S. Rivera, Bin Wu,
R. Lizana,
S. Kouro,
M.A. Perez and
J. Rodriguez. Modular multilevel converter for large-scale multistring photovoltaic energy conversion system. In 2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, IEEE, Denver, CO, USA, 15-19 September 2013.
AUTHOR = {Rivera, S. and Wu, Bin and Lizana, R. and Kouro, S. and Perez, M.A. and Rodriguez, J.},
TITLE = {Modular multilevel converter for large-scale multistring photovoltaic energy conversion system},
YEAR = {2013},
MONTH = {15-19 September},
BOOKTITLE = {2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition},
ADDRESS = {Denver, CO, USA},
URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ECCE.2013.6646945} }