E. Wiechmann, Jose Espinoza and
J. Rodriguez. Compensated carrier PWM sinchronization: a novel method to achieve self regulation and AC unbalace compensation in AC fed converters. In 8o congreso chileno de ingenierÃa eléctrica,, Vol. 1:7-13, Concepción, Chile, 1989. | Conferencia Nacional
AUTHOR = {Wiechmann, E. and Espinoza, Jose and Rodriguez, J.},
TITLE = {Compensated carrier PWM sinchronization: a novel method to achieve self regulation and AC unbalace compensation in AC fed converters.},
YEAR = {1989},
BOOKTITLE = {8o congreso chileno de ingenier{\~A}a el{\~A}©ctrica,},
VOLUME = {1},
PAGES = {7-13},
ADDRESS = {Concepci{\~A}³n, Chile},
NOTE = {CN} }