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<< 2024 >> TOP
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A. Padilla, H. Garnier, J.I. Yuz, F. Chen and C. Muñoz. Identification of continuous-time linear parameter varying systems with noisy scheduling variable using local regression. In IEEE Access, Vol. 12:34235-34246, 2024. URL
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J.G. Fontanet, J.I. Yuz, H. Garnier, Arturo Morales, J.P. Cortés and M Zanartu. Continuous-time model identification of the subglottal system. In Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 95:106394-, September 2024. URL
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J.G. Fontanet, J.I. Yuz, H. Garnier, V. Espinoza and M Zanartu. Subglottal Impedance-Based Model Parameter Estimation via System Identification. In 20th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2024), 2024.
<< 2023 >> TOP
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M.S. Derpich and S Yuksel. Dual Effect, Certainty Equivalence, and Separation Revisited: A Counterexample and a Relaxed Characterization for Optimality. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 68(2):1259 - 1266, February 2023. URL
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P. Albertos, G Scaglia, C. Wei and J.I. Yuz. Some issues about FL and LAB servo control. In 22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, 8-14 July 2023.
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Arturo Morales, J.I. Yuz, J.P. Cortés, J.G. Fontanet and M Zanartu. Glottal Airflow Estimation using Neck Surface Acceleration and Low-Order Kalman Smoothing. In IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 31:2055 - 2066, 2023. URL
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A.L. Cedeño, R.A. Gonzalez, B.I. Godoy, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. On Filtering and Smoothing Algorithms for Linear State-Space Models Having Quantized Output Data. In Mathematics, Vol. 11(6):1327-, March 2023. URL
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A.L. Cedeño, R Orellana, R Carvajal, B.I. Godoy and J.C Agüero. Finite Impulse Response Errors-in-Variables System Identification Utilizing Approximated Likelihood and Gaussian Mixture Models. In IEEE Access, Vol. 11:24615-24630, 2023. URL
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P Escarate, M Curé, I. Araya, M Coronel, A.L. Cedeño, L. Celedon, J. Cavieres, J.C Agüero, C. Arcos, L. Cidale, R. Levenhagen, R. Pezoa and S. Simon-Diaz. A method to deconvolve stellar profiles. The non-rotating line utilizing Gaussian sum approximation. In Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 676, 2023.
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P Franco, F Condon, J.M. Martínez and M.A. Ahmed. Enabling Remote Elderly Care: Design and Implementation of a Smart Energy Data System with Activity Recognition. In Sensors, Vol. 23(18):7936-, September 2023. URL
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F Condon, P Franco, J.M. Martínez, A.M. Eltamaly, YC Kim and M.A. Ahmed. EnergyAuction: IoT-Blockchain Architecture for Local Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading in a Microgrid. In Sustainability, Vol. 15(17):13203-, September 2023. URL
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N Hormazábal, P Franco, David Urtubia and M.A. Ahmed. Data-Driven Smart Avatar for Thermal Comfort Evaluation in Chile. In Buildings, Vol. 13(8):1953-, August 2023. URL
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A.M. Eltamaly, Z.A. Almutairi and M.A. Abdelhamid. Modern Optimization Algorithm for Improved Performance of Maximum Power Point Tracker of Partially Shaded PV Systems. In Energies, Vol. 16(13):5228-, July 2023. URL
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A.M. Eltamaly and M.A. Ahmed. Performance Evaluation of Communication Infrastructure for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading in Community Microgrids. In Energies, Vol. 16(13):5116-, July 2023. URL
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F Condon, J.M. Martínez, A.M. Eltamaly, YC Kim and M.A. Ahmed. Design and Implementation of a Cloud-IoT-Based Home Energy Management System. In Sensors, Vol. 23(1):176-, January 2023. URL
13 Add to my selection
Faisal Mohammad, DK Kang, M.A. Ahmed and YC Kim. Energy Demand Load Forecasting for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Network Based on ConvLSTM and BiConvLSTM Architectures. In IEEE Access, Vol. 11:67350-67369, 2023. URL
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<< 2022 >> TOP
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F Auat Cheein, P. Prieto and G. Fantoni editors. Rapid Roboting: Recent Advances on 3D Printers and Robotics. Springer, 2022. URL
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M Barforooshan, M.S. Derpich, P.A. Stavrou and J. Ostergaard. The Effect of Time Delay on the Average Data Rate and Performance in Networked Control Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 67(1):16-31, January 2022. URL
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L Callegaro, C.A. Rojas, M Ciobotaru and J.E. Fletcher. A Controller Improving Photovoltaic Voltage Regulation in the Single-Stage Single-Phase Inverter. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 37(1):354-363, January 2022. URL
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R Orellana, G. Bittner, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. Maximum Likelihood estimation for non-minimum-phase noise transfer function with Gaussian mixture noise distribution. In Automatica, Vol. 135:109937-, January 2022. URL
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J.P. Cortés, G. Alzamendi, A. Weinstein, J.I. Yuz, V. Espinoza, D.D. Mehta, R.E. Hillman and M Zanartu. Kalman Filter Implementation of Subglottal Impedance-Based Inverse Filtering to Estimate Glottal Airflow during Phonation. In Applied Sciences, Vol. 12(1):401-, January 2022. URL
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O Husev, O Matiushkin, D. Vinnikov, C Roncero-Clemente and S. Kouro. Novel Concept of Solar Converter with Universal Applicability for DC and AC Microgrids. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 69(5), May 2022. URL
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G Vidal, J.I. Yuz, Ronny Vallejos A. and Felipe Osorio S.. Point-process modeling and divergence measures applied to the characterization of passenger flow patterns of a metro system. In IEEE Access, Vol. 10:26529-26540, 2022. URL
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H. Ramirez, Y.L Gorrec and B. Maschke. Boundary controlled irreversible port-Hamiltonian systems. In Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 248:117107-, February 2022. URL
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W Zhou, Pan Liu, Y Wu, H. Ramirez and Y. Le Gorrec. Energy-Based Modeling and Hamiltonian LQG Control of a Flexible Beam Actuated by IPMC Actuators. In IEEE Access, Vol. 10:12153-12163, 2022. URL
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V Silva, R Feick, L Ahumada, R.A. Valenzuela, M.S. Derpich and M Rodriguez. Empirical Comparison of Propagation Models for Relay-Based Networks in Urban Environments. In IEEE Access, Vol. 10:7313-7325, 2022. URL
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M.S. Derpich and J. Ostergaard. Correction to A Framework for Control System Design Subject to Average Data-Rate Constraints. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 67(10):5677 - 5679, October 2022. URL
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E. Grendi, S Silva, J.I. Yuz, M. Orchard, Juan Huidobro, Domingo Rojas and J. Allende-Bustamante. Análisis avanzado de datos para el desarrollo de un modelo de degradación para molino SAG. In 9th International Congress of Automation, Robotics and Digitalization in Mining, Minería Digital 2022, 10-12 August 2022.
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Eduardo Elgueta and J.I. Yuz. Robust Control of Continuous-time Systems with Pole Uncertainties. In IEEE ICA-ACCA, Curico, Chile, 24-28 October 2022. URL
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P. Albertos and J.I. Yuz. Time Delay Compensation in the Frequency Domain. In 17th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA, Chengdu, China, 16-19 December 2022. URL
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A.L. Cedeño, R López Ahuar, J. Rojas, G. Carvajal, C.A. Silva and J.C Agüero. Model Predictive Control for Photovoltaic Plants with Non-Ideal Energy Storage Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming. In Energies, Vol. 15(17):6427-, September 2022. URL
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A.L. Cedeño, R.L Ahuar, M. Olivares, C.A. Silva and J.C Agüero. Partial Feedback Linearization and Reference Signal Tracking Control for Ball-and-Plate System. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), IEEE, Curicó, Chile, 24-28 October 2022. URL
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A.L. Cedeño, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. A Gaussian Sum Smoothing algorithm for Hammerstein-Wiener State-Space Systems. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), IEEE, Curicó, Chile, 24-28 October 2022. URL
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R.L Ahuar, A.L. Cedeño, M. Olivares, J.C Agüero and C.A. Silva. Model Reference Adaptive Control for Ball-and-Plate System. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), IEEE, Curicó, Chile, 24-28 October 2022. URL
19 Add to my selection
J Escarate, R Lopez, A.L. Cedeño, J.C Agüero, C.A. Silva and G. Carvajal. FPGA Implementation of ADMM for Model Predictive Control in a DC/AC Converter. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), IEEE, Curicó, Chile, 24-28 October 2022. URL
20 Add to my selection
M.A. Ahmed, S.A. Chavez, A.M. Eltamaly, H.O. Garces, A.J. Rojas and YC Kim. Toward an Intelligent Campus: IoT Platform for Remote Monitoring and Control of Smart Buildings. In Sensors, Vol. 22(23):9045-, December 2022. URL
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J Salles-Mardones, A Flores-Maradiaga and M.A. Ahmed. Feasibility Assessment of Photovoltaic Systems to Save Energy Consumption in Residential Houses with Electric Vehicles in Chile. In Sustainability, Vol. 14(9):5377-, May 2022. URL
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22 Add to my selection
P Franco, J.M. Martínez, YC Kim and M.A. Ahmed. A Cyber-Physical Approach for Residential Energy Management: Current State and Future Directions. In Sustainability, Vol. 14(8):4639-, April 2022. URL
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23 Add to my selection
M.A. Ahmed, J.L Gallardo, M.D. Zuniga, M.A. Pedraza, G. Carvajal, N. Jara and R Carvajal. LoRa Based IoT Platform for Remote Monitoring of Large-Scale Agriculture Farms in Chile. In Sensors, Vol. 22(8):2824-, April 2022. URL
<< 2021 >> TOP
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D. Deliyski, M. Shisskov, D.D. Mehta, H. Ghasemzadeh, B. Bouma, M Zanartu, A. De Alarcon and R.E. Hillman. Laser-Calibrated System for Transnasal Fiberoptic Laryngeal High-Speed Videoendoscopy. In Jounal of Voice, Vol. 35(1):122-128, January 2021. URL
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L Mora, H. Ramirez, J.I. Yuz, Y. Le Gorrec and M Zanartu. Energy-based fluid-structure model of the vocal folds. In IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, Vol. 38(2):466-492, June 2021. URL
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Jiapeng Yin, J.I. Leon, M.A. Perez and L.G. Franquelo. Variable Rounding Level Control Method for Modular Multilevel Converters. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 36(4):4791-4801, 2021. URL
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Arturo Morales and J.I. Yuz. Reduced order modeling for glottal airflow estimation using a Kalman smoother. In IEEE IFAC International Conference on Automation ICA ACCA, 22-26 March 2021. URL
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J.G. Fontanet, J.I. Yuz, J. Torres, M. Gordon and H. Ramirez. Port-Hamiltonian modeling of the vocal folds using bond-graph representation. In IEEE IFAC International Conference on Automation ICA ACCA, 22-26 March 2021. URL
6 Add to my selection
R Perez-Ibacache, A.L. Cedeño, C.A. Silva, G. Carvajal, J.C Agüero and A Yazdani. Decentralized Model-based Predictive Control for DER units Integration in AC Microgrids Subject to Operational and Safety Constraints. In IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 36(4):2479 - 2489, August 2021. URL
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J Du, D. Chizhik, R.A. Valenzuela, R Feick, G. Castro, M Rodriguez, T Chen, M Kohli and G Zussman. Directional Measurements in Urban Street Canyons from Macro Rooftop Sites at 28 GHz for 90% Outdoor Coverage. In IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 69(6):3459 - 3469, June 2021. URL
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J.P. Vásconez, H. Admoni and F Auat Cheein. A methodology for semantic action recognition based on pose and human-object interaction in avocado harvesting processes. In Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 184:106057-, May 2021. URL
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T Arevalo-Ramirez and F Auat Cheein. Conditional Random Field Features and Structure Assessment for Digital Terrain Modeling. In IEEE Access, Vol. 9:37146-37155, 2021. URL
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T Arevalo-Ramirez, Andrés Fuentes, Pedro Reszka and F Auat Cheein. Single bands leaf reflectance prediction based on fuel moisture content for forestry applications. In Biosystems Engineering, Vol. 202:79-95, February 2021. URL
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C Gonzalez-Castano, C Restrepo, S. Kouro and J. Rodriguez. MPPT Algorithm Based on Artificial Bee Colony for PV System. In IEEE Access, Vol. 9:43121-43133, 2021. URL
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12 Add to my selection
S. Rivera, S. Kouro, S Vazquez, S.M. Goetz, R. Lizana and E Romero-Cadaval. Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure -- From Grid to Battery. In IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Vol. 15(2):37 - 51, June 2021. URL
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13 Add to my selection
S. Rivera, R. Lizana, S. Kouro, T Dragicevic and Bin Wu. Bipolar DC Power Conversion: State-of-the-Art and Emerging Technologies. In IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 9(2):1192-1204, April 2021. URL
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M Aguirre, S. Kouro, C.A. Rojas and S Vazquez. Enhanced Switching Frequency Control in FCS-MPC for Power Converters. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 68(3):2470-2479, March 2021. URL
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A.M. Eltamaly, M.A. Alotaibi, A.I. Alolah and M.A. Ahmed. A Novel Demand Response Strategy for Sizing of Hybrid Energy System With Smart Grid Concepts. In IEEE Access, Vol. 9:20277-20294, 2021. URL
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A.M Alcaide, J.I. Leon, R. Portillo, Jiapeng Yin, W Luo, S Vazquez, S. Kouro and L.G. Franquelo. Variable-Angle PS-PWM Technique for Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Converters with Large Number of Power Cells. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 68(8):6773 - 6783, August 2021. URL
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17 Add to my selection
R Gomez-Merchan, S Vazquez, A.M Alcaide, H.D Tafti, J.I. Leon, Josep Pou, C.A. Rojas, S. Kouro and L.G. Franquelo. Binary Search Based Flexible Power Point Tracking Algorithm for Photovoltaic Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 68(7):5909-5920, July 2021. URL
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18 Add to my selection
A.A. Peters, F.J. Vargas, C Garrido, C Andrade and F Villenas. PL-TOON: A Low-Cost Experimental Platform for Teaching and Research on Decentralized Cooperative Control. In Sensors, Vol. 21(6):2072-, March 2021. URL
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19 Add to my selection
A.A. Peters, F.J. Vargas and J. Chen. An Algebraic Formula for Performance Bounds of a Weighted H_infty Optimal Control Problem. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 66(2):781-786, February 2021. URL
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L Paunonen, Y. Le Gorrec and H. Ramirez. A Lyapunov Approach to Robust Regulation of Distributed Port-Hamiltonian Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Pages 1-1, 2021. URL
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21 Add to my selection
C. Verdugo, S. Kouro, C.A. Rojas, M.A. Perez, T Meynard and M Malinowski. Emerging Converter Topologies and Control for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems - Chapter: Five- Level T-type Cascade Converter for Rooftop Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems. In D. Vinnikov, S. Kouro and Yongheng Yang editors, Emerging Converter Topologies and Control for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems, Chapter Five- Level T-type Cascade Converter for Rooftop Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems, MDPI,, 2021 edition, 2021.
22 Add to my selection
L Guevara, R.P. Rocha and F Auat Cheein. Improving the manual harvesting operation efficiency by coordinating a fleet of N-trailer vehicles. In Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 185:106103-, June 2021. URL
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J Villacrés, Andrés Fuentes, Pedro Reszka and F Auat Cheein. Retrieval of Vegetation Indices Related to Leaf Water Content from a Single Index: A Case Study of Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.) and Pinus radiata (D. Don.) In Plants, Vol. 10(4):697-, April 2021. URL
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24 Add to my selection
J.G. Fontanet, J.I. Yuz and M Zanartu. Parametric Identification of a Linear Time Invariant Model for a Subglottal System. In 19th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2021, 2021. URL
25 Add to my selection
P. Albertos, G Scaglia, J.I. Yuz and C. Wei. Trajectory Control in Non-Minimum Phase Plants. In 16th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA, Chengdu, China, 1-4 August 2021.
26 Add to my selection
R Orellana, R Carvajal, P Escarate and J.C Agüero. On the Uncertainty Identification for Linear Dynamic Systems Using Stochastic Embedding Approach with Gaussian Mixture Models. In Sensors, Vol. 21(11):3837-, June 2021. URL
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M Coronel, R Carvajal, P Escarate and J.C Agüero. Disturbance Modelling for Minimum Variance Control in Adaptive Optics Systems Using Wavefront Sensor Sampled-Data. In Sensors, Vol. 21(9):3054-, May 2021. URL
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28 Add to my selection
L Mora, Y. Le Gorrec, H. Ramirez, J.I. Yuz and B. Maschke. Dissipative port-Hamiltonian Formulation of Maxwell Viscoelastic Fluids. In Third IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems MICNON, Tokyo, Japan, 15-17 September 2021. URL
29 Add to my selection
Y Murga, C.A. Rojas, S. Kouro and N. Müller. Modelling of Non-Isolated Photovoltaic Energy Power Source for 3U NanoSats. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), Pages 1-6, IEEE, Valparaíso, Chile, 22-26 March 2021. URL
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H.J. Ferreira, S. Kouro, C.A. Rojas, N. Müller and S. Rivera. Bidirectional Partial Power DC-DC Configuration for HESS interface in EV Powertrains. In 2021 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Pages 327-332, IEEE, Valencia, Spain, 10-12 March 2021. URL
31 Add to my selection
R González, C.A. Rojas and L Callegaro. Three-level DC-DC GaN-based Converter with Active Thermal Control for Powertrain applications in Electric Vehicles. In 2021 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Pages 502-507, IEEE, Valencia, Spain, 10-12 March 2021. URL
32 Add to my selection
R. Fonseca, O Guarnizo, D Suntaxi, A Cadiz and W. Creixell. Convolutional Neural Network Feature Extraction Using Covariance Tensor Decomposition. In IEEE Access, Vol. 9:66646-66660, 2021. URL
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P Franco, J.M. Martínez, YC Kim and M.A. Ahmed. IoT Based Approach for Load Monitoring and Activity Recognition in Smart Homes. In IEEE Access, Vol. 9:45325-45339, 2021. URL
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J.J Cruz, F Escudero, E Álvarez, L.F Figueira da Silva, G. Carvajal, M Thomsen and Andrés Fuentes. Three-wavelength broadband soot pyrometry technique for axisymmetric flames. In Optics Letters, Vol. 46(11):2654-, 2021. URL
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A. Rodríguez, F Escudero, J.J Cruz, G. Carvajal and Andrés Fuentes. Retrieving soot volume fraction fields for laminar axisymmetric diffusion flames using convolutional neural networks. In Fuel, Vol. 285:119011-, February 2021. URL
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M.S. Derpich and J Østergaard. Directed Data-Processing Inequalities for Systems with Feedback. In Entropy, Vol. 23(5):533-, May 2021. URL
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J.L Gallardo, M.A. Ahmed and N. Jara. Clustering Algorithm-Based Network Planning for Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grid. In IEEE Access, Vol. 9:48992-49006, 2021. URL
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Patricia Morales, Astrid Lozada, D. Borquez-Paredes, R. Olivares, G. Saavedra, A. Leiva, A. Beghelli and N. Jara. Improving the Performance of SDM-EON Through Demand Prioritization: A Comprehensive Analysis. In IEEE Access, Vol. 9:63475-63490, 2021. URL
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D.M. Aliaga, R Feick, W.K. Brooks, M. Mery, R. Gers, J.F. Levi and C.P. Romero. Modified solar chimney configuration with a heat exchanger: Experiment and CFD simulation. In Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Vol. 22:100850-, May 2021. URL
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D Concha, H. Renaudineau, M.S. Hernández, A.M. Llor and S. Kouro. Evaluation of DCX converters for off-grid photovoltaic-based green hydrogen production. In International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 46(38):19861-19870, June 2021. URL
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C.D. Fuentes, M Müller, S. Bernet and S. Kouro. SiC-MOSFET or Si-IGBT: Comparison of Design and Key Characteristics of a 690 V Grid-Tied Industrial Two-Level Voltage Source Converter. In Energies, Vol. 14(11):3054-, June 2021. URL
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C Gonzalez-Castano, J Marulanda, C Restrepo, S. Kouro, A Alzate and J. Rodriguez. Hardware-in-the-Loop to Test an MPPT Technique of Solar Photovoltaic System: A Support Vector Machine Approach. In Sustainability, Vol. 13(6):3000-, March 2021. URL
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A. Chub, D. Vinnikov, O. Korkh, M Malinowski and S. Kouro. Ultra-Wide Voltage Gain Range Microconverter for Integration of Silicon and Thin-Film Photovoltaic Modules in DC Microgrids. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 36(12):13763 - 13778, December 2021. URL
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44 Add to my selection
M. Lopez, H Fehr, M.A. Perez and A Gensior. Pareto Frontier of the Arm Energy Ripple and the Conduction Losses of a Modular Multilevel Converter. In Energies, Vol. 14(2):392-, January 2021. URL
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S Sedighi, M.A Soto, A Jderu, D Dorobantu, M Enachescu and D Ziegler. Swelling-Based Distributed Chemical Sensing with Standard Acrylate Coated Optical Fibers. In Sensors, Vol. 21(3):718-, February 2021. URL
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A Jderu, M.A Soto, M Enachescu and D Ziegler. Liquid Flow Meter by Fiber-Optic Sensing of Heat Propagation. In Sensors, Vol. 21(2):355-, January 2021. URL
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M.A Soto, A Jderu, D Dorobantu, M Enachescu and D Ziegler. High-Order Polynomial Fitting Assistance for Fast Double-Peak Finding in Brillouin-Distributed Sensing. In Sensors, Vol. 21(1):187-, January 2021. URL
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F Pinto and I. Vourkas. Robust Circuit and System Design for General-Purpose Computational Resistive Memories. In Electronics, Vol. 10(9):1074-, May 2021. URL
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M. Motie-Shirazi, M Zanartu, S.D. Peterson and B.D. Erath. Vocal fold dynamics in a synthetic self-oscillating model: Contact pressure and dissipated-energy dose. In The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 150(1):478-489, July 2021. URL
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Patricia Morales, P Franco, Astrid Lozada, N. Jara, F. Calderon, J Pinto-Rios and A. Leiva. Multi-band Environments for Optical Reinforcement Learning Gym for Resource Allocation in Elastic Optical Networks. In 2021 International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), IEEE, Gothenburg, Sweden, 28 June - 1 July 2021. URL
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J. Bermúdez, R. Vallejos and N. Jara. A bandwidth balance routing approach for saving network capacity in static elastic optical networks. In 2021 International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), Paris, France, 7-10 June 2021. URL
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C. Gonzalez, N. Jara and V. Albornoz. A Regeneration Placement, Routing and Spectrum Assignment Solution for Translucent Elastic Optical Networks: A Joint Optimization Approach. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Online Streaming, --- Select a Country ---, 4-6 February 2021. URL
53 Add to my selection
L De Paula Veronese, F Auat Cheein, F. Mutz, T. Oliveira-Santos, J.E. Guivant, E De Aguiar, C. Badue and A.F De Souza. Evaluating the Limits of a LiDAR for an Autonomous Driving Localization. In IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 22(3):1449-1458, March 2021. URL
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R. Herzog, Arturo Morales, S Mora, J. Araya, M.J. Escobar, A.G. Palacios, R Cofré and J.D Touboul. Scalable and accurate method for neuronal ensemble detection in spiking neural networks. In PLOS ONE, Vol. 16(7):e0251647-, July 2021. URL
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F.A. Torres, P Orio, M.J. Escobar and D Marinazzo. Selection of stimulus parameters for enhancing slow wave sleep events with a neural-field theory thalamocortical model. In PLOS Computational Biology, Vol. 17(7):e1008758-, July 2021. URL
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J Araya-Arriagada, F. Bello, G Shivashankar, D Neira, C Durán-Aniotz, M.L. Acosta, M.J. Escobar, C. Hetz, M Chacón, A.G. Palacios, K.S..J Rao, G.B. Britton, L.L Rocha Arrieta, N Garcia-Cairasco, A Lazarowski, A. Palacios, A.C Espuny and R.B. Maccioni. Retinal Ganglion Cells Functional Changes in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease Are Linked with Neurotransmitter Alterations. In Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Vol. 82(s1):S5-S18, June 2021. URL
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M. Gordon, F.J. Vargas and A.A. Peters. Comparison of Simple Strategies for Vehicular Platooning With Lossy Communication. In IEEE Access, Vol. 9:103996-104010, 2021. URL
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58 Add to my selection
F.A. Villarroel, Jose Espinoza, M.A. Perez, R.O. Ramirez, C. Baier, D. Sbarbaro, Jose J. Silva and M.A. Reyes. Stable Shortest Horizon FCS-MPC Output Voltage Control in Non-Minimum Phase Boost-Type Converters Based on Input-State Linearization. In IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 36(2):1378-1391, June 2021. URL
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59 Add to my selection
Jiapeng Yin, J.I. Leon, M.A. Perez, L.G. Franquelo, A Marquez and S Vazquez. Model Predictive Control of Modular Multilevel Converters Using Quadratic Programming. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 36(6):7012-7025, June 2021. URL
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60 Add to my selection
A Carreno, M.A. Perez, C Baier, A Huang, S Rajendran and M Malinowski. Configurations, Power Topologies and Applications of Hybrid Distribution Transformers. In Energies, Vol. 14(5):1215-, March 2021. URL
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61 Add to my selection
M Bugueno, G. Molina, F Mena, P. Olivares and M. Araya. Harnessing the power of CNNs for unevenly-sampled light-curves using Markov Transition Field. In Astronomy and Computing, Vol. 35:100461-, April 2021. URL
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62 Add to my selection
G. Molina, M. Mendoza, I. Loayza, Camillo Nuñez, M. Araya, V Castañeda and M. Solar. A new content-based image retrieval system for SARS-CoV-2 computer-aided diagnosis. In In International Conference on Medical Imaging and Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 2021.
