AUTHOR = {Blanchot, G and Hervas, L and Kierstead, J and Lanni, F and Rescia, S and Verdugo, M and Pontt, J. and Olivares, R. and Robles, H. and D{\~A}az, S.},
TITLE = {Compatibilidad electromagn{\~A}©tica de sistema de distribuci{\~A}łn de CC para el calor{\~A}metro de Arg{\~A}łn l{\~A}quido de ATLAS (Electromagnetic Compatibility of a DC Power Distribution System for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter)},
YEAR = {2006},
MONTH = {8-11 November},
BOOKTITLE = {XII Congreso Internacional de Telecomunicaciones, SENACITEL},
ADDRESS = {Valdivia, Chile},
NOTE = {CN} }