillman, R.E. and Mehta, D.D. and Stepp, C. and Van Stan, J.H. and Zanartu, M},
TITLE = {Objective assessment of vocal hyperfunction},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = {23-27 May},
BOOKTITLE = {Spring 2016 Acoustical Society of America Meeting},
ADDRESS = {Salt Lake City, Utah},
URL = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/asa/journal/jasa/139/4/10.1121/1.4950531} }