63 Add to my selection
C.G. Sotomayor, M. Mendoza, V Castañeda, H. Farías, G. Molina, G Pereira, S Härtel, M. Solar and M. Araya. Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval and Intelligent Interactive Visual Browser for Medical Education, Research and Care. In Diagnostics, Vol. 11(8):1470-, August 2021. URL
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64 Add to my selection
X Gao, Z. Yang, Shuaibin Wang, X Hong, XP Sun, M.A Soto, Jiang Wu and L. Thévenaz. Impact of optical noises on unipolar-coded Brillouin optical time-domain analyzers. In Optics Express, Vol. 29(14):22146-, 2021. URL
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65 Add to my selection
C. Sánchez and J.I. Yuz. On the relationship between Sampled-data Models, Numerical Integration and Interpolation. PhD thesis, Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, 25 March 2021.
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L Mora, Y. Le Gorrec, D. Matignon, H. Ramirez and J.I. Yuz. On port-Hamiltonian formulations of 3-dimensional compressible Newtonian fluids. In Physics of Fluids, Vol. 33(11):117117, 2021. URL
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67 Add to my selection
Astrid Lozada, F. Calderon, Jose Nunez, D. Borquez-Paredes, R. Olivares, A. Beghelli, N. Jara, A. Leiva and G. Saavedra. Impact of Amplification and Regeneration Schemes on the Blocking Performance and Energy Consumption of Wide-Area Elastic Optical Networks. In IEEE Access, Vol. 9:134355-134368, 28 September 2021.
68 Add to my selection
A.L. Cedeño, R Albornoz, R Carvajal, B.I. Godoy and J.C Agüero. A Two-Filter Approach for State Estimation Utilizing Quantized Output Data. In Sensors, Vol. 21(22):7675-, November 2021. URL
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69 Add to my selection
P. Zhu, Xuebin Feng, Z. Liu, M. Huang, Hongjie Xie and M.A Soto. Reliable packaging of optical fiber Bragg grating sensors for carbon fiber composite wind turbine blades. In Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 213:108933-, September 2021. URL
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70 Add to my selection
P Franco, J.M. Martínez, YC Kim and M.A. Ahmed. A Framework for IoT Based Appliance Recognition in Smart Homes. In IEEE Access, Vol. 9:133940-133960, 2021. URL
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J.L Gallardo, M.A. Ahmed and N. Jara. LoRa IoT-Based Architecture for Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Residential Smart Grid. In IEEE Access, Vol. 9:124295-124312, 2021. URL
72 Add to my selection
F. Calderon, Astrid Lozada, Patricia Morales, D. Borquez-Paredes, N. Jara, R. Olivares, G. Saavedra, A. Beghelli and A. Leiva. Heuristic Approaches for Dynamic Provisioning in Multi-band Elastic Optical Networks. In IEEE Communications Letters, Pages 1-1, 2021. URL
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D Lazcano, N. Fredes and W. Creixell. HGAN: Hyperbolic Generative Adversarial Network. In IEEE Access, Vol. 9:96309-96320, 2021. URL
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74 Add to my selection
N Mayorga, C Roncero-Clemente, A.M. Llor and O Husev. A Simple Space Vector Modulation Method With DC-Link Voltage Balancing and Reduced Common-Mode Voltage Strategy for a Three-Level T-Type Quasi-Z Source Inverter. In IEEE Access, Vol. 9:82747-82760, June 2021. URL
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75 Add to my selection
M.A. Perez, S. Ceballos, G Konstantinou, Josep Pou and R.P. Aguilera. Modular Multilevel Converters: Recent Achievements and Challenges. In IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society, Vol. 2:224-239, 2021. URL
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76 Add to my selection
Pan Liu, Y Wu, Y. Le Gorrec, H. Ramirez and L Lefèvre. Structure-preserving discretization and control of a two-dimensional vibro-acoustic tube. In IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, Vol. 38(2):417-439, June 2021. URL
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M.A. Almendra and M.S. Derpich. Joint source-channel coding via model predictive control. In European Journal of Control, Vol. 61:142-150, September 2021. URL
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M.S. Derpich, M Müller and J Østergaard. The Entropy Gain of Linear Systems and Some of Its Implications. In Entropy, Vol. 23(8):947-, August 2021. URL
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A.L. Cedeño, R Carvajal and J.C. Aguero. A Novel Filtering Method for Hammerstein-Wiener State-Space Systems. In 2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), IEEE, Valparaíso, Chile, 6-9 December 2021. URL
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R.L Ahuar, A.L. Cedeño, R Perez-Ibacache, J.C. Aguero and C.A. Silva. Comments on the Numerical Efficiency of Constrained MPC of an Inverter with LC Output Filter. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA), IEEE, Valparaíso, Chile, 22-26 March 2021. URL
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R Orellana, M Coronel, R Carvajal, R.A. Delgado, P Escarate and J.C Agüero. On the Uncertainty Modelling for Linear Continuous-Time Systems Utilising Sampled Data and Gaussian Mixture Models. In 19th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2021, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 54(7):589-594, 2021. URL
82 Add to my selection
A.L. Cedeño, R Albornoz, R Carvajal, B.I. Godoy and J.C Agüero. On Filtering Methods for State-Space Systems having Binary Output Measurements. In 19th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2021, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 54(7):815-820, 2021. URL
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Faisal Mohammad, M.A. Ahmed and YC Kim. Efficient Energy Management Based on Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Network for Smart Power Distribution System. In Energies, Vol. 14(19):6161-, October 2021. URL
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A.M. Eltamaly, M.A. Alotaibi, A.I. Alolah and M.A. Ahmed. IoT-Based Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Smart Campus. In Sustainability, Vol. 13(15):8555-, August 2021. URL
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<< 2020 >> TOP
1 Add to my selection
A.J. Prado, M. Torres-Torriti, J.I. Yuz and F Auat Cheein. Tube-based nonlinear model predictive control for autonomous skid-steer mobile robots with tire-terrain interactions. In Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 101:104451-, August 2020. URL
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2 Add to my selection
L Mora, Y. Le Gorrec, H. Ramirez and J.I. Yuz. Fluid-Structure Port-Hamiltonian Model for Incompressible Flows in Tubes with Time Varying Geometries. In Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, Vol. 26(5):409-433, 2020. URL
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3 Add to my selection
L Mora, Y. Le Gorrec, D. Matignon, H. Ramirez and J.I. Yuz. About Dissipative and Pseudo Port-Hamiltonian Formulations of Irreversible Newtonian Compressible Flows. In 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, 11-17 July 2020.
4 Add to my selection
C. Sánchez, G.C. Goodwin, J.I. Yuz, M Serón and D.S. Carrasco. Towards a Simple Sampled-Data Control Law for Stably Invertible Linear Systems. In 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, 11-17 July 2020.
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C. Sánchez and J.I. Yuz. Approximate Nonlinear Discrete-time Models Based on B-spline Functions. In IEEE Access, Vol. 8:143366-143374, 2020. URL
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Dr. Mario Salgado Brocal (1947-2018): Una vocación más allá de la ciencia y las aulas. UTFSM, 2020. URL
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P. Olivares, W. Creixell and F. Naoya. Dynamical impacts of the coupling in a model of interactive infectious diseases. In Chaos, Vol. 30(093144), September 2020. URL
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A.I. Alolah, M.A. Ahmed, A.M. Eltamaly and YC Kim. Wireless Network Architecture for Cyber Physical Wind Energy System. In IEEE Access, Vol. 8:40180-40197, February 2020. URL
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Ki-Beom Lee, M.A. Ahmed, Dong-Ki Kang and Young-Chon Kim. Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Optimal Route and Charging Station Selection. In Energies, Vol. 13(23), 2020. URL
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A.M. Eltamaly, M.A. Ahmed, M.A. Alotaibi, A.I. Alolah and Young-Chon Kim. Performance of Communication Network for Monitoring Utility Scale Photovoltaic Power Plants. In Energies, Vol. 13(21), 2020. URL
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11 Add to my selection
Shahid Hussain, Ki-Beom Lee, M.A. Ahmed, Barry Hayes and Young-Chon Kim. Two-Stage Fuzzy Logic Inference Algorithm for Maximizing the Quality of Performance under the Operational Constraints of Power Grid in Electric Vehicle Parking Lots. In Energies, Vol. 13(18), 2020. URL
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12 Add to my selection
Shahid Hussain, M.A. Ahmed, Ki-Beom Lee and Young-Chon Kim. Fuzzy Logic Weight Based Charging Scheme for Optimal Distribution of Charging Power among Electric Vehicles in a Parking Lot. In Energies, Vol. 13(12), 2020. URL
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13 Add to my selection
M.A. Ahmed, M. R. El-Sharkawy and Young-Chon Kim. Remote Monitoring of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Smart Campus Parking Lot. In Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, Vol. 8(1):124-132, 2020.
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14 Add to my selection
N. Jara, H. Pempelfort, G. Rubino and R. Vallejos. A Fault-Tolerance Solution to Any Set of Failure Scenarios on Dynamic WDM Optical Networks With Wavelength Continuity Constraints. In IEEE Access, Vol. 8:21291--21301, 2020. URL
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N. Jara, H. Pempelfort, G. Rubino and R. Vallejos. How much the wavelength dimensioning methods and a tightened QoS provision impact on the dynamic WDM optical networks capacity? In Optical Switching and Networking, Vol. 35:100540, October 2020. URL
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16 Add to my selection
D. Borquez-Paredes, F. Calderon, N. Jara, A. Leiva, Astrid Lozada, R. Olivares and G. Saavedra. 3R Regeneration in Elastic Optical Networks and its Impact on the Network Quality of Service. In 2020 22nd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Pages 1--4, IEEE, July 2020. URL
17 Add to my selection
F. Calderon, Astrid Lozada, D. Borquez-Paredes, R. Olivares, E Davalos, G. Saavedra, N. Jara and A. Leiva. BER-Adaptive RMLSA Algorithm for Wide-Area Flexible Optical Networks. In IEEE Access, Vol. 8:128018--128031, 2020. URL
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N. Jara, J. Salazar and R. Vallejos. A topology-based spectrum assignment solution for static elastic optical networks with ring topologies. In IEEE Access, Pages 1--1, 2020. URL
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J. Bermúdez, Astrid Lozada, R. Olivares and N. Jara. Fragmentation-aware spectrum assignment strategies for elastic optical networks with static operation. In 2020 39th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), Pages 1-8, 2020. URL
20 Add to my selection
Dayana Hernández, Patricia Morales, Astrid Lozada, R. Olivares and N. Jara. On sorting transmission demands in Elastic Optical Networks with Spatial-Division Multiplexing. In 2020 39th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), Pages 1-8, 2020.
21 Add to my selection
D. Lopez, F. Flores, S. Kouro, V. Santana, N. Müller and A. Chub. Chapter: Sliding Mode Based Control of Dual Boost Inverter for Grid Connection. In Sliding Mode Control of Power Converters in Energy Systems , Pages 199-213, MDPI, June 2020. URL
22 Add to my selection
Felipe Ruiz, M.A. Perez and Jose Espinoza. Surveying Solid-State Transformer Structures and Controls: Providing Highly Efficient and Controllable Power Flow in Distribution Grids. In IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Vol. 14(1), 2020.
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23 Add to my selection
C.A. Reusser, H Young, J.R. Perez Osses, M.A. Perez and O.J. Simmonds. Power Electronics and Drives: Applications to Modern Ship Propulsion Systems. In IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Vol. 14(4):106-122, December 2020. URL
24 Add to my selection
J. Mucarquer, P. Prado, M.J. Escobar, W. El-Deredy and M Zanartu. Improving EEG Muscle Artifact Removal With an EMG Array. In IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 69(3):815-824, March 2020. URL
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25 Add to my selection
E Martinez-Montes, Y Garcia-Puente, M Zanartu and P Prado-Gutierrez. Chirp Analyzer for Estimating Amplitude and Latency of Steady-State Auditory Envelope Following Responses. In IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol. 28(12):2744-2753, December 2020. URL
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26 Add to my selection
R.E. Hillman, C. Stepp, J.H. Van Stan, M Zanartu and D.D. Mehta. An Updated Theoretical Framework for Vocal Hyperfunction. In American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Vol. 29(4):2254-2260, November 2020. URL
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27 Add to my selection
V. Espinoza, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan, R.E. Hillman and M Zanartu. Glottal Aerodynamics Estimated From Neck-Surface Vibration in Women With Phonotraumatic and Nonphonotraumatic Vocal Hyperfunction. In Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, Vol. 63(9):2861-2869, September 2020. URL
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28 Add to my selection
G. Alzamendi, R. Manriquez, P.J. Hadwin, J.J. Deng, S.D. Peterson, B.D. Erath, D.D. Mehta, R.E. Hillman and M Zanartu. Bayesian estimation of vocal function measures using laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy and glottal airflow estimates: An case study. In The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 147(5):EL434-EL439, May 2020. URL
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Rimsky Rojas, C.A. Silva, S. Kuleshov, G Mikenberg, G. Carvajal, H. Hakobyan, V. Arredondo and Jairo Gonzalez. Proposal of a Charge Monitoring Board for Thin Gap Chamber Detectors based on DRS4 chip. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), IEEE, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 26-28 February 2020. URL
30 Add to my selection
R.A. Valenzuela, R Feick, P Alegre, M Rodriguez, L Ahumada and D. Chizhik. Long Term Fade Margin for 90% Availability in Fixed Wireless Links With Diversity. In IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol. 9(10):1648-1652, October 2020. URL
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31 Add to my selection
D. Chizhik, J Du, R Feick, M Rodriguez, G. Castro and R.A. Valenzuela. Path Loss and Directional Gain Measurements at 28 GHz for Non-Line-of-Sight Coverage of Indoors With Corridors. In IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 68(6):4820-4830, June 2020. URL
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32 Add to my selection
J.P. Vásconez, M Viscaino, L Guevara and F Auat Cheein. A fuzzy-based driver assistance system using human cognitive parameters and driving style information. In Cognitive Systems Research, Vol. 64:174-190, December 2020. URL
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33 Add to my selection
M Viscaino, J.C. Maass, P.H. Delano, M Torrente, C Stott, F Auat Cheein and M.S. Malmierca. Computer-aided diagnosis of external and middle ear conditions: A machine learning approach. In PLOS ONE, Vol. 15(3):e0229226-, March 2020. URL
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34 Add to my selection
J Toledo, Y Wu, H. Ramirez and Y. Le Gorrec. Observer-based boundary control of distributed port-Hamiltonian systems. In Automatica, Vol. 120:109130-, October 2020. URL
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35 Add to my selection
N Cisneros, Alejandro Rojas and H. Ramirez. Port-Hamiltonian Modeling and Control of a Micro-Channel Experimental Plant. In IEEE Access, Vol. 8:176935-176946, 2020. URL
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36 Add to my selection
J Du, D. Chizhik, R Feick, M Rodriguez, G. Castro and R.A. Valenzuela. Suburban Fixed Wireless Access Channel Measurements and Models at 28 GHz for 90% Outdoor Coverage. In IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 68(1):411-420, January 2020. URL
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37 Add to my selection
M Aly, F Carnielutti, M. Norambuena, S. Kouro and J. Rodriguez. A Model Predictive Control Method For Common Grounded Photovoltaic Multilevel Inverter. In IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Singapore, Singapore, 18-21 October 2020. URL
38 Add to my selection
L Callegaro, G Konstantinou, C.A. Rojas, N.F. Avila and J.E. Fletcher. Testing Evidence and Analysis of Rooftop PV Inverters Response to Grid Disturbances. In IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, Vol. 10(6):1882-1891, November 2020. URL
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39 Add to my selection
C.A. Rojas, S. Kouro, M Aguirre, S Vazquez and H Young. FCS Model Predictive Torque Control with Switching Period Tracking for EV Powertrains. In 2020 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), IEEE, Delft, Netherlands, 17-19 June 2020. URL
40 Add to my selection
A Mattioni, Y Wu, H. Ramirez, Y. Le Gorrec and A. Macchelli. Modelling and control of an IPMC actuated flexible structure: A lumped port Hamiltonian approach. In Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 101:104498-, August 2020. URL
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41 Add to my selection
A. Macchelli, Y. Le Gorrec and H. Ramirez. Exponential Stabilization of Port-Hamiltonian Boundary Control Systems via Energy Shaping. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 65(10):4440-4447, October 2020. URL
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42 Add to my selection
F.J. Vargas and R.A. Gonzalez. On the Existence of a Stabilizing Solution of Modified Algebraic Riccati Equations in Terms of Standard Algebraic Riccati Equations and Linear Matrix Inequalities. In IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol. 4(1):91-96, January 2020. URL
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43 Add to my selection
A Saavedra, H Lehnert, C. Hernandez, G. Carvajal and Miguel Figueroa. Mining Discriminative K-Mers in DNA Sequences Using Sketches and Hardware Acceleration. In IEEE Access, Vol. 8:114715-114732, 2020. URL
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44 Add to my selection
L Guevara, M.M. Michalek and F Auat Cheein. Collision risk reduction of N-trailer agricultural machinery by off-track minimization. In Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 178:105757-, November 2020. URL
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45 Add to my selection
J. Guevara, T Arevalo-Ramirez, F.J. Yandún, M. Torres-Torriti and F Auat Cheein. Point cloud-based estimation of effective payload volume for earthmoving loaders. In Automation in Construction, Vol. 117:103207-, September 2020. URL
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46 Add to my selection
L Guevara, M.M. Michalek and F Auat Cheein. Headland turning algorithmization for autonomous N-trailer vehicles in agricultural scenarios. In Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 175:105541-, August 2020. URL
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47 Add to my selection
J Villacrés and F Auat Cheein. Detection and Characterization of Cherries: A Deep Learning Usability Case Study in Chile. In Agronomy, Vol. 10(6):835-, June 2020. URL
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48 Add to my selection
J.P. Vásconez, J. Delpiano, S. Vougioukas and F Auat Cheein. Comparison of convolutional neural networks in fruit detection and counting: A comprehensive evaluation. In Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 173:105348-, June 2020. URL
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49 Add to my selection
J. Guevara and F Auat Cheein. Cluster-based scan registration for vehicle localization in urban environments. In 2020 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), IEEE, Taichung, Taiwan, 9-11 November 2020. URL
50 Add to my selection
A.J. Prado, D Chavez, O Camacho, M. Torres-Torriti and F Auat Cheein. Adaptive Nonlinear MPC for Efficient Trajectory Tracking Applied to Autonomous Mining Skid-Steer Mobile Robots. In 2020 IEEE ANDESCON, IEEE, Quito, Ecuador, 13-16 October 2020. URL
51 Add to my selection
R. García-Alvarado, A.D. Martínez, L. González and F Auat Cheein. Proyecciones de la construcción impresa en 3D en Chile. In Revista ingeniería de construcción, Vol. 35(1):60-72, 2020. URL
52 Add to my selection
A Martínez-Rocamora, R. García-Alvarado, E Casanova-Medina, L.F González-Böhme and F Auat Cheein. Parametric Programming of 3D Printed Curved Walls for Cost-Efficient Building Design. In Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 146(5):04020039-, May 2020. URL
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53 Add to my selection
T Arevalo-Ramirez, J Villacrés, Andrés Fuentes, Pedro Reszka and F Auat Cheein. Moisture content estimation of Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus globulus from reconstructed leaf reflectance in the SWIR region. In Biosystems Engineering, Vol. 193:187-205, May 2020. URL
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54 Add to my selection
M. Rigotti-Thompson, M. Torres-Torriti, F Auat Cheein and G. Troni. H-infinity-Based Terrain Disturbance Rejection for Hydraulically Actuated Mobile Manipulators With a Nonrigid Link. In IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 25(5):2523-2533, October 2020. URL
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55 Add to my selection
L Guevara and F Auat Cheein. The Role of 5G Technologies: Challenges in Smart Cities and Intelligent Transportation Systems. In Sustainability, Vol. 12(16):6469-, August 2020. URL
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56 Add to my selection
O. Menendez, L Romero and F Auat Cheein. Serial Switch Only Rectifier as a Power Conditioning Circuit for Electric Field Energy Harvesting. In Energies, Vol. 13(20):5279-, October 2020. URL
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57 Add to my selection
J.A Ardila-Rey, J.E Ortiz, W. Creixell, F Muhammad-Sukki and N.A Bani. Artificial Generation of Partial Discharge Sources Through an Algorithm Based on Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks. In IEEE Access, Vol. 8:24561-24575, 2020. URL
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58 Add to my selection
M. Otero, P Prado-Gutierrez, A. Weinstein, M.J. Escobar and W. El-Deredy. Persistence of EEG Alpha Entrainment Depends on Stimulus Phase at Offset. In Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Vol. 14:-, April 2020. URL
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59 Add to my selection
D.M. Aliaga, P. Bunout, V. Arredondo, W.K. Brooks, R Feick, R. Gers, H. Hakobyan, C.P. Romero and K. Slifer. A new method for fabrication of cryo-solids for polarized targets. In Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol. 972:164061-, August 2020. URL
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60 Add to my selection
C.A. Reusser, H.A. Young, J.R. Perez Osses, M.A. Perez and O.J. Simmonds. Power Electronics and Drives: Applications to Modern Ship Propulsion Systems. In IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Vol. 14(4):106-122, December 2020. URL
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61 Add to my selection
XP Sun, Z. Yang, X Hong, S Zaslawski, Shuaibin Wang, M.A Soto, X Gao, Jiang Wu and L. Thévenaz. Genetic-optimised aperiodic code for distributed optical fibre sensors. In Nature Communications, Vol. 11(1):-, December 2020. URL
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62 Add to my selection
M. Soriano-Amat, M.A Soto, V Duran, Hugo.F. Martins, S Martin-Lopez, M. Gonzalez-Herraez and M.R. Fernandez-Ruiz. Common-Path Dual-Comb Spectroscopy Using a Single Electro-Optic Modulator. In Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 38(18):5107-5115, September 2020. URL
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63 Add to my selection
X. Lu, M.A Soto, P.J. Thomas and E Kolltveit. Evaluating Phase Errors in Phase-Sensitive Optical Time-Domain Reflectometry based on I/Q Demodulation. In Journal of Lightwave Technology, Pages 1-1, 2020. URL
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64 Add to my selection
L. Marcon, M.A Soto, M. Soriano-Amat, L.D Costa, M.R. Fernandez-Ruiz, Hugo.F. Martins, L. Palmieri and M. Gonzalez-Herraez. High-resolution chirped-pulse -OTDR by means of sub-bands processing. In Journal of Lightwave Technology, Pages 1-1, 2020. URL
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65 Add to my selection
Shuaibin Wang, Z. Yang, M.A Soto and L. Thévenaz. Study on the signal-to-noise ratio of Brillouin optical-time domain analyzers. In Optics Express, Vol. 28(14):19864-, 2020. URL
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X. Lu, M.A Soto, Li Zhang and L. Thévenaz. Spectral Properties of the Signal in Phase-Sensitive Optical Time-Domain Reflectometry With Direct Detection. In Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 38(6):1513-1521, March 2020. URL
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M.R. Fernandez-Ruiz, M.A Soto, E.F. Williams, S Martin-Lopez, Z Zhan, M. Gonzalez-Herraez and Hugo.F. Martins. Distributed acoustic sensing for seismic activity monitoring. In APL Photonics, Vol. 5(3):030901-, March 2020. URL
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M. Escudero, I. Vourkas and A. Rubio. Alternative memristor-based interconnect topologies for fast adaptive synchronization of chaotic circuits. In Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 138:109974-, September 2020. URL
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C Fernández, J Gómez, J.M. Ortíz and I. Vourkas. Comprehensive predictive modeling of resistive switching devices using a bias-dependent window function approach. In Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 170:107833-, August 2020. URL
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J Gómez, I. Vourkas, A Abusleme, J.R. Rodriguez, J Martin-Martinez, M Nafria and A. Rubio. Exploring the “resistance change per energy unit” as universal performance parameter for resistive switching devices. In Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 165:107748-, March 2020. URL
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71 Add to my selection
J.Z. Lin, V. Espinoza, K.L. Marks, M Zanartu and D.D. Mehta. Improved Subglottal Pressure Estimation From Neck-Surface Vibration in Healthy Speakers Producing Non-Modal Phonation. In IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Vol. 14(2):449-460, February 2020. URL
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E.C. Latorre, M.D. Zuniga, E. J. Arriaza, F Moya and C. Nikulin. Automatic Registration of Footsteps in Contact Regions for Reactive Agility Training in Sports. In Sensors, Vol. 20(6):1709-, March 2020. URL
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73 Add to my selection
R. Guaman, R.G Alvarado, A Martínez-Rocamora and F Auat Cheein. A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Different Mobile Manipulators Used as Displaceable 3D Printers of Building Elements for the Construction Industry. In Sustainability, Vol. 12(11):4378-, June 2020. URL
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74 Add to my selection
J. Guevara, F Auat Cheein, J Gené-Mola, J.R. Rosell-Polo and E. Gregorio. Analyzing and overcoming the effects of GNSS error on LiDAR based orchard parameters estimation. In Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 170:105255-, March 2020. URL
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75 Add to my selection
M. Solar, M. Araya, Juan Cockbaine and V Castañeda. An interoperable repository of clinical data. In Seventh International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment,, 2020.
76 Add to my selection
L Mora, J.I. Yuz, H. Ramirez and Y. Le Gorrec. Port-Hamiltonian Modeling of Fluid-Structure Interaction in a Longitudinal Domain. PhD thesis, Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria / Universite de Borgougne Franche Comte, 17 December 2020.
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W. Creixell, R Pedersen and S Ritchey. A Project-based Learning Alternative for First-year Engineering Students. In 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access Proceedings, ASEE Conferences, Virtual On line, 22-26 June 2020. URL
78 Add to my selection
M Coronel, N. Soto, R Carvajal, P Escarate and J.C Agüero. Identification and model predictive control of an experimental adaptive optics setup utilizing Kautz basis functions. In Adaptive Optics Systems VII, SPIE, Online Only, United States, 14-18 December 2020. URL
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R Orellana, R Carvajal, J.C Agüero and G.C. Goodwin. Model Error Modelling using a Stochastic Embedding approach with Gaussian Mixture Models for FIR systems. In 21st IFAC World Congress Berlin, Germany, 11–17 July 2020, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 53(2):845-850, 2020. URL
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M Coronel, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. Identification of continuous-time systems utilising Kautz basis functions from sampled-data. In 21st IFAC World Congress Berlin, Germany, 11–17 July 2020, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 53(2):536-541, 2020. URL
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A.L. Cedeño, R Orellana, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. EM-based identification of static errors-in-variables systems utilizing Gaussian Mixture models. In 21st IFAC World Congress Berlin, Germany, 11–17 July 2020, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 53(2):863-868, 2020. URL
<< 2019 >> TOP
1 Add to my selection
R Perez-Ibacache, C.A. Silva and A Yazdani. Linear State-Feedback Primary Control for Enhanced Dynamic Response of AC Microgrids. In IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 10(3):3149 - 3161, May 2019. URL
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C. Nikulin, M.D. Zuniga, C Cespedes, C Rozas, S Koziolek, T Grubessich, P Viveros and E Pinones. A Computer Application for Drone Parametrization: Developing Solution for Drone Manufacturing. In A Burduk, E Chlebus, T Nowakowski and A Tubis editors, Intelligent Systems in Production Engineering and Maintenance. ISPEM 2018. Advances in Intel- ligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 835:12-21, Springer, 2019.
3 Add to my selection
M. A. Jofré, A. Llor and C.A. Silva. Sensorless Low Switching Frequency Explicit Model Predictive Control of Induction Machines fed by Neutral Point Clamped Inverter. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Pages 1-1, 19 December 2019. URL
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4 Add to my selection
M. Vijayagopal, C.A. Silva, L. Empringham and L. De Lillo. Direct Predictive Current-Error Vector Control for a Direct Matrix Converter. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 34(2):1925 - 1935, February 2019. URL
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5 Add to my selection
E. Crespo-Bardera, M Rodriguez, M. Sánchez-Fernández, E. Rajo-Iglesias, R Feick and R.A. Valenzuela. Empirical Rates Characterization of Wearable Multi-Antenna Terminals for First-Responders. In IEEE ACCESS, Pages 1-1, 4 January 2019. URL
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6 Add to my selection
L Mora, H. Ramirez, J.I. Yuz and Y. Le Gorrec. A Scalable port-Hamiltonian Model for Incompressible Fluids in Irregular Geometries. In 3rd IFAC Workshop on Control of Systems Modeled by Partial Differential Equations (CPDE 2019), 20-24 May 2019. URL
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C. Sánchez and J.I. Yuz. On the relationship between Spline Interpolation, Sampling Zeros and Numerical Integration in Sampled-Data Models. In Systems & Control Letters, Vol. 128:1-8, June 2019. URL
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8 Add to my selection
J.P. Cortés, G. Alzamendi, A. Weinstein, J.I. Yuz, V. Espinoza, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan, R.E. Hillman and M Zanartu. Uncertainty of ambulatory airflow estimates and its effect on the classification of phonotraumatic vocal hyperfunction. In 13th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research (AQL 2019), montreal, canada, 2-4 June 2019.
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M.A. Pedraza. Linear State-Feedback Primary Control for Enhanced Dynamic Response of AC Microgrids. In IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019.
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C. Sánchez and J.I. Yuz. B-spline Generalized Hold for Nonlinear Sampled-Data Systems. In 2019 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Nice, France, 11-13 December 2019.
11 Add to my selection
M. Motie-Shirazi, M Zanartu, S.D. Peterson, J. Kobler, R.E. Hillman and B.D. Erath. Toward Development of a Vocal Fold Contact Pressure Probe: Sensor Characterization and Validation Using Synthetic Vocal Fold Models. In Applied Sciences-Basel, Vol. 9(15):3002, 2019.
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12 Add to my selection
B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson, K.S. Weiland, M. W. Plesniak and M Zanartu. An acoustic source model for asymmetric intraglottalflow with application to reduced-order models of the vocal folds. In PLoS ONE, Vol. 14(7):e0219914, 2019. URL
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13 Add to my selection
M. Diaz-Cadiz, S.D. Peterson, G.E. Galindo, V. Espinoza, M. Motie-Shirazi, B.D. Erath and M Zanartu. Estimating Vocal Fold Contact Pressure from Raw Laryngeal High-Speed Videoendoscopy Using a Hertz Contact Model. In Applied Sciences-Basel, Vol. 9(11):2384, 2019.
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14 Add to my selection
D.D. Mehta, V. Espinoza, J.H. Van Stan, M Zanartu and R.E. Hillman. The difference between first and second harmonic amplitudes correlates between glottal airflow and neck-surface accelerometer signals during phonation. In The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 145(5):EL386-EL392, May 2019.
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R. Manriquez, S.D. Peterson, P. Prado, P Orio, G.E. Galindo and M Zanartu. Neurophysiological Muscle Activation Scheme for Controlling Vocal Fold Models. In IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol. 27(5):1043 - 1052, May 2019. URL
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16 Add to my selection
P. Prado, E Martinez-Montes, A. Weinstein and M Zanartu. Estimation of auditory steady-state responses based on the averaging of independent EEG epochs. In PLoS ONE, Vol. 14(1), January 2019. URL
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Shahid Hussain, M.A. Ahmed and YC Kim. Efficient Power Management Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Logic Inference for Electric Vehicles Parking Lot. In IEEE Access, Vol. 7:65467 - 65485, May 2019. URL
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18 Add to my selection
M. Villanueva, M. Araya, Claudio Torres and Pía Amigo. HDMClouds: a hierarchical decomposition of molecular clouds based on Gaussian mixtures. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 482(3):2878–2892, January 2019. URL
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19 Add to my selection
R Orellana, P Escarate, M Curé, A Christen, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. A method to deconvolve stellar rotational velocities III. The probability distribution function via maximum likelihood utilizing finite distribution mixtures. In Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 623(A138):1-11, 2019.
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20 Add to my selection
B.I. Godoy, Y Lin, J.C Agüero and S Andersson. A 2-step algorithm for the estimation of time-varying single particle tracking models using Maximum Likelihood. In 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Kitakyushu-shi, Japan, 2019.
21 Add to my selection
J Romero and F Auat Cheein. Prognosis of the energy and instantaneous power consumption in electric vehicles enhanced by visual terrain classification. In Computers & Electrical Engineering , Vol. 78(120-131), July 2019. URL
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22 Add to my selection
L. P. Veronese, C. Badue, F Auat Cheein, J. Guivant and A. Ferreira de Souza. A single sensor system for mapping in GNSS-denied environments. In Cognitive Systems Research , Vol. 56:246-261, March 2019. URL
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23 Add to my selection
J.P. Vásconez, D. Carvajal and F Auat Cheein. On the design of a human-robot interaction strategy for commercial vehicle driving based on human cognitive parameters. In ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 11(7), July 2019. URL
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24 Add to my selection
F Auat Cheein, M. Torres-Torriti and J.R. Rosell-Polo. Usability analysis of scan matching techniques for localization of field machinery in avocado groves. In COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE, Vol. 162:941-950, July 2019. URL
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25 Add to my selection
F.J. Yandún, F Auat Cheein, D. Lorca, O. Acevedo and C. Auat-Cheein. Design and evaluation of sound-based electronic football soccer training system for visually impaired athletes. In BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING ONLINE, Vol. 18(76), June 2019. URL
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26 Add to my selection
J.P. Vásconez, GA Kantor and F Auat Cheein. Human-robot interaction in agriculture: A survey and current challenges. In BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, Vol. 179:35-48, March 2019. URL
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27 Add to my selection
O. Menendez, M.A. Perez and F Auat Cheein. Visual-Based Positioning of Aerial Maintenance Platforms on Overhead Transmission Lines. In APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, Vol. 9(1), January 2019. URL
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28 Add to my selection
J Romero, J. Eguren and F Auat Cheein. Profiling the instantaneous power consumption of electric machinery in agricultural environments: An algebraic approach. In Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 11(7), April 2019. URL
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29 Add to my selection
M. Escudero, I. Vourkas, A. Rubio and Francesc Moll. Memristive Logic in Crossbar Memory Arrays: Variability-Aware Design for Higher Reliability. In IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY, Vol. 18:635-646, June 2019. URL
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30 Add to my selection
J Gómez, I. Vourkas and A Abusleme. Exploring Memristor Multi-Level Tuning Dependencies on the Applied Pulse Properties via a Low Cost Instrumentation Setup. In IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 7:59413-59421, May 2019. URL
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31 Add to my selection
J Gómez, I. Vourkas, A Abusleme, G. C. Sirakoulis and A. Rubio. Voltage Divider for Self-Limited Analog State Programing of Memristors. In IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Vol. 67(4):620 - 624, June 2019. URL
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32 Add to my selection
M. Escudero, I. Vourkas and A. Rubio. Stuck-at-OFF Fault Analysis in Memristor-Based Architecture for Synchronization. In 2019 IEEE Int. Symp. on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS),, Rhodes Island, Greece, 1-3 July 2019.
33 Add to my selection
P. Zhu, Jiang Wu, M. Huang, Y. Wang, Pan Liu and M.A Soto. Reducing Residual Strain in Fiber Bragg Grating Temperature Sensors Embedded in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers. In Journal of Lightwave Technology, Pages 4650 - 4656, May 2019. URL
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34 Add to my selection
P. Zhu, Y. Wang, Shuaibin Wang and M.A Soto. Measuring the Two-Dimensional Temperature Profile of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers During Drilling Using Distributed Fiber Sensing. In Journal of Lightwave Technology, Pages 1-1, May 2019. URL
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35 Add to my selection
Li Zhang, Luis Costa, Z. Yang, M.A Soto, M. Gonzalez-Herraez and L. Thévenaz. Analysis and Reduction of Large Errors in Rayleigh-based Distributed Sensor. In Journal of Lightwave Technology, Pages 1-1, May 2019. URL
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36 Add to my selection
Lucas Szostkiewicz, M.A Soto, Z. Yang, A. Dominguez-Lopez, Itxaso Parola, K. Markiewicz, Anna Pytel, A. Kolakowska, M. Napierala, T. Nasilowski and L. Thévenaz. High-resolution distributed shape sensing using phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry and multicore fibers. In OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 27(15):20763-20773, July 2019. URL
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37 Add to my selection
P. Zhu, XB Xie, XP Sun and M.A Soto. Distributed modular temperature-strain sensor based on optical fiber embedded in laminated composites. In COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING, Vol. 168:267-273, July 2019. URL
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38 Add to my selection
L. Marcon, M.A Soto, M. Soriano-Amat, Luis Costa, Hugo.F. Martins, L. Palmieri and M. Gonzalez-Herraez. Boosting the spatial resolution in chirped pulse ϕ-OTDR using sub-band processing. In 7th European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, EWOFS'2019, Limassol, Cyprus, 1-4 October 2019. URL
39 Add to my selection
P. Zhu, Jiang Wu, M. Huang, Xuebin Feng, Hang Deng, Hongjie Xie and M.A Soto. Alternating strain response of fibre Bragg grating sensors embedded into carbon fibre composites for wind blade health monitoring. In 7th European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, EWOFS'2019, Limassol, Cyprus, 1-4 October 2019. URL
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Sheng Wang, Z. Yang, M.A Soto and L. Thévenaz. Optimizing the signal-to-noise ratio for direct-detection BOTDA. In 7th European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, EWOFS'2019, Limassol, Cyprus, 1-4 October 2019. URL
41 Add to my selection
P. Zhu, Xuebin Feng, Jiang Wu, Hongjie Xie, M. Huang, M.A Soto and Z. Liu. Monitoring Strain Concentration at Fixtures of Wind Turbine Blades Using Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors. In 32nd International Congress and Exhibition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, COMADE 2019, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom, 3-5 September 2019.
42 Add to my selection
A. Padilla, H. Garnier, P. Young, F. Chen and J.I. Yuz. Identification of continuous-time models with slowly time-varying parameters. In Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 93:104165, December 2019. URL
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43 Add to my selection
D. Vinnikov, A. Chub, O. Korkh, E. Liivik, F. Blaabjerg and S. Kouro. MPPT performance enhancement of low-cost PV microconverters. In SOLAR ENERGY, Vol. 187:156-166, 15 July 2019. URL
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44 Add to my selection
C. Verdugo, S. Kouro, C.A. Rojas, M.A. Perez, T Meynard and M Malinowski. Five-Level T-type Cascade Converter for Rooftop Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems. In ENERGIES, Vol. 12(9), May 2019. URL
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45 Add to my selection
N. Müller, S. Kouro, P. Zanchetta, P.W. Wheeler and A. Marzo. Wavelet-based ESS sizing strategy to enable power peak-shaving in PV systems. In 2019 IEEE 28th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 12-14 June 2019. URL
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D. Vinnikov, A. Chub, O. Korkh and S. Kouro. Wide Input Voltage Range High Step-Up DC-DC Converter with Fault-Tolerant Operation Capability. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Melbourne, Australia, 13-15 February 2019. URL
47 Add to my selection
H Lehnert, M.J. Escobar and M. Araya. Retina-inspired Visual Module for Robot Navigation in Complex Environments. In 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Budapest, Hungary, 14-19 July 2019. URL
48 Add to my selection
P. Prieto, F Auat Cheein, M.J. Escobar, R. Vallejos, P. Maldonado, C. Larrain and M. Serey. Entrainment of brain oscillations persists after the entrainer removal. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED19), Delft, The Netherlands, 5-8 August 2019. URL
49 Add to my selection
M.A. Solis, M. Olivares and H, Allende. A Switched Control Strategy for Swing-Up and State Regulation for the Rotary Inverted Pendulum. In Studies in Informatics and Control, Vol. 28(1):45-54, March 2019. URL
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50 Add to my selection
M Coronel, K Gonzalez, P Escarate, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. On Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Continuous-Time Oscillators Modelled as Continuous-Time Autoregressive System. In IEEE Latin America Transactions, Vol. 17(07):1214-1219, July 2019. URL
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51 Add to my selection
M Coronel, R Orellana, L Mora, Ruben Rojas and J.C Agüero. A Sliding Mode Control Strategy for Cascade Systems. In IEEE Latin America Transactions, Vol. 17(09):1410-1417, September 2019. URL
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52 Add to my selection
R Perez-Ibacache, G.A. Pimentel, C.A. Silva and J.C Agüero. State Feedback Control with Full Disturbance Compensation for an LC filtered Grid-forming Converter. In 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference - Latin America (ISGT Latin America), IEEE, Gramado, Brazil, 15-18 September 2019. URL
53 Add to my selection
Felipe Condon Silva, M.A. Ahmed, J.M. Martínez and Young-Chon Kim. Design and Implementation of a Blockchain-Based Energy Trading Platform for Electric Vehicles in Smart Campus Parking Lots. In Energies, Vol. 12(24), 2019. URL
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N. Jara, J. Salazar and R. Vallejos. A routing and spectrum allocation solution for elastic optical networks with static network operation. In 2019 INFORMS ALIO international conference, Cancún, México, 2019.
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N. Jara, J. Salazar and R. Vallejos. A spiral approach to solve the routing and spectrum assignment problem in ring topologies for elastic optical networks. In SIMULTECH 2019 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Pages 269--276, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2019. URL
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Marta Barría, R. Vallejos, Jose Martínez and N. Jara. Analytical method for dimensioning dynamic WDM optical network. In 2019 INFORMS ALIO international conference, Canc'un, M'exico, 2019.
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N. Jara, H. Pempelfort, G. Rubino and R. Vallejos. Survivability in Optical Networks: A Solution for the Wavelength Continuity Constraint Case. In 2019 9th Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC), Pages 1--9, IEEE, November 2019. URL
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N. Jara, H. Pempelfort, J. Salazar and R. Vallejos. Quality of service provision in dynamic WDM optical network with wavelength continuity constraints. In 2019 INFORMS ALIO international conference, Canc'un, M'exico, 2019.
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N. Jara, H. Pempelfort, G. Rubino and R. Vallejos. Survivability in Optical Networks: A Solution for the Wavelength Continuity Constraint Case. In 2019 9th Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC), Pages 1--9, IEEE, November 2019. URL
60 Add to my selection
R. Barraza, R. Palma, S. Kouro and A. M. Ruz. Desafíos y Oportunidades para la Energía Solar en el Chile Actual. In El Sol al Servicio de la Humanidad, Historia de la Energía Solar en Chile, Chapter 7, RIL Editores, October 2019.
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Advanced Control and Optimization Paradigms for Wind Energy Systems. Pages 113-139, Springer, February 2019.
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Josep Pou, M.A. Perez and R. Aguilera. Modular Multilevel Converters. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019. URL
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Qin Yang, M. Saeedifard and M.A. Perez. Sliding Mode Control of the Modular Multilevel Converter. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019.
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V Yaramasu, S. Kouro, A. Dekka, S Alepuz, J. Rodriguez and M. Duran. Power Conversion and Predictive Control of Wind Energy Conversion Systems. In Advanced Control and Optimization Paradigms for Wind Energy Systems, Chapter 5, Springer, February 2019.
65 Add to my selection
C.D. Fuentes, S. Kouro and S. Bernet. Comparison of 1700-V SiC-MOSFET and Si-IGBT Modules Under Identical Test Setup Conditions. In IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 55(6):7765–7775, December 2019.
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D. Lopez-Caiza, F. Flores-Bahamonde, S. Kouro, V. Santana, N. Müller and A. Chub. Sliding Mode Based Control of Dual Boost Inverter for Grid Connection. In Energies, Vol. 12(4241), November 2019.
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O. Menendez, S. Kouro, M.A. Perez and F Auat Cheein. Mechatronized maximum power point tracking for electric field energy harvesting sensor. In AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 110, October 2019.
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P Prado-Gutierrez, M. Otero, E Martinez-Montes, A. Weinstein, M.J. Escobar, W. El-Deredy and M Zanartu. A Method for Tracking the Time Evolution of Steady-State Evoked Potentials. In Journal of Visualized Experiments, (147):-, 2019. URL
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H.M. Zapata, F.A. Cabrera, M.A. Perez, C.A. Silva and W Jara. Model of a permanent magnet linear generator. In IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 October 2019. URL
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R Feick, G. Castro, M Rodriguez, J Du, D. Chizhik and R.A. Valenzuela. Measurements of Beamswitching Gains and Fade Dynamics for 28 GHz Indoor Static Links in the Presence of Pedestrian Traffic. In IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 18(3):442-446, March 2019. URL
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J. Rojas, J.C Agüero, R Carvajal and C.A. Silva. An Alternative Optimization Approach for MPC Control of PV plants with Energy Storage. In 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), IEEE, Valparaiso, Chile, 13-27 November 2019. URL
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T Chen, M Kohli, T Dai, A.D Estigarribia, D. Chizhik, J Du, R Feick, R.A. Valenzuela and G Zussman. 28 GHz Channel Measurements in the COSMOS Testbed Deployment Area. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on Millimeter-wave Networks and Sensing Systems - mmNets'19, ACM Press, Los Cabos, Mexico, 25-25 October 2019. URL
73 Add to my selection
J Villacrés, T Arevalo-Ramirez, Andrés Fuentes, Pedro Reszka and F Auat Cheein. Foliar Moisture Content from the Spectral Signature for Wildfire Risk Assessments in Valparaíso-Chile. In Sensors, Vol. 19(24):5475-, December 2019. URL
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M Coronel, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. Identification of Continuous-Time Deterministic System utilizing Orthonormal Basis Functions and Sample Data. In 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), IEEE, Valparaiso, Chile, 13-27 November 2019. URL
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R Albornoz, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. A Novel Bayesian Filtering Method for Systems with Quantized Output Data. In 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), IEEE, Valparaiso, Chile, 13-27 November 2019. URL
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S. Hisaindee, M.A. Rauf, J.P. Graham, M.J.S. Al Daweela and M.A. Ali Ahmed. Influence of solvents on the spectra of benzylidene malonitrile derivative and DFT calculations. In Journal of Molecular Structure, Vol. 1177:160-167, February 2019. URL
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S. Hisaindee, M.A. Rauf, J.P. Graham, M.J.S. Al Daweela and M.A. Ali Ahmed. Influence of solvents on the spectra of benzylidene malonitrile derivative and DFT calculations. In Journal of Molecular Structure, Vol. 1177:160-167, February 2019. URL
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S. Hisaindee, M.A. Rauf, J.P. Graham, M.J.S. Al Daweela and M.A. Ali Ahmed. Influence of solvents on the spectra of benzylidene malonitrile derivative and DFT calculations. In Journal of Molecular Structure, Vol. 1177:160-167, February 2019. URL
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R.A. Gonzalez, F.J. Vargas and L.J. Chen. Mean Square Stabilization Over SNR-Constrained Channels With Colored and Spatially Correlated Additive Noises. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 64(11):4825-4832, November 2019. URL
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P Acuna, C.A. Rojas, R Baidya, R.P. Aguilera and J.E. Fletcher. On the Impact of Transients on Multistep Model Predictive Control for Medium-Voltage Drives. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 34(9):8342-8355, September 2019. URL
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F. Flores-Bahamonde, J. Rojas, S. Kouro, A. Llor, C.A. Rojas and M.A. Perez. Sub-modular Power Optimizers Based on Partial Power Converters for Utility Scale PV Plants. In IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 October 2019. URL
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M. Lopez, M.A. Perez, S. Kouro and C.A. Rojas. Current Control of Interleaved DC-DC Converter Considering a Current Dependent Inductance. In IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 October 2019. URL
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M Aly, C.A. Rojas, E.M. Ahmed and S. Kouro. Leakage Current Elimination PWM Method for Fault-Tolerant String H-NPC PV Inverter. In IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 October 2019. URL
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R Baidya, R.P. Aguilera, P Karamanakos, P Acuna, C.A. Rojas, T. Geyer and D.D.C. Lu. Dealing with Suboptimality in Multistep Model Predictive Control for Transient Operations. In 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), IEEE, Baltimore, MD, USA, 29 September - 3 October 2019. URL
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R.P. Aguilera, P Acuna, C.A. Rojas, G Konstantinou and Josep Pou. Instantaneous Zero Sequence Voltage for Grid Energy Balancing Under Unbalanced Power Generation. In 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), IEEE, Baltimore, MD, USA, 29 September - 3 October 2019. URL
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S. Ahmadyar, L Callegaro, C.A. Rojas, G Konstantinou, J. Riesz and J.E. Fletcher. Addressing Barriers to Efficient Renewable Integration: Milestone Report 1. Technical report, UNSW, 2019.
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H Lehnert, M. Araya, R Carrasco-Davis and M.J. Escobar. Bio-Inspired Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Navigation of Artificial Agents. In IEEE Latin America Transactions, Vol. 17(12):2037-2044, December 2019. URL
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M. Araya, D Arroyuelo, C Saldias and M. Solar. Compressed Data Structures for Astronomical Content-Aware Resource Search. In 2019 38th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), IEEE, Concepcion, Chile, 4-9 November 2019. URL
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N. Müller, S. Kouro, P. Zanchetta, P. Wheeler, G. Bittner and F. Girardi. Energy Storage Sizing Strategy for Grid-Tied PV Plants under Power Clipping Limitations. In Energies, Vol. 12(9):1812-, May 2019. URL
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C. Garcia, C.A. Silva, J. Rodriguez, P. Zanchetta and S.A. Odhano. Modulated Model-Predictive Control With Optimized Overmodulation. In IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 7(1):404-413, March 2019. URL
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91 Add to my selection
R Perez-Ibacache, A Yazdani, C.A. Silva and J.C Agüero. Decentralized Unified Control for Inverter-Based AC Microgrids Subject to Voltage Constraints. In IEEE Access, Vol. 7:157318-157329, 2019. URL
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92 Add to my selection
J Gené-Mola, E. Gregorio, J. Guevara, F Auat Cheein, R Sanz-Cortiella, A. Escola, J Llorens, JR Morros, J Ruiz-Hidalgo, V Vilaplana and J.R. Rosell-Polo. Fruit detection in an apple orchard using a mobile terrestrial laser scanner. In Biosystems Engineering, Vol. 187:171-184, November 2019. URL
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93 Add to my selection
J Romero Schmidt and F Auat Cheein. Assessment of power consumption of electric machinery in agricultural tasks for enhancing the route planning problem. In Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 163:104868-, August 2019. URL
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94 Add to my selection
C.R. Ravello, L.U. Perrinet, M.J. Escobar and A.G. Palacios. Speed-Selectivity in Retinal Ganglion Cells is Sharpened by Broad Spatial Frequency, Naturalistic Stimuli. In Scientific Reports, Vol. 9(1):-, December 2019. URL
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P Reyes and M.J. Escobar. Neuroevolutive Algorithms for Learning Gaits in Legged Robots. In IEEE Access, Vol. 7:142406-142420, 2019. URL
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G. Spagnuolo, S. Kouro and D. Vinnikov. Photovoltaic Module and Submodule Level Power Electronics and Control. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 66(5):3856-3859, May 2019. URL
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97 Add to my selection
J.W. Zapata, S. Kouro, G Carrasco, H. Renaudineau and T.A. Meynard. Analysis of Partial Power DC–DC Converters for Two-Stage Photovoltaic Systems. In IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 7(1):591-603, March 2019. URL
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98 Add to my selection
J.W. Zapata, S. Kouro, G Carrasco and T Meynard. Step-Down Partial Power DC-DC Converters for Two-Stage Photovoltaic String Inverters. In Electronics, Vol. 8(1):87-, January 2019. URL
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99 Add to my selection
D.D. Mehta, J.B. Kobler, S.M. Zeitels, M Zanartu, B.D. Erath, M. Motie-Shirazi, S.D. Peterson, R.H. Petrillo and R.E. Hillman. Toward Development of a Vocal Fold Contact Pressure Probe: Bench-Top Validation of a Dual-Sensor Probe Using Excised Human Larynx Models. In Applied Sciences, Vol. 9(20):4360-, October 2019. URL
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100 Add to my selection
L. Thévenaz, M Tur, M. Gonzalez-Herraez, A Zadok and M.A Soto. Guest Editorial JLT Special Issue on OFS-26. In Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 37(18):4455-4455, September 2019. URL
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101 Add to my selection
F Arancibia, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. Parameter Estimation over Wired Networks with Time-Delay and Packet Collision. In 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), IEEE, Valparaiso, Chile, 13-27 November 2019. URL
102 Add to my selection
R Orellana, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. Empirical Bayes estimation utilizing finite Gaussian Mixture Models. In 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), IEEE, Valparaiso, Chile, 13-27 November 2019. URL
103 Add to my selection
P Varas, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. State Estimation for SAG Mills utilizing a simplified model with an alternative measurement. In 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), IEEE, Valparaiso, Chile, 13-27 November 2019. URL
104 Add to my selection
N Soto-Munoz, C Langedijk, P Escarate, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. Identification and control of an experimental Adaptive Optics setup. In 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), IEEE, Valparaiso, Chile, 13-27 November 2019. URL
105 Add to my selection
G. Bittner, R Orellana, R Carvajal and J.C. Aguero. Maximum Likelihood identification for Linear Dynamic Systems with finite Gaussian mixture noise distribution. In 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), IEEE, Valparaiso, Chile, 13-27 November 2019. URL
106 Add to my selection
G. Bittner, R Orellana, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. Maximum Likelihood identification for Linear Dynamic Systems with finite Gaussian mixture noise distribution. In 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), IEEE, Valparaiso, Chile, 13-27 November 2019. URL
107 Add to my selection
M Coronel, P Escarate, J Christou, J Hill, G Rahmer, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. Vibrations modelling at LBTO utilizing telemetry data. In Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes, Canada, 2019.
<< 2018 >> TOP
1 Add to my selection
C.A. Rojas, S. Kouro, M.A. Perez and J Echeverria. DC MMC for HVdc Grid Interface of Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Conversion Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 65(1):352-362, January 2018. URL
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2 Add to my selection
M Benzi, M.J. Escobar and P Kornprobst. A bio-inspired synergistic virtual retina model for tone mapping. In COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING, Vol. 168:21-36, March 2018. URL
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3 Add to my selection
A.M. Elmisery and H. Velez. Secure Services Recommendation for Social IoT Systems. In 6th International Workshop on ADVANCEs in ICT Infrastructures and Services (ADVANCE 2018), Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, January 2018.
4 Add to my selection
L Mora, J.I. Yuz, H. Ramirez and Y. Le Gorrec. A port-Hamiltonian Fluid-Structure Interaction Model for the Vocal folds. In 6th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control - LHMNC 2018, Valparaiso, Chile, 1-4 May 2018. URL
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P. Albertos and J.I. Yuz. Frequency domain interpretation of the Smith predictor. In 14th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, ICCA 2018, 12-15 June 2018. URL
6 Add to my selection
A.M. Elmisery, Mirela Sertovic and B.B. Gupta. Cognitive Privacy Middleware for Deep Learning Mashup in Environmental IoT. In IEEE Access, Vol. 6:8029-8041, 2018. URL
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7 Add to my selection
C. Nikulin, M.D. Zuniga, M. Akhloufi, C Manzi, C Wiche and E Pinones. Enhancing creativity for development of automation solutions using OTSM-TRIZ: A systematic case study in agronomic industry. In Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 10(1):168781401775195-, January 2018. URL
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8 Add to my selection
Hugo Garcés, Andrés Fuentes, Pedro Reszka and G. Carvajal. Analysis of Soot Propensity in Combustion Processes Using Optical Sensors and Video Magnification. In MDPI Sensors, 2018(5), Vol. 18:1514, May 2018. URL
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9 Add to my selection
F. Avila, J.I. Yuz, A Donaire and J.C Agüero. Constrained maximum likelihood estimation for state space sampled-data models. In 22nd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing - ICSTCC 2018, Sinaia, Romania, 10-12 October 2018. URL
10 Add to my selection
J.P. Cortés, V. Espinoza, M. Ghassemi, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan, R.E. Hillman, J.V. Guttag and M Zanartu. Assessment of Phonotraumatic Vocal Hyperfunction Using Ambulatory Glottal Airflow Measures. In Plos one, 2018. URL
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11 Add to my selection
R Orellana, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. Maximum Likelihood Infinite Mixture Distribution Estimation Utilizing Finite Gaussian Mixtures. In 18th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2018, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 51(15):706-711, Stockholm, Sweden, 9 July - 11 January 2018. URL
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K Gonzalez, R Carvajal and P Escarate. Maximum Likelihood Identification of a Continuous-Time Oscillator Utilizing Sampled Data. In 18th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2018, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 51(15):712-717, Stockholm, Sweden, 9-11 July 2018. URL
13 Add to my selection
K Gonzalez, M Coronel, R Carvajal, P Escarate and J.C Agüero. Maximum Likelihood Identification of a Continuous-Time Oscillator Utilizing Sampled Data. In 18th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 51(15): 712-717, Stockholm, Sweden, January 2018. URL
14 Add to my selection
Vasileios Ntinas, I. Vourkas, A Abusleme, G. Sirakoulis and A. Rubio. Experimental Study of Artificial Neural Networks Using a Digital Memristor Simulator. In IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol. 29(10):5098-5110, October 2018. URL
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15 Add to my selection
R. Vallejos, F.J. Yandún, M.A San Martín, V. Escobar, C. Román and F Auat Cheein. Assessing the estimation of trawling catches using LiDAR sensor technology. In Ocean and Coastal Management, Vol. 165(1):99-108, November 2018. URL
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16 Add to my selection
A.J. Prado, F Auat Cheein, S. Blazic and M. Torres-Torriti. Probabilistic self-tuning approaches for enhancing performance of autonomous vehicles in changing terrains. In Journal of Terramechanics, Vol. 78:39-51, August 2018. URL
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17 Add to my selection
R. Pérez-Zavala, M. Torres-Torriti, F Auat Cheein and G. Troni. A pattern recognition strategy for visual grape bunch detection in vineyards. In Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 151:136-149, August 2018. URL
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18 Add to my selection
G. Baez, P. Prieto and F Auat Cheein. 3D vision-based handheld system for visually impaired people: Preliminary results on echo-localization using structured light sensors. In Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, Vol. 4(4), June 2018. URL
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19 Add to my selection
F.J. Yandún, E. Gregorio, A. Escola, J.R. Rosell-Polo, M. Torres-Torriti and F Auat Cheein. Terrain classification using ToF sensors for the enhancement of agricultural machinery traversability. In Journal of Terramechanics, Vol. 76:1-13, April 2018. URL
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20 Add to my selection
A.J. Prado, F.J. Yandún, M. Torres-Torriti and F Auat Cheein. Overcoming the Loss of Performance in Unmanned Ground Vehicles Due to the Terrain Variability. In IEEE Access, Vol. 6:17391-17406, March 2018. URL
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21 Add to my selection
S.A. Pfeiffer, J. Guevara, F Auat Cheein and R. Sanz. Mechatronic terrestrial LiDAR for canopy porosity and crown surface estimation. In Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 146:104-113, March 2018. URL
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22 Add to my selection
A.J. Prado, M.M. Michalek and F Auat Cheein. Machine-learning based approaches for self-tuning trajectory tracking controllers under terrain changes in repetitive tasks. In Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 67:63-80, January 2018. URL
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23 Add to my selection
O. Menendez, R. Guaman, M.A. Perez and F Auat Cheein. Photovoltaic modules diagnosis using artificial vision techniques for artifact minimization. In Energies, Vol. 11(7):1688, June 2018. URL
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24 Add to my selection
M. Rigotti-Thompson, M. Torres-Torriti, F Auat Cheein and G. Troni. H∞Controller Design for a Robotic Research and Educational Mining Loader. In 2018 19th International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), Pages 18-23, IEEE, Delft, Netherlands, 7-8 June 2018. URL
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J.P. Vásconez and F Auat Cheein. Sleepiness Detection for Cooperative Vehicle Navigation Strategies. In 2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Pages 940-945, IEEE, Thessaloniki, Greece, 10-13 April 2018. URL
26 Add to my selection
C. Nettle, F. V. Rubilar and M.J. Escobar. Coupling Robots Behavior by Introducing Reactive Motivational Orientations. In 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE, Río de Janeiro, Brasil, 8-13 July 2018. URL
27 Add to my selection
M.J. Escobar, C. Reyes, R. Herzog, J. Araya, M. Otero, C. Ibaceta and A.G. Palacios. Characterization of Retinal Functionality at Different Eccentricities in a Diurnal Rodent. In Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, Vol. 12:444, December 2018. URL
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28 Add to my selection
A.A. Peters and F.J. Vargas. Performance bounds of a SISO H∞control problem with non-minimum phase plants. In 2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), IEEE, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 17-20 December 2018. URL
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F. Cid, F.J. Vargas and A. Maass. Feedback control over lossy channels: Optimal estimation considering data-loss compensation strategies. In 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), IEEE, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 12-15 December 2018. URL
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A.A. Peters and F.J. Vargas. On the eigenvalues of a class of matrices with displacement structure arising in optimal control. Technical report In arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.10730, August 2018.
31 Add to my selection
N. Odkhuu, Ki-Beom Lee, M.A. Ahmed and YC Kim. Optimal energy management of V2B with RES and ESS for peak load minimization. In Applied Sciences, Vol. 8(11):2125, November 2018. URL
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32 Add to my selection
M.A. Ahmed and YC Kim. Energy Trading with Electric Vehicles in Smart Campus Parking Lots. In Applied Sciences , Vol. 8(10):1749, September 2018. URL
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33 Add to my selection
Z. Li, Z. Yang, M.A Soto and L. Thévenaz. Hybrid Golay-coded Brillouin optical time-domain analysis based on differential pulses. In Optics Letters, Vol. 43(19):4574-4577, October 2018. URL
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34 Add to my selection
Z. Yang, Z. Li, L. Thévenaz and M.A Soto. Design rules for optimizing unipolar coded Brillouin optical time-domain analyzers. In Optics Express, Vol. 26(13):16505-16523, June 2018. URL
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35 Add to my selection
D.M. Chow, J-C. Beugnot, A. Goudet, K.P Huy, M.A Soto and L. Thévenaz. Local activation of surface and hybrid acoustic waves in optical microwires. In Optics Letters, Vol. 43(7):1487-1490, 2018. URL
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36 Add to my selection
Z. Yang, M.A Soto, D.M. Chow, P. Ray and L. Thévenaz. Brillouin Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor Based on a Closed-Loop Configuration. In Journal of Lightwave Technology , Vol. 36(5):1239 - 1248, March 2018. URL
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37 Add to my selection
M.A Soto, J.A. Ramirez and L. Thévenaz. Optimizing Image Denoising for Long-Range Brillouin Distributed Fiber Sensing. In Journal of Lightwave Technology , Vol. 36(4):1168 - 1177, February 2018. URL
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38 Add to my selection
X. Lu, M.A Soto and L. Thévenaz. Impact of the Fiber Coating on the Temperature Response of Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors at Cryogenic Range. In Journal of Lightwave Technology , Vol. 36(4):961 - 967, February 2018. URL
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39 Add to my selection
J. Araya, M. Barría, N. Jara, J Olavarría, H. Pempelfort and R. Vallejos. Software para análisis y diseño de redes ópticas WDM. In XIX Latin-Iberoamerican Conference on Operations Research - CLAIO 2018, Lima, Peru, 24-27 September 2018.
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J. Silva and M.S. Derpich. Fixed-Rate Universal Lossy Source Coding and Model Identification: Connection with Zero-Rate Density Estimation and the Skeleton Estimator. In Entropy, Vol. 20(9):640-, September 2018. URL
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41 Add to my selection
M.S. Derpich and Alejandro Rojas. On Avoiding the Effect of Non-Minimum Phase Zeros Over the Signal-to-Noise Ratio Limitation. In IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol. 2(4):827-832, October 2018. URL
42 Add to my selection
R Carvajal, R Orellana, D. Katselis, P Escarate and J.C Agüero. A data augmentation approach for a class of statistical inference problems. In Plos One, Pages 1-24, 2018.
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43 Add to my selection
P Escarate, M Coronel, K Gonzalez, R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. Vibration model identification using the maximum likelihood method. In Adaptive Optics Systems VI, SPIE, Austin, United States, 10-15 June 2018. URL
44 Add to my selection
R.-E. Karamani, A. Fyrigos, Vasileios Ntinas, I. Vourkas and G. C. Sirakoulis. Game of Life in Memristor Cellular Automata Grid. In 2018 Int. Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications (CNNA), Budapest, Hungary,, 28-30 August 2018. URL
45 Add to my selection
M. Escudero, I. Vourkas, Francesc Moll and A. Rubio. On the Variability-aware Design of Memristor-based Logic Circuits. In 2018 IEEE Int. Conf. Nanotechnology (NANO 2018), Cork, Ireland, Ireland, 23-26 July 2018. URL
46 Add to my selection
M. Escudero, I. Vourkas, A. Rubio and Francesc Moll. Variability-Tolerant Memristor-based Ratioed Logic in Crossbar Array. In 2018 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures (NANOARCH), Athens, Greece, 17-19 July 2018. URL
47 Add to my selection
J Gómez, I. Vourkas, A Abusleme and A. Rubio. Resistive Switching Behavior seen from the Energy Point of View. In 2018 IEEE 24th International Symposium on On-Line Testing And Robust System Design (IOLTS), Platja d'Aro, Costa Brava, Spain, 2-4 July 2018. URL
48 Add to my selection
Vasileios Ntinas, I. Vourkas, G. Sirakoulis, A. Adamatzky and A. Rubio. Coupled Physarum-Inspired Memristor Oscillators for Neuron-like Operations. In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Florence, Italy, 27-30 May 2018. URL
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J Gómez, I. Vourkas, A Abusleme and G. Sirakoulis. Experimental measurements on resistive switching devices: Gaining hands-on experience. In 2018 7th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Thessaloniki, Greece, 7-9 May 2018. URL
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D.M. Chow, Z. Yang, M.A Soto and L. Thévenaz. Distributed forward Brillouin sensor based on local light phase recovery. In NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 9(2990), July 2018. URL
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51 Add to my selection
A. Chub, D. Vinnikov, E. Babaei, E. Liivik, O. Korkh and S. Kouro. Single-Switch Impedance-Source Galvanically Isolated DC-DC Converter with Combined Energy Transfer. In 2018 IEEE 59th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON), Riga, Latvia, 12-13 November 2018. URL
52 Add to my selection
M. Lopez, M.A. Perez and S. Kouro. Current Control of Interleaved DC-DC Converter in Continuous and Discontinuous Mode. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC), Nottingham, UK, 7-9 November 2018. URL
53 Add to my selection
D. Lopez C., S. Kouro, F. Flores B. and R.A. Hernández. Unfolding PV Microinverter Current Control: Rectified Sinusoidal vs Sinusoidal Reference Waveform. In 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Portland, Oregon, USA, 23-27 September 2018. URL
54 Add to my selection
S. Rivera, D. Pesantez, S. Kouro and P.W. Lehn. Pseudo-Partial-Power Converter without High Frequency Transformer for Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Stations. In 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Portland, Oregon, USA, 23-27 September 2018. URL
55 Add to my selection
D. Vinnikov, A. Chub, E. Liivik, F. Blaabjerg and S. Kouro. Maximizing energy harvest of the impedance source PV microconverter under partial shading conditions. In 2018 IEEE 12th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG 2018), Doha, Qatar, 10-12 April 2018. URL
56 Add to my selection
N. Müller, S. Kouro, P. Zanchetta and P.W. Wheeler. Bidirectional Partial Power Converter Interface for Energy Storage Systems to Provide Peak Shaving in Grid-Tied PV Plants. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Lyon, France, 20-22 February 2018. URL
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M. Olivares and P. Albertos. Coordinated control strategy for a rotating flywheel pendulum. In 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), IEEE, Anchorage, AK, 12-15 June 2018. URL
58 Add to my selection
A. Leiva, R Ahumada, A. Beghelli and R. Olivares. Algoritmo RMLSA para redes ópticas flexibles en operación dinámica. In Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería, Vol. 26(3), 2018. URL
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59 Add to my selection
S. Rivera, R. Lizana, S. Kouro and C. Wu. Bipolar-type DC microgrids for high-quality power distribution. In DC distribution Systems and Microgrids, Chapter 10, First Edition, IET, October 2018.
60 Add to my selection
E. Arriaza-Ardiles, J.M. Martín-González, M.D. Zuniga, J. Sánchez-Flores, Y. De Saa and J.M. García-Manso. Applying graphs and complex networks to football metric interpretation. In Human Movement Science, Vol. 57:236-243, February 2018. URL
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61 Add to my selection
D. Chizhik, J Du, G. Castro, M Rodriguez, R Feick and R.A. Valenzuela. Path Loss Measurements and Models at 28 GHz for 90% Outdoor Suburban Coverage. In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, IEEE, Boston, MA, 8-13 July 2018. URL
62 Add to my selection
D. Chizhik, J Du, G. Castro, M Rodriguez, R Feick and R.A. Valenzuela. Path Loss Measurements and Models at 28 GHz for 90% Indoor Coverage. In 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, UK, 2018. URL
63 Add to my selection
J Du, D. Chizhik, R Feick, G. Castro, M Rodriguez and R.A. Valenzuela. Suburban Residential Building Penetration Loss at 28 GHz for Fixed Wireless Access. In IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol. 7(6):890-893, December 2018. URL
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64 Add to my selection
S Odhano, P. Zanchetta, M Tang and C.A. Silva. MPC Using Modulated Optimal Voltage Vector for Voltage Source Inverter with LC Output Filter. In 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), IEEE, Portland, OR, 23-27 September 2018. URL
65 Add to my selection
G. Carvajal, Mahmoud Salem, N Benann and S. Fischmeister. Enabling Rapid Construction of Arrival Curves From Execution Traces. In IEEE Design & Test, Vol. 35(4):23-30, August 2018. URL
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66 Add to my selection
M. Araya, M. Mendoza, M. Solar, D. Mardones and A. Bayo. Unsupervised learning of structure in spectroscopic cubes. In Astronomy and Computing, Vol. 24:25-35, July 2018. URL
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67 Add to my selection
V Trenchant, H. Ramirez, Y. Le Gorrec and P Kotyczka. Finite differences on staggered grids preserving the port-Hamiltonian structure with application to an acoustic duct. In Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 373:673-697, November 2018. URL
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68 Add to my selection
X Guo, J Zhou, R He, X Jia and C.A. Rojas. Leakage Current Attenuation of a Three-Phase Cascaded Inverter for Transformerless Grid-Connected PV Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 65(1):676-686, January 2018. URL
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69 Add to my selection
C.A. Rojas, J.E. Fletcher, P Acuna, R.P. Aguilera and J.P. Astorga. Model Predictive Control of a Multi-String LCL- Type Grid-Connected H -NPC PV Converter. In 2018 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), IEEE, Cairns, QLD, 13-15 June 2018. URL
70 Add to my selection
I Oya, M Füßling, P.O Antonino, M. Araya, J Borkowski, A Bulgarelli, J Castroviejo, J Colomé, V Conforti, A Garcia-Piquer, J Guárdia, L Hagge, E Lyard, A Morgenstern, M Mayer, D Melkumyan, T Murach, L Pizarro, I Sadeh, T Schmidt, U Schwanke, G Spengler, J Schwarz, G Tosti, R Walter and P Wegner. Designing and prototyping the control system for the Cherenkov Telescope Array. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 1085:032045-, September 2018. URL
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71 Add to my selection
M Bugueno, F Mena and M. Araya. Refining Exoplanet Detection Using Supervised Learning and Feature Engineering. In 2018 XLIV Latin American Computer Conference (CLEI), IEEE, São Paulo, Brazil, 1-5 October 2018. URL
72 Add to my selection
M. Araya, M. Osorio, M. Diaz, C. Ponce, M. Villanueva, Nicolas Valenzuela and M. Solar. JOVIAL: Notebook-based astronomical data analysis in the cloud. In Astronomy and Computing, Vol. 25:110-117, October 2018. URL
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E. A. González and F Auat Cheein. Preliminary Results on Reducing the Workload of Assistive Vehicle Users: A Collaborative Driving Approach. In International Journal of Social Robotics, Vol. 10(5):555-568, November 2018. URL
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74 Add to my selection
M. Mery, N. Orellana, C. Acevedo, S. Oyarzún, F. Araneda, G. Herrera, D. Aliaga, W. Creixell, T. Corrales and C. Romero. Fabrication of Silver Nanoparticles Using a Gas Phase Nanocluster Device and Preliminary Biological Uses. In Materials, Vol. 11(12):2574-, December 2018. URL
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M Aguirre, S. Kouro, C.A. Rojas, J. Rodriguez and J.I. Leon. Switching Frequency Regulation for FCS-MPC Based on a Period Control Approach. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 65(7):5764-5773, July 2018. URL
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M. Norambuena, S. Kouro, S. Dieckerhoff and J. Rodriguez. Reduced Multilevel Converter: A Novel Multilevel Converter With a Reduced Number of Active Switches. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 65(5):3636-3645, May 2018. URL
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J.W. Zapata, S. Kouro, G Carrasco and H. Renaudineau. Step-Up Partial Power DC-DC Converters for Two-Stage PV Systems with Interleaved Current Performance. In Energies, Vol. 11(2):357-, February 2018. URL
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X Chang, J.M. Martínez and K.S. Trivedi. Transient performance analysis of smart grid with dynamic power distribution. In Information Sciences, Vol. 422:98-109, January 2018. URL
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<< 2017 >> TOP
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A. Abdelsalam, D Caragata, M. Luglio, C. Roseti and F. Zampognaro. Robust security framework for DVB-RCS satellite netw orks (RSSN) In International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking, Vol. 35(1):17-43, January 2017. URL
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S. Aguilera, M. Torres-Torriti and F Auat Cheein. General Dynamic Model for Skid-Steer Mobile Manipulators with Wheel-Ground Interactions. In IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 22(1):433 - 444, February 2017. URL
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D.S. Carrasco, G.C. Goodwin and J.I. Yuz. Modified Euler-Frobenius Polynomials with Application to Sampled Data Modelling. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 62(8):3972 - 3985, August 2017. URL
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A. Padilla, H. Garnier, P. Young and J.I. Yuz. Recursive online IV methods for identification of continuous-time slowly time-varying models in closed loop. In 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, 9-14 July 2017.
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R. Caro, C.A. Silva, R Perez-Ibacache and J.I. Yuz. Sensorless Control of a SynRM for the Whole Speed Range Based on a Nonlinear Observability Analysis. In 18th Annual International Conference on Industrial Technology, IEEE ICIT 2017, Toronto, Canada, 22-25 March 2017.
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M Rodriguez, R Feick, D. Chizhik and R.A. Valenzuela. Achieving Near Maximum Ratio Combining Diversity Gains with Directive Antennas. In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 66(9):7782-7796, September 2017. URL
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P Escarate, J.C Agüero, S. G. Zúñiga, M.A. Castro and J. Garcés. Linear quadratic regulator for laser beam shaping. In Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 94:90-96, July 2017. URL
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P Escarate, J.C Agüero, S. G. Zúñiga and J. Marchioni. Model Predictive Control for Laser Beam Shaping. In IEEE Latin America Transactions, Vol. 15(4):626-631, April 2017. URL
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V. Arredondo, M.A. Perez and Jose Espinoza. Capacitor Voltage Ripple Control based on Decoupled Power Analysis in MCC. In 2017 IEEE CPE-POWERING, Cadiz, Spain, 4-6 April 2017.
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R. González Botto, M.A. Perez, H. Renaudineau and F. Flores B.. Fast Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm based on Switching Signals Modification. In 2017 IEEE CPE-POWERING, Cadiz, Spain, 4-6 April 2017.
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N. Müller, H. Renaudineau, S. Kouro, F. Flores B. and P. Wheeler. Ultracapacitor Storage Enabled Global MPPT for Photovoltaic Central Inverters. In The 26th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 19-21 June 2017.
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B.D. Erath, M Zanartu and S.D. Peterson. Modeling viscous dissipation during vocal fold contact: the influence of tissue viscosity and thickness with implications for hydration. In Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Vol. 16(3):947-960, 2017. URL
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V. Espinoza, M Zanartu, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan and R.E. Hillman. Uncertainty of glottal airflow estimation during continuous speech using impedance-based inverse filtering of the neck-surface acceleration signal. In 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Boston, USA, 25-29 June 2017.
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G.C. Goodwin. A Doctorate and Beyond: Building a Career in Engineering and the Physical Sciences. Presentación, 9 May 2017. PDF
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C. Alcota, M.A. Perez, Jose Espinoza and M Malinowski. Control of a Multi-terminal DC Transmission System with Reduced Power Oscilation. In EPE2017 ECCE EUROPE, Varsovia, Polonia, 11-14 September 2017.
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R.A. Hernández, H. Renaudineau and S. Kouro. Sub-Module Photovoltaic Microinverter with Cascaded Flybacks and Unfolding H-bridge Inverter. In 26th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2017), Edimburgo, Escocia, 19-21 June 2017.
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N. Jara, R. Vallejos and G. Rubino. Alternate Paths for Multiple Fault Tolerance on Dynamic WDM Optical Network. In 2017 IEEE 18th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing, Campinas, Brasil, 18-21 June 2017.
18 Add to my selection
J.W. Zapata, T Meynard and S. Kouro. Multi-Channel Partial Power DC-DC Converter for Current Balancing of LED Strings. In 42st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2017), Edimburgo, Escocia, 19-21 June 2017.
19 Add to my selection
D. Lopez, H. Renaudineau, F. Flores B. and S. Kouro. Evaluation of Photovoltaic Microinverter Configurations based on Different Converter Stages and Step-up Voltage Ratios. In 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 ECCE Europe), 11-14 September 2017.
20 Add to my selection
F. Chen, J.C Agüero, M. Gilson, H. Garnier and Tao Liu. EM-based identification of continuous-time ARMA Models from irregularly sampled data. In Automatica , Vol. 77:293-301, March 2017. URL
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21 Add to my selection
C.D. Fuentes, C.A. Rojas, H. Renaudineau, S. Kouro, M.A. Perez and T Meynard. Experimental Validation of a Single DC Bus Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter for Multistring Photovoltaic Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , Vol. 64(2):930-934, February 2017. URL
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22 Add to my selection
N. Müller, S. Kouro, M Malinowski, C.A. Rojas, M. Jasinski and G. Estay. Medium-Voltage Power Converter Interface for Multigenerator Marine Energy Conversion Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 64(2):1061-1070, February 2017. URL
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F. Chen, H. Garnier, M. Gilson, J.C Agüero and Tao Liu. Refined instrumental variable parameter estimation of continuous-time Box–Jenkins models from irregularly sampled data. In IET Control Theory & Applications; Vol. 11(2), pp. 291-300; Jan. 20, 2017 , Vol. 11(2):291-300, 20-20 January 2017. URL
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24 Add to my selection
D. Chizhik, M Rodriguez, R Feick and R.A. Valenzuela. An Accurate Field Model Requiring Minimal Map Data for Guiding and Diffusion in Streets and Buildings. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 16(7):4537 - 4546, July 2017. URL
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25 Add to my selection
G. Castro, R Feick, M Rodriguez, R.A. Valenzuela and D. Chizhik. Outdoor-to-Indoor Empirical Path loss Models: Analysis for Pico and Femto Cells in Street Canyons. In IEEE Wireless Communications Letters , Vol. 6(4):542 - 545, August 2017. URL
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26 Add to my selection
O. Menendez, F Auat Cheein, M.A. Perez and S. Kouro. Robotics in Power Systems: Enabling a More Reliable and Safe Grid. In IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Vol. 11(2):22-34, June 2017. URL
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27 Add to my selection
R. Aguilera, G Urrutia, R.A. Delgado, D Dolz and J.C Agüero. Quadratic Model Predictive Control Including Input Cardinality Constraints. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 62(6):3068-3075, June 2017. URL
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28 Add to my selection
P Escarate, R Carvajal, L Close, J Males, K Morzinski and J.C Agüero. Minimum variance control for mitigation of vibrations in adaptive optics systems. In Applied Optics, Vol. 56(19):5388-, 2017. URL
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29 Add to my selection
Yu-Ren Chien, D.D. Mehta, Jón Guðnason, M Zanartu and T.F. Quatieri. Evaluation of Glottal Inverse Filtering Algorithms Using a Physiologically Based Articulatory Speech Synthesizer. In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Vol. 25(8): 1718 - 1730, 2017. URL
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30 Add to my selection
C. Troncoso and A.M. Suárez. Control del Nivel de Pulpa en un circuito de Flotación utilizando una estrategia de Control Predictivo. In Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial, Vol. 14:234-245, July 2017. URL
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31 Add to my selection
A.M. Elmisery, S. Rho, Mirela Sertovic, K. Boudaoud and Sanghyun Seo. Privacy-Aware Group Based Recommender System in Multimedia Services. In Springer International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Pages 1-25, July 2017. URL [Abstract]
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32 Add to my selection
A.M. Elmisery, S. Rho, Mirela Sertovic, Natalia Bravo and Sanghyun Seo. Trusted IoMT-Enabled Data Mashup Service for Urban Environmental Monitoring. In 13th International Conference on Multimedia Information Technology and Applications, Cyberjaya, Malaysia., July 2017.
33 Add to my selection
A.M. Elmisery, S. Rho, Mirela Sertovic, Sanghyun Seo and Natalia Bravo. “Anomaly Detection in IoMT-Enabled Data Mashup Service for Urban Environmental Monitoring”. In 13th International Conference on Multimedia Information Technology and Applications, Cyberjaya, Malaysia., July 2017.
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A.M. Elmisery, S. Rho, Nicolas Valenzuela and Sanghyun Seo. “Stochastic Detection of Malwares using API Traces Similarity”. In 13th International Conference on Multimedia Information Technology and Applications, Cyberjaya, Malaysia., July 2017.
35 Add to my selection
I. Vourkas, M. Frasca, Luigi Fortuna, Vasileios Ntinas, G. C. Sirakoulis and L. V. Gambuzza. Memristor Crossbar for Adaptive Synchronization. In IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Vol. 64(8):2124-2133, 2017. URL
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36 Add to my selection
I. Vourkas, Georgios Papandroulidakis, A Abusleme, G. Sirakoulis and A. Rubio. Crossbar-Based Memristive Logic-In-Memory Architecture. In IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol. 16(3):491-501, 2017. URL
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37 Add to my selection
I. Vourkas, Vasileios Ntinas, G. Sirakoulis and A. Adamatzky. Modeling Physarum space exploration using memristors. In Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 50, 2017. URL
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38 Add to my selection
I. Vourkas, Vasileios Ntinas, G. Sirakoulis and A. Adamatzky. Oscillation-Based Slime Mould Electronic Circuit Model for Maze-Solving Computations. In IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Vol. 64(6):1552-1563, 2017. URL
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39 Add to my selection
R.A. Gonzalez, P.E. Valenzuela, C.R. Rojas and Ricardo Rojas R.. Optimal Enforcement of Causality in Non-Parametric Transfer Function Estimation. In IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol. 1(2):268-273, October 2017. URL
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40 Add to my selection
A.M. Elmisery, Natalia Bravo and Mirela Sertovic. IoT-Enabled Data Mashup Service for Environmental Hazards Detection. In 4th International Conference on Social Responsibility in Mining, Santiago, Chile, 8-10 November 2017.
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P. Albertos. Rechazo de perturbaciones. Presentación, 24 October 2017. URL PDF
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L Mora. Analysis of the glottal pressures. Technical report, UTFSM, 2017. PDF
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A.M. Elmisery, S. Rho and M.M. Abou Rizka. A New Computing Environment for Collective Privacy Protection from Constrained Healthcare Devices to IoT Cloud Services. In Springer International Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications, 2017.
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44 Add to my selection
A.M. Elmisery and Mirela Sertovic. Privatising IoT-Crowdsensing Mashup Service for IoT Data and its use for Urban Monitoring in Smart Cities. In The 7th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2017), Linz, Austria, 2017.
45 Add to my selection
A.G. Palacios, M.J. Escobar and E. Céspedes. Missing colors: an enactivist approach to perception. In A. Riegler and S. Vörös editors, Constructivist Foundations, Vol. 13(1), -17 November 2017.
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46 Add to my selection
A.G. Palacios, M.J. Escobar and E. Céspedes. Authors' Response: Is a Weak Notion of Representation not Compatible with a Contextualist and Enactivist Account of Perception? In Constructivist Foundations, Vol. 13(1), -17 November 2017.
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47 Add to my selection
A. Dekka, Bin Wu, R.L Fuentes, M.A. Perez and N.R. Zargari. Evolution of Topologies, Modeling, Control Schemes, and Applications of Modular Multilevel Converters. In IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 5(4):1631-1656, December 2017. URL
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48 Add to my selection
A. Dekka, Bin Wu, R.L Fuentes, M.A. Perez and N.R. Zargari. Voltage-Balancing Approach With Improved Harmonic Performance for Modular Multilevel Converters. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 32(8):5878-5884, August 2017. URL
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49 Add to my selection
G.E. Galindo, S.D. Peterson, B.D. Erath, C Castro, R.E. Hillman and M Zanartu. Modeling the Pathophysiology of Phonotraumatic Vocal Hyperfunction With a Triangular Glottal Model of the Vocal Folds. In Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, Vol. 60(9):2452-2471, September 2017. URL
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50 Add to my selection
V. Espinoza, M Zanartu, J.H. Van Stan, D.D. Mehta and R.E. Hillman. Glottal Aerodynamic Measures in Women With Phonotraumatic and Nonphonotraumatic Vocal Hyperfunction. In Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, Vol. 60(8):2159-2169, August 2017. URL
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51 Add to my selection
V Yaramasu, A. Dekka, M. Duran, S. Kouro and Bin Wu. PMSG-based wind energy conversion systems: survey on power converters and controls. In IET Electric Power Applications, Vol. 11(6):956-968, July 2017. URL
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N. Jara, R. Vallejos and G. Rubino. Blocking evaluation and wavelength dimensioning of dynamic WDM networks without wavelength conversion. In IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 9(Issue 8):625-634, August 2017.
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N. Jara, R. Vallejos and G. Rubino. A method for joint routing, wavelength dimensioning and fault tolerance for any set of simultaneous failures on dynamic WDM optical networks. In Optical Fiber Technology, Vol. 38:30-40, November 2017.
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54 Add to my selection
M Zanartu and M. Diaz. Método de estimación de fuerza y presión de contacto en cuerdas vocales a partir de videos laringoscópicos de alta velocidad. Chilean Patent submission PCT/CL2016/050037, 2017.
55 Add to my selection
R. Manriquez, S.D. Peterson, P. Prado, P Orio and M Zanartu. R. Manrıquez, S. D Peterson, P. Prado, P. Orio, M. Zañartu, “Modeling Laryngeal Muscle Activation Noise for Low-Order Physiological Based Speech Synthesis. In Proc. Interspeech 2017, Pages 1378-1382, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017.
56 Add to my selection
A. Testart, G.E. Galindo, C Castro and M Zanartu. A new visual probabilistic assessment of vocal fold vibration. In The 12th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research, Hong Kong, , 2017.
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J.P. Cortés and M Zanartu. Ambulatory classification of patients with muscle tension dysphonia vs. control group. In The 12th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research, Hong Kong, 2017.
58 Add to my selection
R. Manriquez, S.D. Peterson, P. Prado, P Orio and M Zanartu. Laryngeal muscle activation noise for physiologically-based models of phonation. In The 12th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research, Hong Kong, 2017.
59 Add to my selection
A. Suuronen, A. Lensu, Markku Kuitunen, R. Andrade-Alvear, N. Guajardo-Celis, Marcelo Miranda, M.A. Perez and Jussi V. K. Kukkonen. Optimization of photovoltaic solar power plant locations in northern Chile. In Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 76(24):824, December 2017. URL
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60 Add to my selection
R. Cardenas, M.A. Perez and J. Clare. Guest Editorial Control and Grid Integration of MW-Range Wind and Solar Energy Conversion Systems. In in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 64(11):8786-8789, November 2017. URL
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61 Add to my selection
J.C Agüero, K Gonzalez and R Carvajal. EM-based identification of ARX systems having quantized output data. In 20th IFAC World Congress , IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 50(1):8367-8372, Toulousse, France, July 2017. URL
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O. Silva, P. Siegel and M.J. Escobar. Time delays in a HyperNEAT network to improve gait learning for legged robots. In 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE, Anchorage, AK, USA, 14-19 May 2017. URL
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F. Arriagada and F.J. Vargas. Optimal state prediction in feedback systems with data loss compensation strategies. In 2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), IEEE, Pucon, Chile, 18-20 October 2017. URL
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F.J. Vargas, F. Cid and A. Maass. Optimal estimation in feedback control loops with packet dropouts compensation strategies. In 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), IEEE, Valletta, Malta, 3-6 July 2017. URL
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A. Maass and F.J. Vargas. Control with erasure channels: performance characterization using an equivalent SNR constrained problem. In 20th IFAC World Congress, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 50(1):6410-6415, July 2017. URL
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H. Ramirez, H. Zwart and Y. Le Gorrec. Stabilization of infinite dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems by nonlinear dynamic boundary control. In Automatica, Vol. 85:61-69, November 2017. URL
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A. Macchelli, Y. Le Gorrec, H. Ramirez and H. Zwart. On the synthesis of boundary control laws for distributed port-hamiltonian systems. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 62(4):1700 - 1713, April 2017. URL
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68 Add to my selection
H. Ramirez, B. Maschke and D. Sbarbaro. Partial Stabilization of Input-Output Contact Systems on a Legendre Submanifold. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 62(3): 1431 - 1437, March 2017. URL
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A. Macchelli, Y. Le Gorrec and H. Ramirez. Boundary energy-shaping control of an isothermal tubular reactor. In Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems , Vol. 23(1):77-88, July 2017. URL
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M.A. Ahmed and C-H. Kim. Communication Architecture for Grid Integration of Cyber Physical Wind Energy Systems. In Applied Sciences , Vol. 7(10):1-20, October 2017. URL
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71 Add to my selection
R. Schurch, C. Gonzalez, P. Aguirre, M.D. Zuniga, S. M. Rowland and I. Iddrissu. Calculating the fractal dimension from 3D images of electrical trees. In International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), August 2017.
72 Add to my selection
R. Schurch, P. Donoso, P. Aguirre, O. Cardenas, M.D. Zuniga and S. M. Rowland. Electrical tree growth and partial discharges analyzed by fractal and correlation dimensions. In 2017 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomenon (CEIDP), Pages 785-788, October 2017.
73 Add to my selection
A. González, M.D. Zuniga, C. Nikulin, G. Carvajal, D. G. Cárdenas, M.A. Pedraza, C Fernández, R. I. Munoz, N. A. Castro, B. F. Rosales, J. M. Quinteros, F. J. Rauh and M. A. Akhloufi. Accurate fire detection through fully convolutional network. In 7th Latin American Conference on Networked and Electronic Media (LACNEM 2017), Pages 1-6, November 2017.
74 Add to my selection
M. Duran, S. Kouro and V Yaramasu. Special Issue: Advances in Multi-MW Wind Energy Conversion Systems. In IET ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS, Vol. 11(6):953-955, 2017. URL
75 Add to my selection
H. Renaudineau, M Aguirre and S. Kouro. Single-phase dual-mode time-sharing PV string inverter. In 2017 IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC), Puerto Varas, Chile, 4-7 December 2017. URL
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C.A. Rojas, S. Kouro, R. Inzunza, K. Okuno and Y. Mitzugi. Impedance Norton Modelling of Utility-Interactive Multilevel Photovoltaic Systems. In 2017 IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC), Puerto Varas, Chile, 4-7 December 2017. URL
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J.W. Zapata, S. Kouro and M.A. Perez. Partial Power Converter for a Two-Stage Photovoltaic Cascaded String Inverter. In IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Beijing, China, 29 October - 1 November 2017. URL
78 Add to my selection
J. Rojas, H. Renaudineau, S. Kouro and S. Rivera. Partial power DC-DC converter for electric vehicle fast charging stations. In IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Beijing, China, 29 October - 1 November 2017. URL
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R. Hernández-Vidal, Q. Surirey, H. Renaudineau, S. Kouro and B. Cabon. Push-pull based pseudo DC-link PV microinverter. In IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Beijing, China, 29 October - 1 November 2017. URL
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C.A. Reusser, S. Kouro and M.A. Perez. Circulating current control scheme for double-star winding induction motor drive based, ship propulsion system. In IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Beijing, China, 29 October - 1 November 2017. URL
81 Add to my selection
A Marquez, Jose Leon, S Vazquez, L.G. Franquelo and S. Kouro. Operation of an Hybrid PV-Battery System with Improved Harmonic Performance. In IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Beijing, China, 29 October - 1 November 2017. URL
82 Add to my selection
W. Flores, H. Renaudineau and S. Kouro. Microinverter based on series connected submodular photovoltaic power cells. In 2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), Pucon, Chile, 18-20 October 2017. URL
83 Add to my selection
M. Norambuena, J. Rodriguez, S. Kouro and A. Rathore. A Novel Multilevel Converter with Reduced Switch Count for low and medium voltage applications. In 2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 1-5 October 2017. URL
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S. Rivera, S. Kouro, A. Llor and C.A. Reusser. Four-level double star multilevel converter for gridconnected photovoltaic systems. In 2017 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 ECCE Europe), Warsaw, Poland, 11-14 September 2017. URL
85 Add to my selection
R. Hernández-Vidal, H. Renaudineau and S. Kouro. Sub-Module PV Microinverter with Cascaded Flybacks and Unfolding H-bridge”. In 2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Edinburgh, UK, 19-21 June 2017. URL
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V. Guerrero, J. Pontt, M. Vasquez and M. Olivares. A Predictive Current Control Strategy for a Naturally-Commutated Converter Using a Finite-State Machine Model. In WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, Vol. 12:95-105, 2017. URL
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S. Rivera, S. Kouro and Bin Wu. Technologies and Applications for Smart Charging of Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles. Chapter 4: Charging architectures for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, Springer edition, 2017.
88 Add to my selection
C. Capasso, S. Riviera, S. Kouro and O. Veneri. Charging Architectures Integrated with Distributed Energy Resources for Sustainable Mobility. In Energy Procedia, Vol. 105:2317, 2322, May 2017.
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J. Guerrero, A. Davoudi, M. Belkhayat, M. H. Benbouzid, K. A. Corzine, A. M. Cramer, R. Dougal, S. Gamini, Y. Khersonsky, S. Kouro, M. Molinas, A. Monti, Y. Tang, D. Opila, E. Hennie, A. J. Sorensen, G. Sulligoi, S. D. Sudhoff, K. Sun and T. Tarasiuk. Guest Editorial Energy Conversion in Next-generation Electric Ships. In IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 32(2):735,736, 2017.
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R Mendez, D. Sbarbaro, Jose Espinoza and C.A. Rojas. Finite control set model predictive control assisted by a linear controller for true parameter uncertainty compensation. In 2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), IEEE, Cincinnati, OH, 1-5 October 2017. URL
91 Add to my selection
C.A. Rojas, S. Kouro, R. Inzunza, K. Okuno and Y Mitsugi. Harmonic interaction modelling of multiple utility-interactive multilevel photovoltaic systems. In 2017 IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC), IEEE, Puerto Varas, Chile, 4-7 December 2017. URL
92 Add to my selection
S. Díaz, C.A. Silva, J. Juliet and H. Miranda. Novel anti-windup scheme for stator flux control in surface permanent magnet machines. In 2017 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC), IEEE, College Station, TX, 9-10 February 2017. URL
93 Add to my selection
F Auat Cheein, M. Torres-Torriti, N.B Hopfenblatt, A.J. Prado and D Calabi. Agricultural service unit motion planning under harvesting scheduling and terrain constraints. In Journal of Field Robotics, Vol. 34(8):1531-1542, December 2017. URL
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F.J. Yandún, G Reina, M. Torres-Torriti, GA Kantor and F Auat Cheein. A Survey of Ranging and Imaging Techniques for Precision Agriculture Phenotyping. In IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 22(6):2428-2439, December 2017. URL
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F Auat Cheein, GA Kantor, G Reina and M. Torres-Torriti. Guest Editorial Focused Section on Mechatronics Applications in Agriculture. In IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 22(6):2397-2400, December 2017. URL
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R Méndez Perez, F Auat Cheein and J.R. Rosell-Polo. Flexible system of multiple RGB-D sensors for measuring and classifying fruits in agri-food Industry. In Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 139:231-242, June 2017. URL
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97 Add to my selection
C.A. Rojas, M Aguirre, S. Kouro, T. Geyer and E.J. Gutiérrez. Leakage Current Mitigation in Photovoltaic String Inverter Using Predictive Control With Fixed Average Switching Frequency. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 64(12):9344-9354, December 2017. URL
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C.A. Rojas, J. Rodriguez, S. Kouro and F Villarroel. Multiobjective Fuzzy-Decision-Making Predictive Torque Control for an Induction Motor Drive. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 32(8):6245-6260, August 2017. URL
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M.J. Duran, S. Kouro and V Yaramasu. Guest Editorial, Special Issue: Advances in Multi-MW Wind Energy Conversion Systems. In IET Electric Power Applications, Vol. 11(6):953-955, July 2017. URL
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100 Add to my selection
A Marquez, J.I. Leon, S Vazquez, R. Portillo, L.G. Franquelo, E. Freire and S. Kouro. Variable-Angle Phase-Shifted PWM for Multilevel Three-Cell Cascaded H-Bridge Converters. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 64(5):3619-3628, May 2017. URL
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A. Dominguez-Lopez, M.A Soto, S Martin-Lopez, L. Thévenaz and M. Gonzalez-Herraez. Resolving 1 million sensing points in an optimized differential time-domain Brillouin sensor. In Optics Letters, Vol. 42(10):1903-, 2017. URL
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102 Add to my selection
M.A Soto, A Denisov, X Angulo-Vinuesa, S Martin-Lopez, L. Thévenaz and M. Gonzalez-Herraez. All-optical flip-flops based on dynamic Brillouin gratings in fibers. In Optics Letters, Vol. 42(13):2539-, 2017. URL
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103 Add to my selection
X. Lu, M.A Soto and L. Thévenaz. Temperature-strain discrimination in distributed optical fiber sensing using phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry. In Optics Express, Vol. 25(14):16059-, 2017. URL
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Rodrigo Garcia Triat editor. Si Yo Fuese Presidente: La Protesta de un Ciudadano. (ed. propia), 2017.
<< 2016 >> TOP
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M. Torres-Torriti, T. Arredondo and P. Castillo-Pizarro. Survey and comparative study of free simulation software for mobile robots. In Robotica , Vol. 34(4):791-822, April 2016. URL
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2 Add to my selection
D.S. Carrasco, G.C. Goodwin and J.I. Yuz. Sampled Data Models for Nonlinear Stochastic Systems: Truncation Errors and Sampling Zero Dynamics. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 61(1):103 - 115, January 2016. URL
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R. Lizana, M.A. Perez, S. Bernet, Jose Espinoza and J. Rodriguez. Control of Arm Capacitor Voltages in Modular Multilevel Converters. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 31(2):1774-1784, February 2016. URL
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T. Toulouse, L. Rossi, T. Celik and M. Akhloufi. Automatic fire pixel detection using image processing: a comparative analysis of rule-based and machine learning-based methods. In Signal, Image and Video Processing, Vol. 10(4):647-654, April 2016. URL
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F Auat Cheein. Intelligent Sampling Technique for Path Tracking Controllers. In IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 24(2):747-755, March 2016. URL
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R. Vallejos, J Olavarría and N. Jara. Blocking evaluation and analysis of dynamic WDM networks under heterogeneous ON/OFF traffic. In Optical Switching and Networking, Vol. 20:35-45, April 2016. URL
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A.A. Peters, R.H. Middleton and O Mason. Cyclic interconnection for formation control of 1-D vehicle strings. In European Journal of Control, Vol. 27:36-44, January 2016. URL
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A. Maass, F.J. Vargas and E.I. Silva. Optimal control over multiple erasure channels using a data dropout compensation scheme. In Automatica, Vol. 68:155-161, June 2016. URL
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F. Mutz, L. P. Veronese, T. Oliveira-Santos, E. Aguiar, F Auat Cheein and A, De Souza. Large-scale mapping in complex field scenarios using an autonomous car. In Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 46:439-462, 15-15 March 2016. URL
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D Robertson, M Zanartu and D Cook. Comprehensive, Population-Based Sensitivity Analysis of a Two-Mass Vocal Fold Model. In PLOS ONE, Vol. 11(2):1-19, February 2016. URL
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D Caragata, J. Mucarquer, M. Koscina and S. El Assad. Cryptanalysis of an improved fragile watermarking scheme. In International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 70(6):777-785, June 2016. URL
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D. Chizhik, R.A. Valenzuela, M Rodriguez and R Feick. Propagation into buildings: Theory vs. measurements. In AP-S/URSI 2016, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, 26 June - 1 July 2016.
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M.D. Zuniga and C. M. Orellana. Robust Real-Time Tracking Guided by Reliable Local Features. In VISAPP 2016 International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Roma, Italia, 27-29 February 2016.
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F. Acevedo, A.J. González V. and M Zanartu. Vocal fold activity detection in a neck surface acceleration signal. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-17 March 2016.
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E. J. Arriaza and M.D. Zuniga. Soccer as a Study Case for Analytic Trends in Collective Sports Training: A Survey. In International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, Vol. 16(1):171-190, April 2016. URL
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N. Jara, R. Vallejos and G. Rubino. Blocking Evaluation of Dynamic WDM Networks Without Wavelength Conversion. In 21st European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC 2016), 1-3 June 2016.
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C. Garcia, J. Rodriguez, C.A. Silva, C.A. Rojas, P. Zanchetta and H. Abu-Rub. Full Predictive Cascaded Speed and Current Control of an Induction Machine. In IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 31(3):1059 - 1067, September 2016. URL
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C.A. Silva, R Perez-Ibacache, J.I. Yuz, L. Empringham and L. De Lillo. Revisiting the EKF Concept for Low Speed Sensorless Control of Cage Induction Motors. In 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE'16 ECCE Europe, Karlsruhe, Germany, 5-9 September 2016. URL
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P.J. Hadwin, G.E. Galindo, K.J. Daun, M Zanartu, B.D. Erath, E Cataldo and S.D. Peterson. Non-stationary Bayesian estimation of parameters from a body cover model of the vocal folds. In The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 139(5):2683-2696, May 2016. URL
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R.E. Hillman, D.D. Mehta, C. Stepp, J.H. Van Stan and M Zanartu. Objective assessment of vocal hyperfunction. In Spring 2016 Acoustical Society of America Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 23-27 May 2016. URL
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R.E. Hillman, D.D. Mehta, C. Stepp, J.H. Van Stan and M Zanartu. Objective assessment of vocal hyperfunction. In Spring 2016 Acoustical Society of America meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 23-27 May 2016. URL
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M Zanartu, G.E. Galindo and S.D. Peterson. Modeling the pathophysiology of vocal hyperfunction. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, ICVPB 2016, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-17 March 2016. URL
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V. Espinoza, M Zanartu, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan and R.E. Hillman. Differentiating between females with vocal hyperfunction and matched-controls using inverse filtered aerodynamic measures. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, ICVPB 2016, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-17 March 2016. URL
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C Castro, A. Testart, G.E. Galindo and M Zanartu. Ffects of resonance tube phonation in water in the asymmetric oscillatory entrainment of unilateral vocal fold paralysis. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, ICVPB 2016, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-17 March 2016. URL
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M. Diaz, G.E. Galindo, V. Espinoza and M Zanartu. Vocal fold contact pressure estimation over laryngeal high speed videoendoscopy based on a vocal edge tracking method using Kalman Filter and Hertzian Impact model. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, ICVPB 2016, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-17 March 2016. URL
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B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson and M Zanartu. Rethinking vocal fold contact: The role of viscous dissipation. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, ICVPB 2016, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-17 March 2016. URL
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J.P. Cortés, V. Espinoza, M Zanartu, M. Ghassemi, J.V. Guttag, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan and R.E. Hillman. Discriminating patients with vocal fold nodules from matched controls using acoustic and aerodynamic features from ambulatory voice monitoring data. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, ICVPB 2016, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-17 March 2016. URL
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G.E. Galindo, M Zanartu, S.D. Peterson and B.D. Erath. Constructing a subject-specific lumped-mass model from clinical data using Bayesian estimation. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, ICVPB 2016, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-17 March 2016. URL
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F. Silva, R Feick, R.A. Valenzuela, M.S. Derpich and L Ahumada. Measurement-Based Evaluation of Spectral Efficiencies in Outdoor-Indoor Multiuser MISO Systems in Femto-Cells. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 15(9):5889 - 5903, September 2016. URL
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E Fuentes, C.A. Silva and R.M. Kennel. MPC Implementation of a Quasi-Time-Optimal Speed Control for a PMSM Drive, With Inner Modulated-FS-MPC Torque Control. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 63(6):3897-3905, June 2016. URL
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J. Garcés, S. G. Zúñiga, L Close, J Males, K Morzinski, P Escarate, M.A. Castro, J. Marchioni and Domingo Rojas. Vibrations in MagAO: resonance sources identification and first approaches for modeling and control. In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 26 June - 1 July 2016.
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M.A. Castro, P Escarate, S. G. Zúñiga and J. Garcés. Closed-Loop control for tip-tilt compensation on systems under vibrations. In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 26 June - 1 July 2016.
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S. G. Zúñiga, P Escarate, M.A. Castro and J. Garcés. Vibrations in MagAO: frequency-based analysis of on-sky data, resonance sources identification, and future challenges in vibrations mitigation. In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 26 June - 1 July 2016.
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A. Padilla, H. Garnier, P. Young and J.I. Yuz. Real-time identification of continuous-time linear time-varying systems. In 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, USA, 12-14 December 2016.
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P Escarate, S. G. Zúñiga, M.A. Castro and J. Garcés. Closed-loop control for laser beam shaping system before guide star projectio data, resonance sources identification, and future challenges in vibrations mitigation. In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 26 June - 1 July 2016.
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P Escarate, S. G. Zúñiga, M.A. Castro, J. Garcés and J. Marchioni. Model predictive control for laser shaping. In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 26 June - 1 July 2016.
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C.A. Acevedo, G Tomic, R Santander, W. Creixell, F Osorio and E Sánchez. A chemometrics approach to analyze volatile molecules released by post-mortem bovine fast-twitch muscles. In CyTA - Journal of Food, Vol. 14(3):399-404, 2016. URL
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C. Ganter and W. Creixell. Web Framework for Developing Real Time Applications for Education. In The 5th International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud LTEC 2016, Hagen, Germany, 25-28 July 2016. URL
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D. Matekenya, M. Ito, W. Creixell, R. Shibasaki and K. Sezaki. Communal Parameters: A Study into Using Community-wide Learned Prediction Models in Individual Users. In 2nd EAI International Conference on IoT in Urban Space, Tokyo, Japan, 24-25 May 2016.
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C. Nettle, M.J. Escobar and A. Leblois. Improving Surviving: Tonic Dopamine Control Improves Bio-Inspired Robot Controller Behaviour in a Simple Survival Tasl. In The Neuroscience of Decision-Making, Montreal, Canadá, 2-3 May 2016.
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C. Nettle, M.J. Escobar and A. Leblois. Tonic Dopamine Effects in a Bio-inspired Robot Controller Enhance Expected Lifetime. In IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2016 - The Sixt Joint IEEE International Conference Developmental Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, Cergy-Pontoise, Francia, 19-22 September 2016.
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A. Morrison, J.W. Zapata, S. Kouro and M.A. Perez. Partial Power DC-DC Converter for Photovoltaic Two-Stage String Inverters. In Energy Conversion Conference & Rxpo, ECCE 2016, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 18 September 2016.
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W. Flores, H. Renaudineau and S. Kouro. Cascade H-bridge Sub-Module Photovoltaic Microinverter. In 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Santa Clara, California, USA, 8-10 June 2016.
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N. Müller, S. Kouro, H. Renaudineau and P. Wheeler. Energy storage system for global maximum power point tracking on central inverter PV plants. In Southern Power Electronics Conference 2016, Auckland, Nueva Zelanda, 5-8 December 2016.
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O. Menendez, M.A. Perez and F Auat Cheein. Vision based inspection of transmission lines using unmanned aerial vehicles. In IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI 2016), IEEE, Baden-Baden, Alemania, 19-21 September 2016.
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F. Flores B., S. Kouro, M.A. Perez, L. Martinez S., D. Lopez C. and A. Llor. Predictive control of a single-stage boost dc-ac photovoltaic microinverter. In 42nd IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference - IEEE IECON2016, Florencia, Italia, 24-27 October 2016.
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J.W. Zapata, H. Renaudineau, S. Kouro, M.A. Perez and T Meynard. Partial Power DC-DC converter for photovoltaic microinverters. In 42nd IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference - IEEE IECON2016, Florencia, Italia, 23-27 October 2016.
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M Aguirre, C.A. Rojas and S. Kouro. Cascade-free model predictive control of a grid-tie multilevel photovoltaic system. In 42nd IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference - IEEE IECON2016, Florencia, Italia, 24-27 October 2016.
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A.J. Prado, F Auat Cheein and M. Torres-Torriti. Probabilistic Approaches for Self-tuning Path Tracking Controllers using Prior Knowledge of the Terrain. In 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Pages 3095-3100, Corea del Sur, Daejeon, 9-14 October 2016. URL
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G Urrutia, R.A. Delgado and J.C Agüero. Low-order control design using a novel rank-constrained optimization approach. In 2016 Australian Control Conference, AUCC 2016, Newcastle, Australia, 3-4 November 2016.
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R. Fonseca and W. Creixell. General purpose object counting algorithm using cascades classifier and learning. In 2016 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR2016), Washington, D.C., USA, 18-20 October 2016.
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J. Allende-Bustamante, J.I. Yuz and J. Rodó. Application of point processes estimation to a Metro system. In Australian Control Conference - AuCC 2016, Newcastle, Australia, 3-4 November 2016. URL
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E.I. Silva, M.S. Derpich, J. Ostergaard and M. Encina. A Characterization of the Minimal Average Data Rate That Guarantees a Given Closed-Loop Performance Level. In IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, Vol. 61(8):16, September 2016. URL
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D. G. Cárdenas and M.D. Zuniga. Bullet-proff robust real-time ball tracking. In Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications DICTA 2016, Gold Coast, Australia, 30 November - 2 December 2016.
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R. Delgado, J.C Agüero and G.C. Goodwin. A novel representation of rank constraints for real matrices. In Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol. 496:452-462, May 2016. URL
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R Carvajal and J.C Agüero. On the dimension of the Krylov subspace in low complexity wireless communications linear receivers. In IEEE Latin America Transactions, Vol. 14(3):1192-1198, March 2016. URL
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G Urrutia, R.A. Delgado, R Carvajal, D. Katselis and J.C Agüero. Sparse Logistic Regression Utilizing Cardinality Constraints and Information Criteria. In IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19-22 September 2016. URL
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M. Tarifeño, A. Beghelli and E. Moreno. Availability-driven optimal design of shared path protection in WDM networks. In Networks, Vol. 68(3):224-237, October 2016. URL
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R Carvajal, G Urrutia and J.C Agüero. An Optimization-Based Algorithm for Model Selection Using Akaike's Information Criterion. In 2016 Australian Control Conference, AUCC 2016, Newcastle, Australia, 3-4 November 2016.
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J. A. Rohten, Jose Espinoza, J.A. Munoz, M.A. Perez, Pedro E. Melin, Jose J. Silva, E.E. Espinosa and Marco E. Rivera. Model Predictive Control for Power Converters in a Distorted Three-Phase Power Supply. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 63(9):5838-5848, 2016. URL
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J. A. Rohten, Jose Espinoza, J.A. Munoz, D. Sbarbaro, M.A. Perez, Pedro E. Melin, Jose J. Silva and E.E. Espinosa. Enhanced Predictive Control for a Wide Time-Variant Frequency Environmen. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 63(9):5827-5837, 2016. URL
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M.A. Perez and F. Flores B.. FS-model predictive control of microgrid interface converters for reactive power and harmonic compensation. In 2016 IEEE 25th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Pages 1206-1211, Santa Clara, CA, USA, 8-10 June 2016. URL
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C. Alcota and M.A. Perez. Control of a multi-terminal DC transmission system based on local variables. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Pages 482-486, Taipei, Taiwan, 14-17 March 2016. URL
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H Young, M.A. Perez and J. Rodriguez. Analysis of Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Current Control With Model Parameter Mismatch in a Three-Phase Inverter. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 63(5):3100-3107, May 2016. URL
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Z Zhang, F Wang, T Sun, J. Rodriguez and R. Kennel. FPGA-Based Experimental Investigation of a Quasi-Centralized Model Predictive Control for Back-to-Back Converters. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 31(1):662-674, January 2016. URL
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Jose Leon, S. Kouro, L.G. Franquelo, J. Rodriguez and Bin Wu. The Essential Role and the Continuous Evolution of Modulation Techniques for Voltage-Source Inverters in the Past, Present, and Future Power Electronics. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 63(5):2688-2701, May 2016. URL
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R Carvajal, K. Rivas and J.C Agüero. Information Criterion-Based Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems with Time and Frequency Offset. In 8th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communication , Arequipa, Peru, September 2016.
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C. Nikulin, A. Ulloa, C. Carmona and W. Creixell. A Computer-Aided Application for Modeling and Monitoring Operaional and Maintenance. In Archives of Mining Science, Vol. 61(3):695-708, October 2016. URL
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C. Ravello, M.J. Escobar, A.G. Palacios and L. Perrinet. Differential response of the retinal neural code with respect to the sparseness of natural images. Technical report In arXiv, 2016.
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R. Herzog, M.J. Escobar, A.G. Palacios and B. Cessac. Dimensionality Reduction in spatio-temporal MaxEnt models and analysis of Retinal Ganglion Cell Spiking Activity in experiments. In Bernstein Conference 2016, Berlin, Germany, 13-15 September 2016.
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C. Ibaceta, J. Araya, R. Herzog, F. Olivares, C. Hetz, C. Duran, M.J. Escobar and A.G. Palacios. The Retinal Physiology: a Biomarker for Aging and Neurodegenerative Diseases. In Federation of Latin-American and Caribbean Societies for Neuroscience (FALAN) 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 17-20 October 2016.
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M. Otero, C. Reyes, R. Herzog, F. Olivares, A.G. Palacios and M.J. Escobar. Motion direction selectivity in central and peripheral retinal ganglion cells in a diurnal rodent. In Federation of Latin-American and Caribbean Societies for Neuroscience (FALAN) 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 17-20 October 2016.
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A.M. Elmisery and Mirela Sertovic. Privacy Enhanced Cloud-Based Recommendation Service for Implicit Discovery of Relevant Support Groups in Healthcare Social Networks. In International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing, Vol. 9(1), 2016. URL
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A.M. Elmisery, S. Rho and D. Botvich. A Fog based Middleware for Automated Compliance with OECD Privacy Principles in Internet of Healthcare Things. In IEEE Access, Vol. 4:8418 - 8441, 2016. URL
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A.M. Elmisery and Mirela Sertovic. Privacy Enhanced Recommender Service for Implicit Discovery of Relevant Support Groups in a Healthcare Social Network. In 3rd Annual Global Online Conference on Information and Computer Technology (GOCICT2016), Louisville, USA, November 2016.
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J. Muñoz-Cruzado-Alba, C.A. Rojas and S. Kouro. Power Production Losses Study by Frequency Regulation in Weak-Grid-Connected Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Plants. In Energies, Vol. 9(5), May 2016. URL
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L Mora, R. Lugo, C. Moreno and J.E. Amaya. Parameters Optimization of PID Controllers using Metaheuristics with Physical Implementation. In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC) and CLEI 2016, Valparaiso, Chile, 10-14 October 2016. URL
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F Auat Cheein, G Scaglia, M. Torres-Torriti, J. Guivant, A.J. Prado, J. Arnó, A. Ecolá and J.R. Rosell-Polo. Algebraic path tracking to aid the manual harvesting of olives using an automated service unit. In Biosystems Engineering, Vol. 142:117-132, February 2016. URL
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F.J. Yandún, J. Salvo del Pedregal, P. Prieto, M. Torres-Torriti and F Auat Cheein. LiDAR and thermal images fusion for ground-based 3D characterisation of fruit trees. In Biosystems Engineering, Vol. 151:479-494, November 2016. URL
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L. P. Veronese, F Auat Cheein, T.F. Bastos-Filho, A. Ferreira and E. Aguiar. A Computational Geometry Approach for Localization and Tracking in GPS-denied Environments. In Journal Field Robotics, Vol. 33(7):946-966, 2016. URL
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F.J. Yandún, E. Gregorio, M.D. Zuniga, A. Escola, J.R. Rosell-Polo and F Auat Cheein. Classifying Agricultural Terrain for Machinery Traversability Purpose. In The 5th IFAC Conference on Sensing, Control and Automation for Agriculture , Vol. 49(16):457-462, Seatle, USA, 2016. URL
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I. Vourkas and Georgios Papandroulidakis. Emerging Memristor-based Logic Circuit Design Approaches: A Review. In IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, Vol. 16(3):15-30, 2016. URL
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I. Vourkas, Georgios Papandroulidakis, G. Sirakoulis and A Abusleme. 2T1M-Based Double Memristive Crossbar Architecture for In-Memory Computing. In Int. Journ. of Unconventional Computing, Vol. 12(4):265-280, 2016. URL
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I. Vourkas, D. Stathis, G. Sirakoulis and S. Hamsdioui. Alternative Architectures towards Reliable Memristive Crossbar Memories. In IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst., Vol. 24(1):206-2017, 2016. URL
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G. Carvajal, L. Araneda, A. Wolf, Miguel Figueroa and S. Fischmeister. Integrating Dynamic-TDMA Communication Channels into COTS Ethernet Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 12(5):1806-1816, October 2016. URL
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R. Herzog, M.J. Escobar, A. Palacios and B. Cessac. Dimensionality Reduction in spatio-temporal MaxEnt models and analysis of Retinal Ganglion Cell Spiking Activity in experiments. In Bernstein Conference 2016 , Berlin, Germany, Bernstein Conference 2016 , Berlin, Germany, 20-23 September 2016.
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H. Ramirez, Y. Le Gorrec, B. Maschke and F. Couenne. On the passivity based control of irreversible processes: A port-Hamiltonian approach. In Automatica, Vol. 64:105-111, February 2016. URL
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M.A. Ahmed and YC Kim. Wireless-Based Architectures for Internal Monitoring of Large-Scale Wind Turbines. In International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 12(8):1-14, August 2016. URL
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W. Creixell and C. Ganter. Web Framework for Developing Real Time Applications for Education. In 5th International Workshop, LTEC 2016, Hagen, Germany, 25-28 July 2016.
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M.A. Solis, M. Olivares and H, Allende. Stabilizing Dynamic State Feedback Controller Synthesis: A Reinforcement Learning Approach. In Studies in Informatics and Control , Vol. 25(2):245-254, June 2016. URL
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C. M. Orellana and M.D. Zuniga. Object Tracking Guided by Segmentation Reliability Measures and Local Features. In Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - 11th International Joint Conference, VISIGRAPP 2016, Rome, Italy, February 27-29, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, Pages 534-554, 2016.
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M. Akhloufi, C. Nikulin, M.D. Zuniga, G. Gondeck, E Pinones and E. Vera. A framework of sorting technologies and its applicability for copper mining process. In Automining 2016, December 2016.
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C. Reyes, M. Hurtado, O. Saavedra and M.D. Zuniga. Competencias Transversales Sello USM. In 29° Congreso Chileno de Educación en Ingeniería (SOCHEDI 2016), Pucón, Chile, 5 October 2016.
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C. Nikulin, L. F. González, N. Nash, M.D. Zuniga and M. Akhloufy. Un Análisis Explorativo para medir el Proceso de Aprendizaje en distintos Estados Metamotivacionales durante la Adquisición de Nuevo Conocimiento. In 29° Congreso Chileno de Educación en Ingeniería (SOCHEDI 2016), Pucón, Chile, 5 October 2016.
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M.A. Ahmed, YC Kim, J-K. Pan and M. Song. Communication Network Architectures based on Ethernet passive Optical Network for Offshore Wind Power Farms. In Applied Sciences, Vol. 6(3):1-14, March 2016. URL
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D Garrido, A. Leiva, A. Beghelli, R Ahumada and R. Olivares. Routing, code, modulation level and spectrum assignment (RCMLSA) algorithm for elastic optical networks. In 2016 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), IEEE, Trento, Italy, 10-14 July 2016. URL
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P. Castillo, N. Müller, S. Kouro and J Romero. Integration of photovoltaic power directly in the copper electrorefining process. In Proc. ENERMIN, 2016.
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M. Solar, M. Araya, M. Solar, H. Farías, D. Mardones and Z Wang. Cloud services on an astronomy data center. In The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 9913, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 26-30 June 2016. URL
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M. Araya, G. Candia, R. Gregorio, M. Mendoza and M. Solar. Indexing data cubes for content-based searches in radio astronomy. In Astronomy and Computing, Vol. 14:23-34, January 2016. URL
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A. Llor and E Solano. Direct Model Predictive Control with Variable Commutation Instant: Application to a Parallel Multicell Converter. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 63(8):5293 - 5300, 2016. URL
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Z. Yang, M.A Soto and L. Thévenaz. Increasing robustness of bipolar pulse coding in Brillouin distributed fiber sensors. In Optics Express, Vol. 24(1):586-, 2016. URL
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M.A Soto, J.A. Ramirez and L. Thévenaz. Intensifying the response of distributed optical fibre sensors using 2D and 3D image restoration. In Nature Communications, Vol. 7(1):-, April 2016. URL
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A Denisov, M.A Soto and L. Thévenaz. Going beyond 1000000 resolved points in a Brillouin distributed fiber sensor: theoretical analysis and experimental demonstration. In Light: Science & Applications, Vol. 5(5):e16074-e16074, May 2016. URL
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A. Dominguez-Lopez, Z. Yang, M.A Soto, X Angulo-Vinuesa, S Martin-Lopez, L. Thévenaz and M. Gonzalez-Herraez. Novel scanning method for distortion-free BOTDA measurements. In Optics Express, Vol. 24(10):10188-, 2016. URL
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A Lopez-Gil, M.A Soto, X Angulo-Vinuesa, A. Dominguez-Lopez, S Martin-Lopez, L. Thévenaz and M. Gonzalez-Herraez. Evaluation of the accuracy of BOTDA systems based on the phase spectral response. In Optics Express, Vol. 24(15):17200-, 2016. URL
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Z Zhao, M.A Soto, M Tang and L. Thévenaz. Distributed shape sensing using Brillouin scattering in multi-core fibers. In Optics Express, Vol. 24(22):25211-, 2016. URL
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<< 2015 >> TOP
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P Escarate, R. Hein, Mario Duran and P. Ramaciotti. X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Accurate Copper Estimation. In Minerals Engineering, Vol. 71:13-15, February 2015. URL
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2 Add to my selection
S. Revelo and C.A. Silva. Current Reference Strategy with Explicit Negative-Sequence Component for Voltage Equalization Contribution During Asymmetric Fault-Ride Through. In International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Vol. 25(12):3449–3471, December 2015. URL
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3 Add to my selection
G Carrasco, C.A. Silva, R. Pena and R. Cardenas. Control of a Four-Leg Converter for the Operation of a DFIG Feeding Stand-Alone, Unbalanced Loads. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , Vol. 62(7):4630-4640, July 2015. URL
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T. Arredondo and W. Ormazabal. Meta-learning framework applied in bioinformatics inference system design. In Int. Journal Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Vol. 11(2):139-166, 2015. URL
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5 Add to my selection
R Feick, M Rodriguez, L Ahumada, R.A. Valenzuela, M.S. Derpich and O Bahamonde. Achievable Gains of Directional Antennas in Outdoor-Indoor Propagation Environments. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 14(3):1447-1456, March 2015. URL
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6 Add to my selection
A. Morales, W. Creixell, J. Borondo, J.C. Losada and R.M. Benito. Characterizing Ethnic Interactions from Human Communication Patterns in Ivory Coast. In Networks and Heterogeneous Media. Special Issue New Trends, Models and Applications in Complex and Multiplex Networks, Vol. 10(1):87-99, March 2015. URL
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7 Add to my selection
A. Padilla, R. Bittner and J.I. Yuz. Closed-Loop Identification and Control of Inland Vessels. In C. Ocampo-Martinez and R.R. Negenborn editors, Transport of Water versus Transport over Water: Exploring the Operational Interplay of Transport and Water, Chapter 18, Springer, 2015. URL
8 Add to my selection
M.A. Perez, S. Bernet, J. Rodriguez, S. Kouro and R. Lizana. Circuit Topologies, Modeling, Control Schemes, and Applications of Modular Multilevel Converters. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 30(1):4-17, January 2015. URL
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M.A. Perez, S. Bernet, J. Rodriguez and S. Kouro. Editorial Special Issue on Modular Multilevel Converters, 2015. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 30(1):1-3, January 2015. URL
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10 Add to my selection
J. Santana, H Carrasco and M Rodriguez. Empirically Based Study of Channel Characteristics with Near-Ground Base-Stations. In 2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), New Orleans, USA, 9-12 March 2015.
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F. Ibarra and M.E. Salgado. Optimal Tracking Control for Linear Stable Tall Plants. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2015), Sevilla, España, 17-19 March 2015.
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E. A. González, E. A. Fredes and F Auat Cheein. Human-inspired sound environment recognition system for assistive vehicles. In Journal of Neural Engineering, Vol. 12(1):016012-, February 2015. URL
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13 Add to my selection
F Auat Cheein, D. Herrera, J. Gimenez, R. Carelli, M. Torres, J.R. Rosell-Polo, A. Escola and J. Arnó. Human-Robot Interaction in Precision Agriculture: Sharing the Workspace with Service Units. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Pages 289-295, Sevilla, España, 17-19 March 2015. URL
14 Add to my selection
E. A. González and F Auat Cheein. Strategy for Collaborative Navigation in Assistive Robotics: Reducing User Workload. In The 4th International Conference on Systems and Control, Pages 430-435, Sousse, Tunisia, 28-30 April 2015. URL
15 Add to my selection
E. A. Fredes and F Auat Cheein. Navigation Assistance System based on Collision Risks Estimation using Depth Sensors. In 4th International Conference on Systems and Control, Sousse, Tunisia, 28-30 April 2015.
16 Add to my selection
D. Katselis, C.R. Rojas, B.I. Godoy, J.C Agüero and C. Beck. On the End-Performance Metric Estimator Selection. In Automatica, Vol. 62(9):22-27, August 2015. URL
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17 Add to my selection
M.A. Perez and S. Bernet. Capacitor Voltage Ripple Minimization in Modular Multilevel Converters. In Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, Sevilla, España, 17-19 March 2015.
18 Add to my selection
R. Lizana, A. Dekka, Bin Wu and M.A. Perez. Control of HVDC Transmission System Based on MMC with Three-Level Flying Capacitor Submodule. In Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, Sevilla, España, 17-19 March 2015.
19 Add to my selection
M.A. Castro, P Escarate, S. G. Zúñiga, J. Garcés and A. Guesalaga. Closed Loop for Tip-Tilt Vibration Mitigation. In OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, Arlington, Virginia, USA, 7-11 June 2015. URL
20 Add to my selection
D Cook, D Robertson and M Zanartu. Population-Based Sensitivity Analysis of a Two-Mass Model of the Vocal Folds. In The 11th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research (AQL 2015), London, UK, 8-10 April 2015.
21 Add to my selection
M Zanartu. Clinical Applications of Numerical Models of Voice Production (Keynote presentation) In The 11th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research (AQL 2015) , London, UK, 8-10 April 2015.
22 Add to my selection
D.D. Mehta, D. Deliyski, S.M. Zeitels, M Zanartu and R.E. Hillman. Integration of transnasal fiberoptic high-speed videoendoscopy with time-synchronized recordings of vocal function. In Normal & Abnormal Vocal Folds Kinematics: HSDP, OCT & NBI, Vol. I, San Francisco: Pacific Voice & Speech Foundation edition, 2015.
23 Add to my selection
R. Lizana, M.A. Perez, D. Arancibia, Jose Espinoza and J. Rodriguez. Decoupled Currents Model and Control of Modular Multilevel Converters. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 62(9):5382-5392, September 2015. URL
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24 Add to my selection
R.A. Delgado, J.C Agüero, G.C. Goodwin and E. Mendes. Application of Rank-Constrained Optimization to Nonlinear System Identification. In 1st IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems (MICNON), Saint Petersburg, Russia, 24-26 June 2015.
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D. Katselis, C.R. Rojas, B.I. Godoy and J.C Agüero. On Experimental Design for Single Carrier and Multicarrier Systems. In 13th European Control Conference ECC, Linz, Austria, 15-17 July 2015.
26 Add to my selection
C.A. Rojas, J.I. Yuz, M Aguirre and J. Rodriguez. A comparison of discrete-time models for model predictive control of induction motor drives. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Seville, Spain, 17-19 March 2015. URL
27 Add to my selection
M. Lopez, J. Rodriguez, C.A. Silva and M Rivera. Predictive Torque Control of a Multidrive System Fed by a Dual Indirect Matrix Converter. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 62(5):2731-2741, May 2015. URL
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28 Add to my selection
M. Vasquez, J. Pontt and V. Arredondo. Cycloconverter Interharmonics Current Analysis Under Unbalanced Load Based on a Real-Time Simulation. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Sevilla, España, 17-19 March 2015.
29 Add to my selection
M. Vasquez and J. Pontt. Predictive Control Alforithm Technique with reduced number of calculation for Asymetric Multilevel Converter with Floating Cells. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 17-19 March 2015.
30 Add to my selection
M. Akhloufi, Y. Guyon, A. Bendada and C. Ibarra-Castenado. Three-dimensional non-destructive testing (NDT) in the infrared spectrum. In SPIE 9485, Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XXXVII - 948519, Baltimore, MA, USA, 20-24 April 2015. URL
31 Add to my selection
J. Garcés, S. G. Zúñiga, L Close, J Males, K Morzinski, P Escarate and M.A. Castro. Vibrations in MagAO: resonance sources identification through frequency-based analysis. In OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, Arlington, USA, 7-11 June 2015. URL
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M. Akhloufi and B. Verney. Multimodal Registration and Fusion for 3D Thermal Imaging. In Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2015(Article ID 450101), 2015. URL
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33 Add to my selection
J. Silva and M.S. Derpich. On the Characterization of lp-Compressible Ergodic Sequences. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 63(11):2915-2928, June 2015. URL
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L. Ghabeli and M.S. Derpich. Approaching the capacity of two-pair bidirectional Gaussian relay networks. In IET Communications, Vol. 9(12):1458–1465, September 2015. URL
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35 Add to my selection
J.R. Rosell-Polo, F Auat Cheein, E. Gregorio, D. Andújar, L. Puigdomenech, J. Masip and A. Escola. Chapter Three – Advances in Structured Light Sensors Applications in Precision Agriculture and Livestock Farming. In Advances in Agronomy, Vol. 133:71-112, 2015. URL
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36 Add to my selection
A.F. Llico, M Zanartu, A.J. González V., G.R. Wodicka, D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan and R.E. Hillman. Real-time estimation of aerodynamic features for ambulatory voice biofeedback. In The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 138(1):EL14-EL19, July 2015. URL
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37 Add to my selection
M. Encina, J.I. Yuz, M Zanartu and G.E. Galindo. Vocal Fold Modeling through the port-Hamiltonian Systems Approach. In IEEE Multiconference on Systems and Control - MSC 2015, Sydney, Australia, 21-23 September 2015. URL
38 Add to my selection
R Carvajal, J.C Agüero, B.I. Godoy and D. Katselis. A MAP approach for lq-norm regularized sparse parameter estimation using the EM algorithm. In IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2015), Boston, USA, 17-20 September 2015.
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M. Otero, C. Sepúlveda, A.G. Palacios and M.J. Escobar. Motion Direction Selectivity in the O. Degu Retina. In Bernstein Conference 2015, Sydney, Australia, 21-23 September 2015.
40 Add to my selection
E.J. Gutiérrez, S. Kouro, C.A. Rojas and M Aguirre. Predictive Control of an H-NPC Converter for Single-phase Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems. In IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Expo 2015, Montreal, QC, Canada, 20-24 September 2015.
41 Add to my selection
A. Padilla, H. Garnier and J.I. Yuz. Recursive identification of time-varying physical parameters for a mechatronic actuator. In European Research Network on System Identification (ERNSI) Workshop 2015, Valberg, Sweden, 20-23 September 2015. URL
42 Add to my selection
F Auat Cheein, J. Guivant, R. Sanz, A. Escola, M. Torres-Torriti and J.R. Rosell-Polo. Real-time approaches for characterization of fully and partially scanned canopies in groves. In Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 118:361-371, October 2015. URL
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43 Add to my selection
D Caragata, S. El Assad and M Luduena. An improved fragile watermarking algorithm for JPEG images. In AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 69(12):1783–1794, December 2015. URL
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44 Add to my selection
T. Toulouse, M. Akhloufi, T. Celik and X. Maldague. Benchmarking of wildland fire colour segmentation algorithms. In IET Image Processing, Vol. 9(12):1064-1072, December 2015. URL
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45 Add to my selection
O. Jallouli, S. El Assad, M. Chetto, R. Lozi and D Caragata. A Novel Chaotic Generator Based On Weakly-coupled Discrete Skewtent Maps. In The 10th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2015), London, UK, 14-16 December 2015.
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S Knorn, A Donaire, J.C Agüero and R.H. Middleton. Scalability of bidirectional vehicle strings with static and dynamic measurement errors. In Automatica, Vol. 62:208-212, December 2015. URL
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M. Koscina and D Caragata. Bench-marking of Traditional Cryptographic Algorithms and Chaos-based Algorithms with DNA Operations. In The 10th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2015), London, UK, 14-16 December 2015.
48 Add to my selection
J.W. Zapata, M.A. Perez, S. Kouro, A. Lensu and A. Suuronen. Design of a Cleaning Program for a PV Plant Based on Analysis of Energy Losses. In IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, Vol. 5(6):1748-1756, November 2015. URL
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49 Add to my selection
C.A. Rojas, S. Kouro, M.A. Perez and F Villarroel. Multiobjective Fuzzy Predictive Torque Control of an Induction Machine fed by a 3L-NPC Inverter. In 3rd Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, Valparaíso, Chile, 5-6 October 2015.
50 Add to my selection
M.A. Perez and C. Garcia. Reduced Switching Frequency Operation of Power Converters using Virtual Model based MPC. In 3rd Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, Valparaíso, Chile, 5-6 October 2015.
51 Add to my selection
J.W. Zapata, M.A. Perez and S. Kouro. Design of a cleaning program for a PV plant based on the analysis of short-term and long-term effects. In 41st annual Conference of the industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2015, Yokohama, Japan, 9-12 November 2015.
52 Add to my selection
C. Ravello, R. Herzog, B. Cessac, M.J. Escobar and A.G. Palacios. Spectral dimension reduction on parametric models for spike train statistics. In 12 Colloque Societé Francaise de Neurosciences, Montpellier, France, 19-22 May 2015.
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C. Ravello, F. Olivares, R. Herzog, L. Perrinet, M.J. Escobar and A.G. Palacios. Spatiotemporal tuning of retinal ganglion cells dependent on the context of signal presentation. In European Retina Meeting 2015, Bringhton, UK, October 2015. URL
54 Add to my selection
D.D. Mehta, J.H. Van Stan, M Zanartu, M. Ghassemi, J.V. Guttag, V. Espinoza, A. Coccia, H.A. Cheyne and R.E. Hillman. Using Ambulatory Voice Monitoring to Investigate Common Voice Disorders: Research Update. In Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Vol. 3:-, October 2015. URL
55 Add to my selection
S. Salgado, S. Castro, M.J. Escobar and P Orio. Direction Selectivity in a network of non-homogeneous Starburst Amacrine Cells (SACs) In XI Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia, Coquimbo, Chile, September 2015. URL
56 Add to my selection
R. Herzog, M.J. Escobar and A.G. Palacios. On the spatial extension of the correlations on a retinal ganglion cell population: dependence on the stimuli. In XI Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia, Coquimbo, Chile, September 2015.
57 Add to my selection
S. Kouro, Jose Leon, D. Vinnikov and L.G. Franquelo. Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems: An Overview of Recent Research and Emerging PV Converter Technology. In IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Vol. 9(1):47-61, March 2015. URL
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58 Add to my selection
S. Rivera, Bin Wu, S. Kouro, V Yaramasu and J. Wang. Electric Vehicle Charging Station using a Neutral Point Clamped Converter with Bipolar DC Bus. In IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 62(4):1999-2009, April 2015. URL
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59 Add to my selection
V Yaramasu, Bin Wu, P. C. Sen, S. Kouro and M Narimani. High-Power Wind Energy Conversion Systems: State-of-the-Art and Emerging Technologies. In Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 103(5):740-788, May 2015. URL
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60 Add to my selection
V Yaramasu, Bin Wu, M Rivera, M Narimani, S. Kouro and J. Rodriguez. Generalised approach for predictive control with common-mode voltage mitigation in multilevel diodeclamped converters. In IET Power Electronics, Vol. 8705(8):1440-1450, August 2015. URL
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61 Add to my selection
S. Kouro, M.A. Perez, J. Rodriguez, A. Llor and H.A. Young. Model Predictive Control: MPC's Role in the Evolution of Power Electronics. In IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Vol. 9(4):8-21, December 2015. URL
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62 Add to my selection
M Aguirre, S. Kouro, J. Rodriguez and H. Abu-Rub. Model Predictive Control of Interleaved Boost Converters for Synchronous Generator Wind Energy Conversion Systems. In IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2015), Seville, Spain, 17-19 March 2015. URL
63 Add to my selection
C.A. Reusser, S. Kouro and R. Cardenas. Dual three-phase PMSG based Wind Energy Conversion System Using 9-switch Dual Converter. In IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2015), Montreal, QC, Canada, 20-24 September 2015. URL
64 Add to my selection
C. Verdugo, S. Kouro, T Meynard and C.A. Rojas. Comparison of T-Type Multilevel Convertersfor Single-Phase Grid-Connected PV Systems. In IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2015), Montreal, QC, Canada, 20-24 September 2015. URL
65 Add to my selection
C.A. Rojas, S. Kouro, R. Ruiz, S. Rivera and Bin Wu. Multiobjective Predictive Control of a Seven-Level CHB Converter for Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Systems. In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2015), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-5 June 2015.
66 Add to my selection
A Marquez, Jose Leon, J Vásquez, L.G. Franquelo and S. Kouro. Adaptive Phase-Shifted PWM for Multilevel Cascaded H-bridge Converters for Balanced or Unbalanced Operation. In 41st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2015), Yokohama, Japan, 9-12 November 2015.
67 Add to my selection
M. Serrano, G Scaglia, F Auat Cheein, V. Mut and O. Ortiz. Trajectory-tracking controller design with constraints in the control signals: a case study in mobile robots. In Robotica, Vol. 33(10):2186-2203, December 2015. URL
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68 Add to my selection
M. Norambuena, S. Kouro, S. Dieckerhoff and J. Rodriguez. Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control of a Stacked Multicell Converter with Reduced Computational Cost. In 41st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2015), Yokohama, Japan, 9-12 November 2015.
69 Add to my selection
C.A. Reusser and S. Kouro. Nine switch multi-channel dual converter for WECS. In 41st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2015), Yokohama, Japan, 9-12 November 2015.
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J.W. Zapata, S. Kouro, M Aguirre and T Meynard. Model predictive control of interleaved dc-dc stage for photovoltaic microconverters. In 41st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2015), Yokohama, Japan, 9-12 November 2015.
71 Add to my selection
P. Castillo, S. Kouro, C.A. Rojas and N. Müller. Photovoltaic DC-DC Converter for Direct Power Interface to Copper Electrorefining Process. In 41st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2015), Yokohama, Japan, 9-12 November 2015.
72 Add to my selection
C.A. Reusser and S. Kouro. Back-to-back Wind Energy Conversion System Configuration Based on 9-switch Dual Converter and pen-end-winding PMSG. In IEEE Southern Power Electronic Conference, SPEC 2015, Fortaleza, Brasil, 28 November - 2 December 2015.
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J.W. Zapata, S. Kouro and T Meynard. Evaluation of output connections of interleaved dc-converter stage for photovoltaic ac-module configurations. In IEEE Southern Power Electronic Conference, SPEC 2015, Fortaleza, Brasil, 28 November - 2 December 2015.
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C.R. Rojas, P.E. Valenzuela and Ricardo Rojas R.. A critical view on benchmarks based on randomly generated systems. In 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2015), Beijing, China, 19-21 October 2015.
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G. Gimpel, S. Kouro, J.W. Zapata, C.A. Rojas and M.A. Perez. Comparison of DC-DC Converters for Two-Stage Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems. In 18th International Symposium on Power Electronics - Ee 2015, Novi Sad, Serbia, 28-30 October 2015.
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E. Maurelia, Jose Espinoza, C.A. Silva, C.A. Rojas, Pedro E. Melin and E.E. Espinosa. An Operating Condition-Based Scheme to Alternate Between Control Strategies for Improved Steady-State and Transient Behavior. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 11(6):1246-1254, December 2015. URL
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A. Leiva, N. Pavez, A. Beghelli and R. Olivares. A Joint RSA Algorithm for Dynamic Flexible Optical Networking. In IEEE Latin America Transactions, Vol. 133(11):3531-3537, November 2015. URL
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78 Add to my selection
M. Vasquez, J. Pontt, M. Olivares and J. Vargas. Model predictive control for an asymmetric multilevel converter with two floating cells per phase. In 17th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'15 ECCE-Europe), Geneve, Switzerland , 8-10 September 2015.
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Alejandro Rojas and F.J. Vargas. Stabilisation over signal-to-noise ratio constrained channels: Robust analysis for the discrete-time case. In 2015 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC), Sydney, Australia, 21-23 September 2015.
80 Add to my selection
R Carvajal, J.C Agüero, B.I. Godoy and D. Katselis. EM-based sparse channel estimation in OFDM systems with lq-norm regularization in the presence of phase noise and frequency offset. In The 7th Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM 2015), Arequipa, Perú, 4-6 November 2015.
81 Add to my selection
M Uddin, S Mekhilef, M Rivera and J. Rodriguez. Imposed Weighting Factor Optimization Method for Torque Ripple Reduction of IM Fed by Indirect Matrix Converter with Predictive Control Algorithm. In Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Vol. 101227-242, January 2015. URL
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82 Add to my selection
A Calle, S Alepuz, J Bordonau, J. N. Apruzzese, P Cortes and J. Rodriguez. Model Predictive Current Control of Grid-Connected Neutral-Point-Clamped Converters to Meet Low-Voltage Ride-through Requirements. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 62(3):1503-1514, March 2015. URL
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83 Add to my selection
C. Garcia, M Rivera, M. Lopez, J. Rodriguez, R. Pena, P. Wheeler and Jose Espinoza. A Simple Current Control Strategy for a Four-Leg Indirect Matrix Converter. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics; , Vol. 30(4):2275-2287, April 2015. URL
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V Yaramasu, M Rivera, M Narimani, Bin Wu and J. Rodriguez. High performance operation for a four-leg NPC inverter with two-sample-ahead predictive control strategy. In Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 123:31-39, June 2015. URL
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F Wang, Z Zhang, R.M. Kennel and J. Rodriguez. Model predictive torque control with an extended prediction horizon for electrical drive systems. In International Journal of Control, Vol. 88(7):1379-1388, 3-3 July 2015. URL
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86 Add to my selection
S. G. Zúñiga, J. Garcés, L Close, J Males, K Morzinski, P Escarate and M.A. Castro. Vibrations in MagAO: analysis of on-sky data and future challenges in vibrations mitigation. In OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, Arlington, USA, 7 June 2015. URL
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R. Fonseca, W. Creixell, V. Rueda and J. Cashcar. Prediction of Nutritional Deficiencies in Maize Plants from Optical Properties using Spectral Signature. In Machine Learning Summer School MLSS 2015, Kyoto, Japan, August 2015.
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M. Zamani, B Ninness and J.C Agüero. On Identification of Networked systems with Timeinvariant Topology. In Proceedings of the 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 2015.
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M Rivera, M.A. Perez, C Baier, J. Munoz, V Yaramasu, Bin Wu, L. Tarisciotti, P. Zanchetta and P. Wheeler. Predictive Current Control with Fixed Switching Frequency for an NPC Converter. In IEEE 24th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Pages 1034-1039, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 3-5 June 2015. URL
90 Add to my selection
M Rivera, M.A. Perez, V Yaramasu, Bin Wu, L. Tarisciotti, P. Zanchetta and P. Wheeler. Modulate model predictive control (M2PC) with fixed switching frequency for an NPC converter. In IEEE 5th International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives - POWERENG, Pages 623-628, Riga, Latvia, 11-13 May 2015. URL
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I. Vourkas, D. Stathis and G. Sirakoulis. Massively Parallel Analog Computing: Ariadne’s Thread Was Made of Memristors. In IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 2015. URL
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I. Vourkas, A. Batsos and G. Sirakoulis. SPICE modeling of nonlinear memristive behavior. In Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl., , Vol. 43(5):553-565, 2015. URL
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L. Ljung, G.C. Goodwin, J.C Agüero and T Chen. Model error modeling and stochastic embedding. In Proceedings of the 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 2015.
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M.A. Ahmed, Y-C. Kong and YC Kim. Modeling and Simulation of Communication Networks for use in Integrating High Wind Power Generation into a Power Grid. In Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 7(4):043144, August 2015. URL
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M.A. Ahmed, M. Song, J-K. Pan and YC Kim. Remote Monitoring with Hierarchical Network Architectures for Large-Scale Wind Power Farms. In Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 10(3):1319-1327, May 2015. URL
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C. Reyes, M. Hurtado, O. Saavedra and M.D. Zuniga. Memorias Multidisciplinarias en Ingeniería y Arquitectura en la UTFSM. In 28° Congreso Chileno de Educación en Ingeniería (SOCHEDI 2015), Copiapó, Chile, 7 October 2015.
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M.A. Ahmed, Y-C. Kang and YC Kim. Communication Network Architectures for Smart-House with Renewable Energy Resources. In Energies, Vol. 8(8):8716-8735, August 2015. URL
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98 Add to my selection
C.A. Rojas, J. Rodriguez, F Villarroel, Jose Espinoza and D.A. Khaburi. Multiobjective Fuzzy Predictive Torque Control of an induction motor drive. In The 6th Power Electronics, Drive Systems & Technologies Conference (PEDSTC2015), IEEE, Tehran, Iran, 3-4 February 2015. URL
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Xiaoqiang Guo, Ran He, Xiaoyu Jia and C.A. Rojas. Leakage current reduction of transformerless three-phase cascaded multilevel PV inverter. In 2015 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), IEEE, Buzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-5 June 2015. URL
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E.J. Gutiérrez, S. Kouro, C.A. Rojas and M Aguirre. Predictive control of an H-NPC converter for single-phase rooftop photovoltaic systems. In 2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), IEEE, Montreal, QC, Canada, 20-24 September 2015. URL
101 Add to my selection
M. Solar, M. Araya, L Arevalo, V Parada, R Contreras and D. Mardones. Chilean virtual observatory. In 2015 Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), IEEE, Arequipa, Peru, 19-23 October 2015. URL
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M. Araya, M. Solar and J Antognini. A brief survey on the Virtual Observatory. In New Astronomy, Vol. 39:46-54, August 2015. URL
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M.A Soto, X. Lu, Hugo.F. Martins, M. Gonzalez-Herraez and L. Thévenaz. Distributed phase birefringence measurements based on polarization correlation in phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometers. In Optics Express, Vol. 23(19):24923-, 2015. URL
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Mahmoud Salem, M.A Soto and L. Thévenaz. Analytical model and experimental verification of the critical power for modulation instability in optical fibers. In Optics Express, Vol. 23(23):29514-, 2015. URL
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<< 2014 >> TOP
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C.A. Rojas, J.I. Yuz, C.A. Silva and J. Rodriguez. Comments on 'Predictive Torque Control of Induction Machines Based on State-Space Models'. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 61(3):1635-1638, March 2014. URL
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T. Freire, F Auat Cheein, S. Müller, W. Celeste, C. De la Cruz, D. Cavalieri, M. Sarcinelli, P. Amaral, E. Perez, C. Soria and R. Carelli. Towards a New Modality-Independent Interface for a Robotic Wheelchair. In IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol. 22(3):567-584, May 2014. URL
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F Auat Cheein and J. Guivant. SLAM-based Incremental Convex Hull Processing Approach for Treetop Volume Estimation. In Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 102:19-30, March 2014. URL
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F Auat Cheein and G Scaglia. Trajectory Tracking Controller Design for Unmanned Vehicles: a New Methodology. In Journal of Field Robotics, Vol. 31(6):861–887, November 2014. URL
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J.I. Yuz and G.C. Goodwin. Sampled-Data Models for Linear and Nonlinear Systems. Springer, 2014. URL
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M.S. Derpich and R Feick. Second-Order Spectral Statistics for the Power Gain of Wideband Wireless Channels. In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 63(3):1013-1031, March 2014. URL
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B.I. Godoy, J.C Agüero, R Carvajal, G.C. Goodwin and J.I. Yuz. Identification of sparse FIR systems using a general quantization scheme. In International Journal of Control, Vol. 84(4):874-886, April 2014. URL
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I.A. Latorre, E.I. Silva and M.E. Salgado. On the effect of additional input channels on the achievable performance of discrete-time control systems. In Automatica, Vol. 50(2):570-577, February 2014. URL
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L.A. Haralambiev and H.D. Hristov. Radiation Characteristics of 3D Resonant Cavity Antenna with Grid-Oscillator Integrated Inside. In International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2014(ID 479189), 16 January 2014. URL
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H. Ramirez. Energy based modelling and control of physical systems - Lectures 1 and 2. 13 January 2014. PDF
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H. Ramirez. Energy based modelling and control of physical systems - Lecture 3. 14 January 2014. PDF
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H. Ramirez. Energy based modelling and control of physical systems - Lecture 4. 16 January 2014. PDF
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A. Padilla, J.I. Yuz and B. Herzer. Continuous-time system identification of the steering dynamics of a ship on a river. In International Journal of Control, Vol. 87(7):1387-1405, July 2014. URL
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E Fuentes, D Kalise, J. Rodriguez and R.M. Kennel. Cascade-Free Predictive Speed Control for Electrical Drives. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 61(5):2176-2184, May 2014. URL
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P Acuna, L Moran, M Rivera, J Dixon and J. Rodriguez. Improved Active Power Filter Performance for Renewable Power Generation Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 29(2):687-694, February 2014. URL
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D Andler, R Alvarez, S. Bernet and J. Rodriguez. Switching Loss Analysis of 4.5-kV–5.5-kA IGCTs Within a 3L-ANPC Phase Leg Prototype. In IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 50(1):584-592, January 2014. URL
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M. Olivares and P. Albertos. Linear control of the flywheel inverted pendulum. In ISA Transactions, Vol. 53(5):1396–1403, September 2014. URL
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T. Orlowska-Kowalska, F. Blaabjerg and J. Rodriguez editors. Advanced and Intelligent Control in Power Electronics and Drives. Springer, 2014. URL
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R. Vallejos and J.M. Martínez. A Fast Transformation of Markov Chains and Their Respective Steady-State Probability Distributions. In The Computer Journal, Vol. 57(1):1-11, January 2014. URL
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J.M. Martínez, R. Vallejos and M. Barría. On The Limiting Probabilities of the M/Er/1 Queueing System. In Statistics and Probability Letters, Vol. 88:56-61, May 2014. URL
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M.S. Derpich and R Feick. Space-Frequency Second-Order Statistics of the Power Gain of Wideband Indoor Channels. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking WCNC 2014, Turquía, Estambul, 6-9 April 2014.
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M Zanartu, G.E. Galindo, B.D. Erath, S.D. Peterson and R.E. Hillman. Mimicking Vocal Hyperfunction using a Numerical Model of Speech Production with a Posterior Glottal Opening. The 9th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 10-12 April 2014.
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M.A. Perez and J.W. Zapata. Analysis of Short-Term and Long-Term Characteristics of PV Power Production. International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2014), Estambul, Turquía, 1-4 June 2014.
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R. Lizana and M.A. Perez. Control of MMC-HVDC System based on Local Variables. International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2014), Estambul, Turquía, 1-4 June 2014.
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L.P. Kamburov, J.M. Rodríguez_(alumno), J.R. Urumov and H.D. Hristov. Millimeter-Wave Conical Fresnel Zone Lens of Flat Dielectric Rings. In IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 62(4):2140-2148, April 2014. URL
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R. Viveros, J.I. Yuz and R Perez-Ibacache. Estimación simultánea de estado y parámetros para un sistema no lineal variante en el tiempo. In Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial, Vol. 11(3):263-274, July 2014. URL
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V Yaramasu, Bin Wu, M Rivera and J. Rodriguez. A New Power Conversion System for Megawatt PMSG Wind Turbines Using Four-Level Converters and a Simple Control Scheme Based on Two-Step Model Predictive Strategy—Part II: Simulation and Experimental Analysis. In IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 2(1):14-25, March 2014. URL
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V Yaramasu, Bin Wu, M Rivera and J. Rodriguez. A New Power Conversion System for Megawatt PMSG Wind Turbines Using Four-Level Converters and a Simple Control Scheme Based on Two-Step Model Predictive Strategy—Part I: Modeling and Theoretical Analysis. In IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 2(1):3-13, March 2014. URL
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M. A. Jofré and C.A. Silva. Low switching frequency explicit model predictive control of induction machines fed by an NPC. In 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Estambul, Turquía, 1-4 June 2014.
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S. G. Zúñiga, C. Béchet, B. Neichel, V. Fesquet, V. Garrel, P Escarate, A. Guesalaga and D. Guzmán. Laboratory validation of a laser shaping system before guide star projection. In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Montreal, Canadá, 22-27 June 2014.
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F. N. Vega and M.E. Salgado. Optimal design of P and PI controllers for simple SITO plants. Cases study. In International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2014), Estambul, Turquía, 1-4 June 2014.
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F. V. Rubilar, M.J. Escobar and T. Arredondo. Bio-Inspired Architecture for a Reactive-Reflective Robot Controller. In World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2014), Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China, 6-11 July 2014.
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T. Arredondo, E Oñate, R Santander, G Tomic, J.R. Silva, E Sánchez and C.A. Acevedo. Application of Neural Networks and Meta-Learners to Recognize Beef from OTM Cattle by Using Volatile Organic Compounds. In Food and Bioprocess Technology, Vol. 7(11):3217-3225, November 2014. URL
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A Tsanas, M Zanartu, M.A. Little, C Fox, L.O. Ramig and G.D. Clifford. Robust fundamental frequency estimation in sustained vowels: Detailed algorithmic comparisons and information fusion with adaptive Kalman filtering. In The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 135(5):2885-2901, May 2014. URL
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M. Ghassemi, J.H. Van Stan, D.D. Mehta, M Zanartu, H.A. Cheyne, R.E. Hillman and J.V. Guttag. Learning to Detect Vocal Hyperfunction From Ambulatory Neck-Surface Acceleration Features: Initial Results for Vocal Fold Nodules. In IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 61(6):1668-1675, June 2014. URL
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I Velásquez, J.I. Yuz and M.E. Salgado. Orthonormal basis functions applied to optimal control design with closed-loop pole location constraints. In International Journal of Control, Vol. 87(12):2644-2656, December 2014. URL
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V Yaramasu, M Rivera, M Narimani, Bin Wu and J. Rodriguez. Model Predictive Approach for a Simple and Effective Load Voltage Control of Four-Leg Inverter With an Output LC Filter. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 61(10):5259-5270, October 2014. URL
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F Wang, Z Chen, P Stolze, J.F Stumper, J. Rodriguez and R. Kennel. Encoderless Finite-State Predictive Torque Control for Induction Machine With a Compensated MRAS. In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 10(2):1097-1106, May 2014. URL
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C. Béchet, A. Guesalaga, B. Neichel, V. Fesquet, S. G. Zúñiga, P Escarate and D. Guzmán. Beam shaping for laser-based adaptive optics in astronomy. In Optics Express, Vol. 22(11):12994-13013, 2 June 2014. URL
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D Caragata and I Tutanescu. On the security of a new image encryption scheme based on a chaotic function. In Signal, Image and Video Processing, Vol. 8(4):641-646, May 2014. URL
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D Caragata, S. El Assad, C. Shonerigun